A quick intro

rgrstetson Posts: 121 Member
edited January 14 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all,

I have caught myself lurking more the past couple days and figured I would make in intro so I am just not some random dude posting in threads....

I am 38 years old and just hit my 20 year service mark in the Army. In 2011 I fractured my femoral neck and pelvis on a jump and did not realize it until I ran a marathon two weeks later and couldn't move it the next day. I was adapted to eating mass amounts of calories to keep up with my training and lifestyle which did not go over well when my activity screeched to a halt. I gained 40 lbs and quickly saw my energy levels drop and my desire to train disappeared. It is amazing what an effect diet and exercise have on each other. When I couldn't exercise all I wanted was junk, sugar, sugar, sugar...now that I am back at it my body is screaming for the healthy foods that I was used to before.

Anyway, I am married to my angelic queen whom I affectionately refer to as my Lady Stetson. We have three children, one girl age 11, and two boys 15 and 2. I want to always be a role model for my children and remain active. Right now I am closing on my BS in Sport and Fitness Management and will be flowing on to a Human Performance and Health Masters program in January of 2014. My overall educational goal is to have my PhD in Exercise Physiology. I would love to teach at the collegiate level and coach cross country after I am finished playing soldier. I truly enjoy running and prefer the longer distance stuff. My longest to date is a 100 mile trail run that I finished in a bit over 28 hours. Definitely a wonderful experience.

It is good to meet you all. I look forward to getting to know you all.



  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My husband was a 20-year army man, too, so I know the life. There is much about it we miss - friends, travel, community. He's retired from the army but now working for a federal agency, and I work for a nonprofit. We are back in our home state and enjoying time together. Your goals sound great - good luck to you!
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Glad to meet you and hope to read more of what you post in threads.
  • Hi its nice to meet you, my names Hannah. Just trying to shift those last stubborn pounds!
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    First, thank you for your service.
    Secondly, good luck with your goals.
    You can do it :)
  • Queenb1212
    Queenb1212 Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome aboard rgr! You can friend me if you like. Fighting this weight battle, I may need you to use those U.S. army boots to help keep me focused. Thank you for serving our country.
  • Indyimp
    Indyimp Posts: 75 Member
    Good to meet you! I'm a navy brat, myself. My father did 4 yrs in the Air Force and 16 in the Navy. Welcome :smile:
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Nice to meet you....don't worry, we all lurk a little.
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I understand the fracture and not knowing thing. I fractured my hip mountain bike riding 5 year's ago and didn't know it for over 2 years and eventually had hip replacement surgery last year. Now trying to get rid of the 40+ lbs I gained when I was not able to be mobile - but didn't change my eating habits. We all lurk (as stated earlier) but we're all also here for support and encouragement!
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I was an army brat. Welcome to MFP.
  • rgrstetson
    rgrstetson Posts: 121 Member
    Wow! Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I am humbled and honored to serve. I truly look forward to getting to know everyone better here, helping where I can, and learning as well! I love this place already!
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