counted cals, done heaps of exercise and nothing....

So, this week I've been off work. I've exercised everyday. I've watched my calories, carbs and fat. Everyday when I complete it says I'd lose 4-5 pounds in 5 weeks if everyday were like today. So imagine my dismay when I get on the scales and have put a pound ON. Checked inches and lost nothing..... why am I hungry all the time if Im not going to lose any weight??????? Need some inspiration.


  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    If you've only been doing it for a week and have been exercising every day - it's probably just water weight. Your muscles are retaining water to heal themselves from your recent excercise. Keep doing it and in another week you'll probably seeing the scale go down.
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I so understand and feel your frustration. I gained 2 pounds this week. I'm frustrated. since I've had thyroid issues it is a STRUGGLE . I just had my levels checked not too long ago and they are "optimal" So I'm not sure if I can blame that anymore or just something i'm doing that's not working.
    Everyone on here is going to ask you if you ate your exercise calories since you worked out so did you?

    It'll happen! You CAN do it! Just hang in there!
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    What are you eating and when? How long have you been doing this? Are you pooping regular? Drinking lots of water?

    Water weighs ALOT one gallon weighs eight pounds. It will bloat and sweel all parts of your body, as well. Calm down and keep working. It'll fall off in a few days.
  • audreyak88
    audreyak88 Posts: 1
    same thing is happening for me.. ive recently seen a seemingly good wieghtloss product on amazon. com
    who knows i bought it tho ill let you know if it works.
  • britchan
    britchan Posts: 3 Member
    You can't just lose 5 lbs. in a week. First off, its kind of unhealthy and secondly, if you lose weight fast by dieting and starving yourself, once you're off your diet, it will come straight back on. Take things slow and set out small goals for yourself. Also, its not weight you should be worrying about completely, its how much body fat you have. That couple of pounds could have easily been water weight as the previous poster said or it could be you gained muscles. Weight also includes your muscle weight.

    You can also gain inches in areas but that may be because of your muscles. If you're truly worried, go see your doctor. :)
  • kat1976
    kat1976 Posts: 10
    I ate some of the exercise calories, but still stayed way under 1400 cals. everyday. I have thyroid problems too. I've been on thyroxine for 11 years. it IS hard to lose once your thyroid goes. After losing 2lbs so quickly during the first few weeks I thought I was on to a winner here. I'll keep plugging away and hopefully see some results next week. Cheers!
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    So, this week I've been off work. I've exercised everyday. I've watched my calories, carbs and fat. Everyday when I complete it says I'd lose 4-5 pounds in 5 weeks if everyday were like today. So imagine my dismay when I get on the scales and have put a pound ON. Checked inches and lost nothing..... why am I hungry all the time if Im not going to lose any weight??????? Need some inspiration.

    Have you also checked your Sodium? Maybe you lost in fat but gained in muscles. Do you have your TOM or are sick or have stress?
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    Definitely worth cutting out the sugar. Sodas, juice drinks, coffee concoctions, candy, etc.

    You should try eating ALL 1400 cals and if you are hungry, eat your exercise calories as well. The body needs fuel to burn fat, but if you have thyroid problems it is not a good idea to throw metabolism off balance.

    Good luck!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It's been a week, don't worry yet!! Your body takes a couple weeks to adjust to major changes... and if you are working out that much, your muscles are definitely holding water from the newly-added exercise.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    if you are hungry all the time you are likely either
    a) not eating enough calories
    b) not eating enough volume (i.e., having one 1,100 calorie meal a day)
    or c) your metabolism is in "panic mode" and you need to reassure it that you are not trying to starve the body - i've found that eating every 2-3 hours during the day works well in pacing the metabolism and dropping weight. in fact, this "schedule" is highly recommended for those watching their sugar intake - hypoglycemics, diabetics etc.

    or it could be that your calorie defecit is causing your body to panic also. contrary to the opinion of some, you do not need to eat back ALL of your exercise calories, but there shouldn't be a massive defecit either. i'd say there should be no more than 20% left over.
  • faith1908
    faith1908 Posts: 8
    Don't be a victim of the dreadful scale. Focus on being healthy. It is better to lose slowing so that you can keep it off. I know it is not fun but in the end you will be much happier. I have done the yo yo thing and it is not fun nor is it healthy. I have lost lost of weight really quickly a couple of times and after a while your skin stops being nice to you. Take it slow. Watch what you eat and remember to eat all the calories allowed especially if your excerising. Your body need fuel to repair. Drink plenty of water at least 64 oz, stay away from sodium or preserved foods it can make you retain more fluid. Don't weigh yourself everyday, maybe once a month at the same time. Take your message when your not retaining fluid. Have fun and relax if you stress it can cause you to gain especially with your hormone situation. It will happen but you want it to be naturally and healthy. Good luck
  • kat1976
    kat1976 Posts: 10
    Thanks guys! A lot of good advice. Im chillin out this weekend and giving my muscles a rest. My legs ached all night last night. Probably not a good thing. Hopefully when I get back to work next week and back on a schedule I'll feel better. When Im at work I eat breakfast, snack on fruit in morning, have a salad for lunch, snack on fruit in afternoon and then have my dinner. While I've been off I've tried no snacking and exercising more. Maybe next week when Im back on track all will be well again! :-D

    Thanks for the support!