It really works

iditaron Posts: 6 Member
Well I started My Fitness Pal 2 months ago today, so I decided to do my weekly weigh in a bit early this week, (I usually weigh in on Sunday morning). I have lost 35 pounds since starting MFP and more than 45 pounds from my heaviest at 304 pounds. Even though 255 is not a weight I am happy with, it is a milestone just in knowing I will never go back to the way I was.

If you are new to MFP, stick with it. I am beginning to see very clearly what everyone talks about in regard to not just more energy, but truly a better and more enjoyable view of life. Two months ago I had resolved myself to an early onset heart attack or stroke, and was wondering when the doctor was going to diagnose me with diabetes. Then looked at my daughter and saw how well my wife was doing and said "I am not ready to give up yet."

Now I am working out (which I made every excuse in the world for not doing), I am hiking (going to the Grand Canyon this next weekend) and I have even completed not just my SCUBA diving course, but in fact have become a certified Rescue Diver, all in the past two months.

I know I still have LONG WAY to go, but I know that I will only keep feeling better and better and able to do more and more each week and for that I thank you My Fitness Plan - this web site has helped save my life. I am certain about that.

To all of you out there, like I said keep it up - life really is worth it,

Best Wishes

Ron Irwin
Survivor of a 6 year Food and Television Coma!!!


  • waltoc
    waltoc Posts: 3
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Congratulations...Way to go and so good for you..Keep on going ..... You will get to your final destination!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:drinker:
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Congratulations...Way to go and so good for you..Keep on going ..... You will get to your final destination!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:drinker:

    By the way that's a drink of water and lemon juice!!!
  • Kelseykim
    Kelseykim Posts: 19
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Congratulations!!!! WTG keep it up!!!
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Awesome!!!! I did the Canyon 2 years ago and LOVED it. What trail are you taking? I recommend hiking poles!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Very impressive! I like your reason for starting your weight loss (or 'new way of Living') program. Better health was my reason, too. It feels really good to be able to walk farther and wow the doctor at the annual visit (and look better, too. ;)
    May you and I and all of us who have started this new, better way of life, continue this program for the rest of our lives.
    Hugs, BJB (57yo wife, mother, grandmother, etc. ;)
  • MonaRae
    MonaRae Posts: 3 Member
    This was very inspirational! Keep up the good work because you are worth it!
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Wow Ron,very inspiring,good for you.You sound so excited and content.WTG!:drinker:

    mine is a light beer from miller!!lol:drinker:
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    That's amazing! What an inspiration!
  • iditaron
    iditaron Posts: 6 Member
    We are just going to do small day hike, because we are bring the 2 year old. We were thinking the Rim Trail or maybe the easier sections of Bright Angel.
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    Wow! That's amazing! So happy for you. Tell me, any tips on how you saw the best results thus far? I'm starting and don't want to lose my focus. My husband is feeling inspired and don't want him to get discouraged. We're eating healthier, no junk food, we're starting to walk as much as possible. And I'm about to order the P90X workout system. Anything else you think we could do to start on the right foot? I'm all ears!:smile: And thanks for the inspiration! You're awesome! And look forward to progress pictures! Those are always a true motivator! :happy:
  • Kwilliams75
    Kwilliams75 Posts: 231 Member
    Congrats!!! Thats a great weight lose!!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    What a guy and amazing man Congrats and Best Wishes
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    I love reading messages like yours. It is so inspirational when people get it and stick with it. Once the mind is made up and committed to get healthy the physical part has no choice but to follow. Kudos to you and your family and happy hiking :smile:
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    We are just going to do small day hike, because we are bring the 2 year old. We were thinking the Rim Trail or maybe the easier sections of Bright Angel.

    You won't need poles for that. Take lots of water and good snacks and keep your 2 year old by your side and HAVE FUN!!!!! Congrats on your success. You will eventually want to do the hike to the bottom of the canyon! Best Wishes!
  • iditaron
    iditaron Posts: 6 Member
    Track your food and exercise everyday on MFP. That is what did it for me. Even when I was ashamed or felt I ate too much - I still tracked (except my trip to Vegas :laugh: Cause you know what you eat in Vegas stays in Vegas Right?). Even if you don't know what the nutritional information is (say you go out to dinner at a place that is not in MFP's database) use best comparables to estimate.

    Also I just started cooking most of my meals, and I use cookbooks that include the nutritional information for each recipe.

    The just recently I went to the grocery store to do my weekly shopping and was having a huge munchie urge, so I started checking the calorie counts on different types of chips to find the healthiest (Haha) that inspired me to collect up a sampling of all the junk food I typically ate a day while in my food and television coma and realized I was packing down any were from 3500 - 6000 calories a day in SNACKS ALONE!!! Just Snacks.

    I put the chips away and left that aisle all together.

    Put simply I am sure I will eat junk food again. Heck I still do on a rare occasion. You know I go to watch the Suns or Diamondbacks play I will split a pizza with my the friend I am with, or if I take my daughter to the movies we might split some popcorn and candy, but I am far more cognizant of what and when I eat.

    My doctor put it best when he said: "There is no secret trick to losing weight, simply burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight..." he was right, and MFP is the perfect tool for making sure I do just that.
  • iditaron
    iditaron Posts: 6 Member
    I want to do the hike to the bottom now...Its just the hike back to the top I am not all that interested in :smile: Thanks for the encouragement and tip.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing! I really needed to hear this.

    Congratulations on your success. :flowerforyou: That is an amazing job in just 2 months. I have really been struggling this year and was just about to give up today.
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