I just signed up today...

Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:


  • frazzlecg
    frazzlecg Posts: 50 Member
    Don't give up! I lost 40 pounds, three times before. Once was following pregnancy. Hopefully this is the last time, lol. Feel free to add.
  • frazzlecg
    frazzlecg Posts: 50 Member
    You look great in your photo, btw.
  • rookshideout
    rookshideout Posts: 2 Member
    It's very hard when your partner isn't supportive of your efforts. There must be a reason why he/she does not want to see you regain your health and vitality.. Perhaps they don't want to be left behind? Who knows, but don't be deterred by them. You know you must do this and you CAN do this. It takes a lot of determination, but the reward will be worth it. I am still on that journey, and I have slipped many times, but I hope that by checking in here with people who are in the same boat, I will get the support I need. Good luck!
  • Navigator0811
    The site is awesome, way to taking the first steps!
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome! I recommend measuring all your food, and buying a food scale.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Welcome! we are glad you are here
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    You can do this! I added u =)
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    you have to do this for you. im in the same situation. my fiance is a twig. tall 180 pounds. can eat anything and never gain an ounce. i started at 265. diabetes, high blood pressure, pcos, and many other problems. he is not very supportive. wants his fast food and home cooked meals. i had enough and had to make changes.
  • 1964Lynn
    Hi I just started MFP the last part of Jan and quite enjoying watching what I eat. It really helps to keep track of your calories. You are a very pretty girl just think of your wedding day in your skinny dress. You can do it. I added you.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I know how tough that can be. My boyfriend tries to be supportive, but he doesn't understand why I take this all so seriously. He is constantly asking me to lighten up and eat a burger, or skip my workout for the day. It can be tough, but I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm in this for me!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:

    Sorry, but your fiance doesn't sound like a guy you should be considering marrying if he isn't supportive. Men who want their women to remain unhealthy and obese do so because they realize once the woman loses the weight, she will be more desirable to other men -- and he has lost control over her. He may not even be too accepting of your situation as it stands now, either -- but he figures you're overweight, you have low self esteem and hey, it's a free ride for him because "no other man would want you". (I have often heard stories of men who prefer their women this way, because that means the women are "lucky to have a guy like me") It's psychological warfare.

    Your man may not become that, but if he is resisting your desire to change, you MIGHT want to consider that a red flag.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome! When I began a year and a half ago, I didn't really tell my husband what I was doing. I just told him that I had to give up soda, and start watching what I eat. At the time, I was having gallbladder issues, and had episodes where I was in severe pain. After I had it removed, I kept with what I was doing. Like your SO, my husband loved me the way I was. Then, he saw me losing weight. I had brought home some new shorts that fit, and within 2-3 months they were baggy. He finally asked what size I was. Now he is all about eating healthy, walking, and getting fit. It may take time, but you can inspire your SO to want the same things you do. It is possible! If you think of it as a lifestyle change and allow yourself to eat some "normal" foods by fitting them into your calories, you'll do fine. Sent a friend request.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:

    Sorry, but your fiance doesn't sound like a guy you should be considering marrying if he isn't supportive. Men who want their women to remain unhealthy and obese do so because they realize once the woman loses the weight, she will be more desirable to other men -- and he has lost control over her. He may not even be too accepting of your situation as it stands now, either -- but he figures you're overweight, you have low self esteem and hey, it's a free ride for him because "no other man would want you". (I have often heard stories of men who prefer their women this way, because that means the women are "lucky to have a guy like me") It's psychological warfare.

    Your man may not become that, but if he is resisting your desire to change, you MIGHT want to consider that a red flag.

    Way to go and over-read half a sentence.
  • lindakuj
    Welcome!! Your guy should support you!!!!! Being healthy is a good goal worth being supported!!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:

    Sorry, but your fiance doesn't sound like a guy you should be considering marrying if he isn't supportive. Men who want their women to remain unhealthy and obese do so because they realize once the woman loses the weight, she will be more desirable to other men -- and he has lost control over her. He may not even be too accepting of your situation as it stands now, either -- but he figures you're overweight, you have low self esteem and hey, it's a free ride for him because "no other man would want you". (I have often heard stories of men who prefer their women this way, because that means the women are "lucky to have a guy like me") It's psychological warfare.

