weight watchers v calorie counting



  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm doing WW and quite happy with it. I needed the group to get me started. I'm getting near my goal weight and once i'm there it will be free. I like MFP to see how many calories I'm getting also the online message boards and tracker is quite user friendly
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I have a coworker who did WW and eventually became a couselor. I like comparing our menus. Here is a sample day.

    Me: A multi grain sandwich thin with an egg and a slice of 2% cheese. (Very filling around 220 calories and protein packed)
    Her: 1 pop tart

    Morning Snack
    Me: container of yogurt or a cup of fruit and almonds
    Her: mini Reese cups

    Me: Usually a sandwich with lean turkey and mustard; and some fruit
    Her: Subway or fast food french fries

    Afternoon Snack:
    Me: A sugar free pudding cup
    Her: Ginger Snaps

    Me: Grilled chicken or fish and steamed vegetables
    Her: pound cake and cheez it crackers

    While she may have stayed within her points, I would like to think I had a better day. I want more bang for my buck calorie wise. She makes me think that WW does not really educate it's members. Besides have you looked at the sodium in their packaged food. YIKES!!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I have a coworker who did WW and eventually became a couselor. I like comparing our menus. Here is a sample day.

    Me: A multi grain sandwich thin with an egg and a slice of 2% cheese. (Very filling around 220 calories and protein packed)
    Her: 1 pop tart

    Morning Snack
    Me: container of yogurt or a cup of fruit and almonds
    Her: mini Reese cups

    Me: Usually a sandwich with lean turkey and mustard; and some fruit
    Her: Subway or fast food french fries

    Afternoon Snack:
    Me: A sugar free pudding cup
    Her: Ginger Snaps

    Me: Grilled chicken or fish and steamed vegetables
    Her: pound cake and cheez it crackers

    While she may have stayed within her points, I would like to think I had a better day. I want more bang for my buck calorie wise. She makes me think that WW does not really educate it's members. Besides have you looked at the sodium in their packaged food. YIKES!!

    if your friend is eating that every day, she should be ashamed of herself as a WW counselor. I'm doing WW and my daily meals are very similar to yours.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    Yes, you can eat all the crap and stay within your points. That is an option, but they do not teach you to do that. I try to eat as healthy as possible and stay within points and do work in the occasional treat because that is allowed.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Yes, you can eat all the crap and stay within your points. That is an option, but they do not teach you to do that. I try to eat as healthy as possible and stay within points and do work in the occasional treat because that is allowed.
    Yeah I find it funny that people say WW doesn't teach you how to eat right. If you go weekly, you get the weekly pamphlet, which is on a different topic each time - everything from how to make good choices when eating out, what foods are good for you, etc. If they don't learn anything about how to eat right from those pamphlets, then people must be throwing them straight into the garbage?
  • jjlibunao
    I've done WW and have been successful on it but two things that really bugged me is: expensive monthly dues (which was more than my 24 Hour gym membership) and having to convert everything to points. Once I joined MFP, I cancelled my WW membership. I'm much happier because it's free and the MFP has practically every food listed in their food database. I also like the different Community Forums. I think WW is great for those who like to have that weekly "support group" but for me, there are more advantages with MFP.
  • stratcat45
    stratcat45 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes, you can eat all the crap and stay within your points. That is an option, but they do not teach you to do that. I try to eat as healthy as possible and stay within points and do work in the occasional treat because that is allowed.
    Yeah I find it funny that people say WW doesn't teach you how to eat right. If you go weekly, you get the weekly pamphlet, which is on a different topic each time - everything from how to make good choices when eating out, what foods are good for you, etc. If they don't learn anything about how to eat right from those pamphlets, then people must be throwing them straight into the garbage?

