started with my under weight husband last night.. did the fit test.. was horrible! i hurt all over today.. and now waiting for the kids to leave with grandma so we can start day 2.. which is the actual workout itself.. anyone do this program? does it get any easier? i couldnt do any of the fit test which involved being on the floor and push ups and whatnot.. HELP! ENCOURAGEMENT PLEASE!


  • PattyC64
    PattyC64 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm on month 2. It doesn't get easier, but it gets better. As you find yourself getting stronger, you'll end up working yourself harder. It's really awesome. My push-ups are pitiful. Just remember that you aren't competing against the people in the video -- you are competing against yourself.

    During the first week, I really wondered if I should rethink it and get an easier video. But I started getting my groove once I knew what to expect. By the second week, I could actually get through the warmup without stopping lol!

    I didn't start seeing results until the second month, so don't get discouraged. I also recommend a heart rate monitor. Seeing the calories burned is a real motivator.
  • larkei
    larkei Posts: 19
    ugh im on day 2 lol..thanks for responding! im gonna keep this stuff in mind, im ready to lose some of these inches!
  • cpettigrew
    cpettigrew Posts: 168 Member
    Nope, it doesn't get easier. I threw-up the first fit-test. First cycle, I lost 7 pounds and 10 inches total.
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    It'll definitely help if you tell yourself it's not supposed to get easier! I think I was expecting that as well and was getting discouraged that I still felt like dying halfway through, until I sat back and thought about how I was feeling and what I was doing. Even though I feel like I want to die even after doing the workouts before already, I'm noticing that I am getting through more of the reps stronger and with better form (as opposed to just flailing around which was what I was doing on day 1 LOL).

    I am just about to start day 13 and am procrastinating a little bit because it's two workouts today, Pure Cardio and the abs one. But I can't deny my results.

    When I first joined the gym about a month ago, I faceplanted in the lady's office from trying to do one "real" pushup (planked on my toes, no knees on the floor). From there my goal was to be able to do push-ups and I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far getting there with Shaun T's help. I may not be going down and holding with my chest 3-5 inches off the floor, but I'm definitely noticing that I'm getting stronger with each day and it feels pretty hardcore to be able to do a pushup :D

    I do some other exercises in between insanity (ultimate frisbee team on wednesday and kickboxing at the gym tuesday and saturday) so I'm not doing insanity 6 days straight since I don't want to do two hard workouts in one day. But looked up my blog entry from day one and I started Insanity Fit Test weighing in at 199.2 and I am currently down to 192 with the workouts and with making sure that I stay under my calorie goal.

    So just stick with it and just keep remembering how it felt during the fit test. It feels awesome when you realize that you can do the moves better, stronger and better. And if it starts to feel easier...well, then you're just not digging deep enough :P My own personal goal is that if I'm not looking down into a puddle of my own sweat (I know, TMI LOL) then I just need to go harder. You can do it!!!
  • larkei
    larkei Posts: 19
    man i didnt do it yesterday.. so gotta do day 2 and 3 today or just day 2? idk.. football is coming on today too so i know my husband will be stealing the tv and ill have to go upstairs and do it.. and im still hurting from the fit test.. i dont wanna give up but yea.. im scared
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    man i didnt do it yesterday.. so gotta do day 2 and 3 today

    awww you're cute :laugh:
  • Vbussatti2012
    Vbussatti2012 Posts: 5 Member
    i have started it yet. a little afraid to be honest. lol. my brother however, he has been doing it for a few months and i cand efinitelly see the results. its not easy and you have to be very dicipline about it but it is definitelly worth it. not only are you loosing weight and inches but you will notice toning and defining of your muscles and your energy levels will start to go up as well as your endorphin levels which makes for a happierl healthier lifstyle. but DICIPLINE is a must! Good luck with your program! :)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I love the Insanity workouts but I couldn't make it thru the while workout either. As the above poster said don't compete with the people on the video compete with yourself. I am not doing the two month challenge I just do the videos every other day and rotate thru them. When I first started and couldn't do the push ups I did girlie ones and planks so I was still working the same body part now I can do about 10 full push-ups - a big feat for me! It's more important to do the exercises with good form than doing them fast - you'll get there!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Hello new friend!!! :D Just finished my last workout for week 2! Yep, definitely not easier LOL!!!

    I would recommend just doing Day 2 today. You're only doing this for yourself and I feel like if I tried to do day 2 and 3 on the same day, I would just freak out and quit the whole thing. Just work at your own pace and try to put as much as you can into each workout and take it day by day.

