What numbers are you seeing first?

When you started or are starting, what number results are you seeing first? inches lost or weight loss? I am pretty up there but I am only seeing inches lost. What about you?


  • well, way back in 2010 when I started, my clothes got loose first and I didn't even register on a scale until 2 months in...so inches/clothes for me..still more with clothes now than anything :/
  • dsmansfield
    dsmansfield Posts: 1 Member
    This is just my first week on MyFitnessPlan and I love it. However, I had started working out and eating moderately for the month of January to now. I have definitely lost inches and a total of 8 pounds since January 1st.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I have only seen inches since Jan 2nd
  • Thanks for the responses! definitely lets me and you know that our bodies each differ and to keep it going even though u dont see results in both places.
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    So reassuring. I need to put my scales away as I'm discouraged by not seeing the numbers change but I know I'm doing everything right, I'm fitter and my clothes feel better. I must start taking photos and measurements.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    A lot of it depends on what approach you are taking. Some people who were already eating close to healthy and just adding exercise often see inches first others who make radical changes see the scale move first but I'd say the bulk of my MFP friends and I see a 5-10 pound scale bumb then we shrink, scale moves, we shrink, scale moves, we shrink sort of cycle. The closer we've gotten to our goal weight the slower the scale moves and th more those inches creep but the cycle still seems to hold.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Originally, I didn't use scales because I thought it might make me more depressed (I was pretty depressed over my weight back in September, which gave me my motivation to do something about it) so it was inches lost. I began working out and tweaking my diet a little (less chocolate, carbs, etc.) and found my clothes getting bigger until I had to buy a size down. After losing 2 dress sizes, I started to weigh myself because I felt more confident and found I was only slightly over the "normal" BMI for my age and height so I began using my weight to continue to track my progress.

    So I'd say now I use the scales but I still notice inches lost first and more so because I exercise so sometimes I feel the scales don't give me an accurate idea of my progress because I am building on muscle.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Pounds...I lose about an inch around my waist every 10 Lbs or so....though early on, I dropped about 1.5 inches around my neck fairly quickly...I think within the first 5 Lbs.
  • I lost quite a bit of water weight in the beginning (started in November), and I have been losing both inches and pounds at a fairly steady rate. However, I have to say that the inches have truly made the difference.
  • S_Arr_Uh
    S_Arr_Uh Posts: 77 Member
    Lost 8lbs since about Jan 1st but probably only a few cms, not inches. But to be honest, a few years ago I used to weigh about 7lbs less than I do now but was still the same size as I am now so I don't expect a huge change until I lose the next few lbs.