    With the older point plan, you could get buy with more junk food as that was the same point value as the healthy stuff. With the new Points Plus - it isn't that easy. I'd still be downing 1-2 large bags of chips daily had I not gone to Weight Watchers - I've learned quite a lot, eat healthier and have more energy. I'm a Lifetimer but have gained some back (due to my own fault, not the program) but joined her to see the calorie intake.
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
    bumping for later
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    The fact that all fruits and veggies are zero points, and learning that you can eat as much as you want of them and lose weight pretty much confused me.

    Ugh!! Why do people keep saying this?? I've been on WW for almost a month, and even I know that a) Not all veggies and fruits are zero points - most are and b) A SERVING of them is zero points. No where does it say you can shovel as much as you want.

    I don't know, I love this forum for advice and whatnot, but I like having to only count points versus counting cals, proteins, fat, carbs, sugars.....

    Agree. I'm doing both ww and mfp. I joined MFP first last Feb but didn't lose any weight. Joined WW in May and have lost on average 1.5 pounds per week. I've stalled lately but thats my own fault. I haven't been doing the exercise like I used to. When the weather is nice I would walk 2 to 3x's a day. And yes I know that not all fruits and veggies are zero points and it does go by servings. Doesn't mean you can eat all you want. WW has a great feature where you check off a SERVING of fruits and or veggies,, water, your vitamin, healthy oils, exercise and your 3 servings of dairy. Thats SERVINGS people not as much as you want.

    WW has taught me healthier eating habits and I always track on there ...don't always track on MFP.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    I have done weight watcher before and am finding Fitness Pal alot easier and funner. Their food data base seems to be bigger and it just seems easier for me to use. Save your money, meet and get friends here on My Fitness Pal and you will have a great support system. Friend me I am Ellen Taylor or etaylor2. Hope this helps you.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I have done Weight Watchers.

    The basics of WW is no different to MFP, you just count points rather than calories. If you can do WW, you can do MFP.

    MFP is free. WW is not.

    WW encourage you to buy processed, expensive, chemical riddled food in portion sizes big enough for a small child. MFP teaches you how to eat healthily without the need for microwave meals.

    MFP teaches you about macros, healthy amounts of protein, fats, carbs, and sodium levels. WW simply concentrates on points.

    Switch to MFP. You won't regret it.

    My co-teacher and I are both on fitness plans -- he is doing WW and I'm doing MFP. So far, the difference in weight loss has been right around the same amount. The only difference I see between the two of is appears in the points vs calories counting. He also seems to be eating a lot of food that he is not able to count as points (no bar scans on the school lunch food!) and he also still goes out to buy fast food. I don't think WW focuses as much on nutrition as MFP does. Even though technically I can eat whatever I want as long as I'm within calorie goals, I still see MFP as a great way to SEE what I'm eating and analyze the food choices so I can say "Hmmm, too much fat and sugar today, gotta watch that". I think MFP holds us more accountable for our choices. I need the discipline.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    They're both essentially the same thing - they're a method of measuring what you eat. Personally, I prefer to count calories because it seems more straightforward to me, but perhaps WW makes things simpler for you. Neither is intrinsically better or worse, in my opinion - whatever keeps you motivated to continue with your healthier lifestyle is the best choice you can make.
  • changejen2013
    I've never done WW but have successful maintained and lost weight on numerous occasions with MFP. It definitely works, don't want you thinking that it doesn't and you're giving up something you know that does. MFP is the BEST site I've seen that's free!
  • krlong2
    krlong2 Posts: 1 Member
    First, I am inspired and encouraged by the successes many have posted on this forum.

    I have never used WW. I am very familiar with the food exchanges. Similar to others who have posted, I have trouble estimating calories looking at a plate (a real problem in a restaurant), but I can estimate the exchanges very easily. Even better, I plan my meals with exchanges. For example, when I pack my lunch I know I need 3 proteins, 3 breads/starches, 2 veges, and I can have a fat. Not too difficult after l learned the exchanges. I have to assume points are similar in concept.

    After using exchanges to plan my meals, I track my calories with what I actually eat on MFP. I don't need to track my exchanges, because I am tracking the calories, etc. on MFP.