    You can doooo it!!! Endorphins are currently making me all googly and goofy right now. And after you nearly kill yourself on a workout, it's hard to put anything bad in your mouth that could totally cancel out the effort you just put out! So yay! Two birds, one Shaun T sized stone!
  • i did insanity, when i was fitter, it does really work! like abs and stuff! and no it doesn't get easier but you do enjoy it more and your fitness level goes higher so in that sense...i guess it does get better. You do get results, inches coming off and definition in the stomach but weight loss isn't shocking. I mean you shouldn't expect to drop 30lbs it's more of a get tighter get toned. Don't focus on the scale. I think max you can lose 10lbs with insanity. i got bored of it. it got too repetitive for me after i finished the first cycle. I've tried getting back into it. I can't lol :( maybe when I get back to a better weight, i'll try again.
  • DinoSaurous
    DinoSaurous Posts: 72 Member
    I am really on contemplating getting Insanity but I'm scared :blushing:
    Keep us posted with how you get on :smile:
  • Hi I did 3,5 weeks of it then my little one got ill, so I stopped, will start again tomorrow , every day will get easier and easier, promise.
  • You have to work through that ouch. The first 3 days it hurt to sit on the dang toilet, :laugh: After that I didn't hurt as bad. It doesn't get easier, but your confidence gets higher... you HAVE to keep going though. That honestly is the key.. keep going. You can do it!
  • jprid88
    jprid88 Posts: 17 Member
    im day 4 and i have a hard time even finishing a workout but i try the best i can. im hoping to loose weight about 10 pounds and get back to my pre pregnancy weight.
  • I just did Fit Test #3 yesterday and am super amped to see that I am still improving. The most important thing is to keep pressing play and to keep moving, even if you can't keep up with Shaun T and his crew. I'm starting Month 2 tomorrow and love it! I think it's a good fit for me because just when I feel like I am about to collapse, I look up and will see one of his crew also looking as if they are about to collapse...they'll take a quick break, then just keep going to the best of their ability. I guess it's encouraging to know that even those folks who are super fit can't make it through easily!! I try to just pace myself and push a little harder each time. I should add that I have a chronic back and pelvis condition, so have been extra careful about form and stretching. I don't overdo it on any one day because my goal is to be able to come back and workout the next point in overdoing it and then having to take 2-3 weeks to recuperate. Just keep pushing play!!! :-)
  • Wow! What an amazing thread! It is so awesome to see you all encouraging each other thru INSANITY.

    I have seen this said before, but it is true. INSANITY isn't designed to ever 'be easy'. Working with Shaun T - he even has certain routines that HE says is still challenging for him.

    It is so key to keep proper form and do what you can, allowing yourself to show up daily -- instead of burning out or pushing too hard and quitting or getting injured.

    Also - if you miss a day- just go to the next day. No reason to try to cram 2 INSANITY workouts into one day -- especially if you are a beginner.

    You see all of us in the DVDs taking breaks-- so make sure to take yours also. Drink some water or Recovery Drink and jump back in.

    You all are doing awesome! I am here to help however I can!

    In this together-- Coach Jimmy - aka - the guy with 'The Good Squats"
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    I just tried a 20 minute cardio trial of Insanity and it kicked my bottom. I couldn't do all the moves but I kept moving. That's my motto just keep moving!
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    I've done 4 gets easier. Just keep pushing play and keep pushing yourself to do more each time. When I first started I could do about 5 push ups then moved to my knees. You will get stronger!!! Good luck!!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I agree with whoever said it doesn't get easier, but it gets better.

    I am 13 workouts from finished (THANK GOD) and it is still hard, but it is worth it! The first 7-10 days are the worst. I honestly believe that if people just make it to day 10, they will go all the way, so hang in there. It's hard, but so worth it! I have lost 13 lbs and over 18 inches so far, so stick with it!
  • rokchickk
    rokchickk Posts: 9 Member
    I'm on day 4 week 2 of P90X. My plan is to do Insanity after. Loving the comments in this thread :) Loving P90X so far and I've seen some of the insanity work outs and well I see why they picked the name :) I'm new to MFP so feel free to add me as a friend. Would love to chat and need all the help I can get on this road to a better me :)

  • russell9386
    russell9386 Posts: 6 Member
    hey all so I was sick yesterday---super unbalanced dizzy etc and made the decision to rest rather than do the insanity workout (cardio recovery week 2) so should I start where I left off and do cardio recovery today or skip it all together and go to today's which is power and abs I think or something like that?? I say skip it since it is so light anyway and go today's, but what do you all experienced with this workout plan suggest??
  • russell9386
    russell9386 Posts: 6 Member
    how amazing you got to work with him!!! I love the insanity and I am always dripping with sweat by the time its done!!! I tried p90x and it just wasn't my thing I just don't like weights and way too long for me, Insanity though fast quick and hard!! You do suggest though going to the next day if I had to miss one ( i was very sick yesterday and decided to skip the cardio recovery day) thanks for any help!!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I'm in my second round of Insanity. Just due to my work schedule, I am going to frequently have to double up on workouts. I had to do it a few times in my first round, and it sucks. Definitely not something I would recommend for a beginner. I can keep up with/ beat everyone in the videos, even to the end of the second video of the day, but it requires a lot of mental and physical strength to do so.
  • I've just started insainty too, on day 5 right now. I love the way it makes me feel after but it is hard! I don't keep up the pace though, I just follow the move and do my own pace, plus I think I need to perfect my form. Its great that so many people are doing it on mpfp!
  • Just remember that you aren't competing against the people in the video -- you are competing against yourself.

    I like that- its completely true!

    Can I ask what hrm you have, I've been considering getting one.
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Got 5 more workouts left. When I first did the Fit Test, I was thinking what the !!!!!!!! But I stuck with it. I honestly did not do it everyday. I did it about every other day to avoid any injuries to my knees. I also drink protein shake or Soy light chocolate Milk afterwards. It really helps with the soreness and replenishes the body. That's "if" you don't drink the Recovery Formula. Since I have stuck with it so far Ive lost only about16 pounds but I have dropped from a snug 12 to a nice size 8. And my Body Fat % has dropped drastically.I love love love the definition in my obliques and arms. Could not do one push up before Insanity and now I can do about 20, which is huge for me. Don't quit. Stick with it. Good Luck to you pal ! :flowerforyou: