morning workout?



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I have have 2 of the worlds most annoying housemates (not in an I hate my housemates kind of way) that both work nights so they are awake when I wanna get up I just tell them 'Hey if i am not up by 5 please wake me up." if I dont answer their texts they continually text me and bang on my door until my dog drives me insane and I drag my *kitten* out of bed.

    In the past though, sleeping in my workout clothes has worked real well, keeping my shoes by my bed also helps, if I don't have to run around finding things its easier. once you do it for a while it becomes a routine and you just do it.
  • zooles
    zooles Posts: 93 Member
    This totally helps!!! If you have the knowledge that someone out there is waiting on and expecting you, there is more of a chance that it WILL happen. I have done this and not only does it help you, you will also find out the other person needs you just as much as you need them to get up and get out there.
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    I am most definitely not a morning person, either, but I get up at 5 a.m. to work out. I have to - while I love the idea of working out in the afternoons, I will simply procrastinate until I run out of time. For me, getting it out of the way first thing is the best option.

    I am also a "hit snooze as long as possible" person. I put my alarm clock all the way across the room, so it is less tempting to just get back into bed. At first, I had to set it a half hour earlier, just so when I kept hitting snooze, I would eventually get sick of it and get up in enough time to exercise.

    I get my clothes out the night before. That way I don't have to stumble around and wake up my dogs or little girl. lol I do the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, which is a 20-25-minute workout. I have to repeat to myself a lot, "It is only 25 minutes, you can do it," or, "Remember you wanted to see results..." or "You are hating this right now, but you will be so glad you did once it's over!"

    Sometimes I am REALLY not feeling it, and I remember a blog I read once. The guy said, "You don't need motivation, you just need to start." He said break it into really, really small steps - for example "I just need to get out of bed," then "I just need to get my clothes on," then "I just need to do the first jumping jack..." Before you know it, you are into the workout, your blood is flowing, and by then, you're already going so you might as well finish. lol :)

    Feel free to add me (any of you!)... I can always use some extra motivation and am happy to return the favor! Good luck!!

    This is me too!! I have to do it for me and once I get started I am is the end result that motivates me to get started:-)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Also, the alternative for me was to work out after a day at the office, which meant that I wasn't eating dinner until 7:30 - 8:00, with a 10 pm bedtime. That just didn't work for me.

    haha this is what I do and I prefer it to mornings. A big reason is that I REALLY loathe sitting at my desk all day, so by the end of the work day I can't wait to get in a great workout just to move my body. I eat my afternoon snack (usually yogurt and/or fruit) around 4pm so I can fuel myself through my 6pm workout.

    Just gotta do whatever will get you to do it consistently :)
  • MJackson54
    MJackson54 Posts: 44 Member
    I have never used an alarm in my life so I can't give you any advice about alarms. I DO know that when I have someone waiting for me . . . nothing stops me from getting there. So, I always make sure I have a partner to work out with. Then whether it's walking, swimming, doing P90-X . . . I'm always with a partner. And I don't want to keep them waiting.
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Same here. However, I've finally found something that has worked for me the past 1.5 months. I also put my alarm across the room forcing me to actually get out of bed to shut it off. However, some days that wasn't enough and the bed would seduce me back under the covers. Now what I do is put a 5-Hour Energy on top of my alarm clock every night. That way when my alarm hits, I drink the 5-Hour Energy immediately after turning off the alarm. Even if I get back in bed, the 5-Hour Energy makes it very hard to fall back asleep which forces me to get up and start my workout. After doing this for a while it becomes routine and much easier.

    I'm sure some will say that 5-Hour Energy isn't the best thing for you, which I would have to agree. However, they way I see it, the benefits of forcing me to get up and workout outweigh any negatives 5-Hour Energy might create.
  • kt_731
    kt_731 Posts: 74 Member
    Same here. However, I've finally found something that has worked for me the past 1.5 months. I also put my alarm across the room forcing me to actually get out of bed to shut it off. However, some days that wasn't enough and the bed would seduce me back under the covers. Now what I do is put a 5-Hour Energy on top of my alarm clock every night. That way when my alarm hits, I drink the 5-Hour Energy immediately after turning off the alarm. Even if I get back in bed, the 5-Hour Energy makes it very hard to fall back asleep which forces me to get up and start my workout. After doing this for a while it becomes routine and much easier.

    I'm sure some will say that 5-Hour Energy isn't the best thing for you, which I would have to agree. However, they way I see it, the benefits of forcing me to get up and workout outweigh any negatives 5-Hour Energy might create.

    I may try this
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I like being able to sleep in, but found that if I waited until afternoon or evening to work out, it didn't get done. After work I just want to relax and hang out with my hubby. It was really hard to get started in the mornings (I'm up at 5 AM to do this now), but it's really great now that it's become part of my routine. I can enjoy the peace and quiet in the house at that time and it's great to not have any distractions so I can really focus on whatever I'm doing.

    At first, it took a little bit of psyching myself up to do it and staring at my workout gear that I set right next to my side of the bed. But now I (usually) enjoy it.

    Edited for a typo
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I finally started working out early in the morning because I made too many excuses to not go after work.

    Honestly, it takes some time to get used to (at least a week), but after I got used to it, I couldn't go back. I have gotten to where I enjoy my me-time, having coffee and toast on my way to the gym. Plugging in some good music or a tv show that I want to watch and burning those calories. By the time I shower and get to work, I feel great. More energy during the day, I sleep better and I get more done at home after work (making dinner, cleaning, errands or things I WANT to do).

    It's not for everyone, but if you can get into the swing of things, it's fantastic.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    The **ONLY** possible time I can work out now is in the morning. I wake up at 5:30am to work out each weekday. I have found for me, I just have to "do it." I do not allow myself to hit the snooze alarm, I do not allow myself to bargain with myself. I just don't think. I get on autopilot and just get out of bed. Chances are, if I hit the snooze or start making deals with myself I will end up turning the alarm off and not exercising.

    I am not a natural morning exerciser - but I do find that once I am up and exercising I feel great. But, of course, there is not telling myself that when I am cozy in bed and that rude alarm goes off!
    ^^ this is my routine exactly.
  • Since becoming a mom 10 years ago the only time I have to workout is in the morning, not that I could not in the evening, but I have that parent guilt for not being home. It took me a long time to get into the routine but some things that helped were:

    1. Not working out at your house all you want to do in the morning is sleep
    2. Meeting a friend at the gym....accountability
    3. Getting ready for work at the gym....I rent a locker and keep all of my makeup and hair stuff there...if I don't go I will look bad all day.
    4. Get up that early even on the weekends you need to get your body in a routine and if you sleep in two days a week you will never get in a routine.

    Anyway, I have been a morning workout person now for ten years, once you are out of bed and moving you forget you were tired and are ready for the rest of your day. Don't have to dread going to the gym and showering again at night.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I love working out in the mornings. I know I wouldn't work out half as much if I did it in the evenings. There are mornings where I dont feel like working out, but I do anyway. I feel so much better when I am done. And I am done for the rest of the day! Its a great way to start out the day!! Try to go to bed early so you get your 8 hours of sleep. Eventually it will get easier and easier and become routine. Good Luck!!!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    No gimmicks - either you want it, or you don't.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    I wasn't a morning person before I started working out. The key for me, is getting to bed on time. It is almost impossible to workout in the morning if you are not getting enough sleep before hand. Once you adjust your bed time, getting up is easy. I run on about 6.5 to 7 hours of sleep most days.

    I also agree with getting early on days you don't workout. Sleeping in one day can mess your schedule up, because then it's hard to go to bed early that night.
  • marianneread
    marianneread Posts: 21 Member
    Everyone has given great advice. I lay out my clothes the night before and plan my workout so there are no decisions to be made in the morning, just get up and go. I have one friend who even sleeps in her gym clothes so she's already dressed.
  • SkinnyForMinnie
    SkinnyForMinnie Posts: 68 Member
    Bump. Interesting!
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I used to either have to work out in the mornings or I would never do it. I hate getting up earlier to workout so I quit doing that, got a trainer, and meet him after work for an hour. The appointment keeps me accountable and I make time for it. If this is important to you, try to make time for it at night (since getting up super early sucks). I do make dinner later than I would normally eat it, but it has not affected my results.
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    Sleep in your workout clothes. That way all you have to do is throw your shoes on and you're ready to go! :) It really helps.
  • There are some great apps out there that'll let you sent your own voice as your alarm clock on your smart phone. You can record yourself saying that you want to get up and work out because you know it important.

    Are you making sure to get to bed early enough? Sleep is important too!
  • I am most definitely not a morning person, either, but I get up at 5 a.m. to work out. I have to - while I love the idea of working out in the afternoons, I will simply procrastinate until I run out of time. For me, getting it out of the way first thing is the best option.

    I am also a "hit snooze as long as possible" person. I put my alarm clock all the way across the room, so it is less tempting to just get back into bed. At first, I had to set it a half hour earlier, just so when I kept hitting snooze, I would eventually get sick of it and get up in enough time to exercise.

    I get my clothes out the night before. That way I don't have to stumble around and wake up my dogs or little girl. lol I do the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, which is a 20-25-minute workout. I have to repeat to myself a lot, "It is only 25 minutes, you can do it," or, "Remember you wanted to see results..." or "You are hating this right now, but you will be so glad you did once it's over!"

    Sometimes I am REALLY not feeling it, and I remember a blog I read once. The guy said, "You don't need motivation, you just need to start." He said break it into really, really small steps - for example "I just need to get out of bed," then "I just need to get my clothes on," then "I just need to do the first jumping jack..." Before you know it, you are into the workout, your blood is flowing, and by then, you're already going so you might as well finish. lol :)

    Feel free to add me (any of you!)... I can always use some extra motivation and am happy to return the favor! Good luck!!

    This is me too!! I have to do it for me and once I get started I am is the end result that motivates me to get started:-)

    This seems the most accurate for me too. It definitely helps to break it down to small steps and remind myself that Jillian's video is short. Days I go to the gym, I remind myself that I enjoy it almost every time once I get started. Treadmill work is actually kind of fun with the right playlist in my ears. Just don't get carried away and trip or knock your ipod to the floor, which I have done. My friend and I will use the same kind of method we do for going out to a club...start the motivating/let's dance/let's do this!! music going a prior to leaving.