    I haven't been doing this long, but so far it is working for me.
  • CynthiaMetallic
    CynthiaMetallic Posts: 6 Member
    I am a WW member and successfully lost 60 lbs. using their program - and it's a great program! They teach the basic guidelines of what your body needs each day (protein, fruits, veggies, etc.) - but you have the freedom to eat whatever you'd like (if you so chose) - just like we have that ability right here.

    In January, I switched my monthly membership to eTools only. I decided not to quit altogether because I enjoy the articles on eating well/fitness, recipe/shopping ideas, the success stories - among other tools that are available to me, so right now, it's worth it. But, I no longer use the points system and their tracker for logging my food diary. I have hypertension so I have to watch my sodium intake and that's what I like most about MFP. I'm able to tweak my calories, carbs, sodium, etc. to what my doctor recommends. That's something that WW didn't offer. You just paid attention to your points values and nothing else.

    My husband has to watch his carbs closely, as he has Diabetes 2. He had no idea, until he started using MFP, how many sugars were in the fruits he was eating. Because he was able to customize the food diary, he's swapped out some favorite fruits that were higher in sugar with others and he's eating more vegetables.

    At some point, I may end up canceling eTools, but for now, I find that it compliments MFP. Why not give it another month and see if you're still using WW. If not, then cancel. If so, then stick around for another month. However, if it's causing a financial hardship, then you should definitely cancel it. You can always start it back up at a later date.
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Today makes a year since joining WW!!! I LOVE it!! The meetings are the BEST!!!! I double track, just don't like paying but so far 71 lbs. lost! Go me!!!
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    I have done Weight Watchers.

    The basics of WW is no different to MFP, you just count points rather than calories. If you can do WW, you can do MFP.

    MFP is free. WW is not.

    WW encourage you to buy processed, expensive, chemical riddled food in portion sizes big enough for a small child. MFP teaches you how to eat healthily without the need for microwave meals.

    MFP teaches you about macros, healthy amounts of protein, fats, carbs, and sodium levels. WW simply concentrates on points.
    oh, YES! WW does definitely focus on nutrition! You are in control of you own journey as we are in MFP, healthy choices are the major focus. but nothing beats FREE!!!

    Switch to MFP. You won't regret it.

    My co-teacher and I are both on fitness plans -- he is doing WW and I'm doing MFP. So far, the difference in weight loss has been right around the same amount. The only difference I see between the two of is appears in the points vs calories counting. He also seems to be eating a lot of food that he is not able to count as points (no bar scans on the school lunch food!) and he also still goes out to buy fast food. I don't think WW focuses as much on nutrition as MFP does. Even though technically I can eat whatever I want as long as I'm within calorie goals, I still see MFP as a great way to SEE what I'm eating and analyze the food choices so I can say "Hmmm, too much fat and sugar today, gotta watch that". I think MFP holds us more accountable for our choices. I need the discipline.
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    Both programs are excellent...what it boils down to is whether or not you can afford WW. This economy is tough and its sometimes hard to make ends meet and only you know what you can afford.
  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    I have started and stopped wight watchers too many times, for me it all depended on the leaders and those who attended your meetings. I had two great leaders and did well, but others times not so much. I found many times I would eat great during the day, but always saved points for junk food. That usually led to a slide and I would gain my weight back. Finally it got to the point I couldn't afford to do it anymore. I like MFP, its basically the principal, its just calories instead of points & I get a lot of support from my friends here. Its really a choice, if you can be disciplined, then this site will work for you & its free!
  • rainaj30
    I was part of a weight watchers group when I was younger, I didn't really get much success with it then but maybe it has changed. I have lost 40 pounds and kept it off for a year now with fitnesspal and calorie counting. Results of each type of program are different for everyone though. I have friend who has lost alot of weight and had great success with weight watchers. It is really about finding what works for you and changing your lifestyle.