Changed my daily calorie intake.

I am a female about 5'11-6'0 and weigh 255(last time I checked) and looking to lose 60lbs(first goal) and 100lbs total. I've been browsing these forums this week and I enjoy reading about everyone's stories and getting advice from u all.
I have noticed that a majority of u all have been sayin eat more lose more. Mfp originally set my calorie intake to 1510 a day but I changed it to 1200 a day still staying below the 1200 a day. I am now gonna go about things differently. I've set it back to 1510 and I'm going to try n get in atleast 1400-1500 a day. I've been eating "clean" obsessing over that but now I think I'm gonna eat normal(still gonna try n avoid too many processed foods) while staying in my calorie bracket. I need to stop obsessing over my weightloss and just be PATIENT and believe that the weight WILL disappear.


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Based on the stats you gave, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is around 1980. That's the caloric intake your body needs to survive if you were in a coma. You need to consume AT LEAST that much.
  • loseit4ever12
    I am 5'11 and weigh 213 and eat 1620 a day plus I eat most of my exercise calories. I am set for 1.5 pound loss a week. Eating clean is good but you dont have to do it all the time. Relax a little, be patient, it will work! I have lost a total of 100 lbs since my highest weight ( I did WW and Sparkpeople before), it can be done but it takes time and not starvation :-)
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    Based on the stats you gave, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is around 1980. That's the caloric intake your body needs to survive if you were in a coma. You need to consume AT LEAST that much.
    Gosh that's so much. How do I calculate my BMR?
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    I am 5'11 and weigh 213 and eat 1620 a day plus I eat most of my exercise calories. I am set for 1.5 pound loss a week. Eating clean is good but you dont have to do it all the time. Relax a little, be patient, it will work! I have lost a total of 100 lbs since my highest weight ( I did WW and Sparkpeople before), it can be done but it takes time and not starvation :-)
    I have mine set to 2lbs a week. I'm trying so hard to relax and I have some. In January u would've thought I was a crazy woman lol.
  • thinagain2014
    thinagain2014 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm only 5'4" and originally MFP had me set for 1610 but this week I have set it to 2030 so that I am at least eating my BMR calories which is 1984. I feel so much better, I am not counting my exercise calories (I figure if I go over a little then I'm still good). But my body feels better and I have so much more energy. I have also been trying to get my 40/30/30 (protein, fat, carbs) macros in each day. As of yesterday, the weight has started to release. Eat more/lose more and as the person above said, patience is key. We didn't put the weight on in a year, so it's going to take some time to get it off.
  • 05xb
    05xb Posts: 3
    This site has a great set of tools to calculate all of your needs.

    I have lost about 110 lbs since august 2012 and from experience the best way to burn the fat is make sure you workout at least once a day, and keep track of your ratios of Protein, Carbs and Fats. This is the Fat burning zone and as long as you are eating enough calories (check the link above to calculate what you need) get ready to watch the fat burn off.

    Protein - 50%
    Carbs - 30%
    Fats - 20%

    And don't worry too much about weight, start tracking other things like BMI, Body Fat %, and Muscle%, there are weeks that I gained a pound or two but when I looked at my body fat% it droped 5%( in one week!!!!). Remember that muscle weighs more then fat and what you want is more lean muscle and less fat so DO NOT obsess over your scale, unless yours tell you the body fat %, I check mine everyday but don't even pay attention to the weight part
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Based on the stats you gave, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is around 1980. That's the caloric intake your body needs to survive if you were in a coma. You need to consume AT LEAST that much.
    Gosh that's so much. How do I calculate my BMR?

    You can google BMR calculator and it will give you a lot to choose from. I used this one:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Wow okay that helps. I don't understand why MFP would set anyone below their BMR based on their OWN BMR calculator. I was below my BMR by 150 kcals a day(set to 1-pound/week weight loss) and wondering why I was always so hungry, especially since I started lifting 3 days a week. Jeez. Way to go MFP. Fail.

    Here is the MFP BMR calculator tool if anyone needs it:
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    Ahh mfp says my BMR is 2005 calories a day! Is that how much I'm supposed to have a day without exercising or with? Ahh I'm so confused on everything lol
  • 05xb
    05xb Posts: 3
    Ahh mfp says my BMR is 2005 calories a day! Is that how much I'm supposed to have a day without exercising or with? Ahh I'm so confused on everything lol

    That's without working out, that's just what it takes for you to breath and live during the day :)