    Your man may not become that, but if he is resisting your desire to change, you MIGHT want to consider that a red flag.

    Way to go and over-read half a sentence.

    Not at all -- have you ever seen those documentaries of morbidly obese people (I'm talking 600 lbs and above) who are about to get gastric bypass surgery and get moved to the Cleveland weight clinic or some place like that? In each situation, their partners were either just as obese, OR they were very skinny ones. Once the patients started losing tons of weight, their relationships began to suffer and many couples broke up. They were threatened by the changes going on in the person, and couldn't handle it. One man, I remember clearly, was so in love with the idea of taking care of his bed ridden woman, that as soon as she got up and started losing weight, he started arguing with her and mentally abusing her. HE wanted her to remain an invalid, because he was judging his self worth on HER dependence on him to bathe her, feed her, etc.

    I stand by my "reading" into the situation. I do think some men prefer their women to be obese, because low self esteem usually is tied into this, and the men see that as a way to keep those women dependent on them, because in their eyes "nobody else would ever want me". It's a form of co-dependency and psychological beat down.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:

    Sorry, but your fiance doesn't sound like a guy you should be considering marrying if he isn't supportive. Men who want their women to remain unhealthy and obese do so because they realize once the woman loses the weight, she will be more desirable to other men -- and he has lost control over her. He may not even be too accepting of your situation as it stands now, either -- but he figures you're overweight, you have low self esteem and hey, it's a free ride for him because "no other man would want you". (I have often heard stories of men who prefer their women this way, because that means the women are "lucky to have a guy like me") It's psychological warfare.

    Your man may not become that, but if he is resisting your desire to change, you MIGHT want to consider that a red flag.

    Way to go and over-read half a sentence.

    Not at all -- have you ever seen those documentaries of morbidly obese people (I'm talking 600 lbs and above) who are about to get gastric bypass surgery and get moved to the Cleveland weight clinic or some place like that? In each situation, their partners were either just as obese, OR they were very skinny ones. Once the patients started losing tons of weight, their relationships began to suffer and many couples broke up. They were threatened by the changes going on in the person, and couldn't handle it. One man, I remember clearly, was so in love with the idea of taking care of his bed ridden woman, that as soon as she got up and started losing weight, he started arguing with her and mentally abusing her. HE wanted her to remain an invalid, because he was judging his self worth on HER dependence on him to bathe her, feed her, etc.

    I stand by my "reading" into the situation. I do think some men prefer their women to be obese, because low self esteem usually is tied into this, and the men see that as a way to keep those women dependent on them, because in their eyes "nobody else would ever want me". It's a form of co-dependency and psychological beat down.

    I see, you saw a documentary. The OP posted 5 words about her bf and the rest is a wild invention in your head. And because of this she should dump her fiancée.

    You win the WTF award for the day.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome to the site! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Peanutbutterx
    Hi, you can do it!! the key - dont give up :) and even if you do eat something not so healthy, dont let it ruin your whole day just go right back on your diet if you do slip up. that was something i struggled with, if i couldnt resist a cupcake or cookie earlier in the day.. i was ordering pizza and going on a calorie fest throughout the night because i figured i already ruined the day with that cupcake, but dont think like i did! just keep going and dont stop until you reach your goal, your a beautiful girl and you will do great :)
  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome!! I'm glad you started putting your health first! We all have to start somewhere, and here is a pretty great place to start.
    I agree with some of the other posters, buy a food scale, measure EVERYTHING, and don't ever give up! It's a marathon, not sprint! Take advantage of all the features of MFP!

    Sometimes I find that telling everyone in my immediate circle about my decision to make a serious shift can be detrimental to my progress...Action is what will get you further toward your goals, not talking about it. And you're the one who has to feel the way you do, and you are the one who will have to do the hard work to get where you want to go. In no time I bet your SO sees you and says, "You're lookin' awesome! Whatever you're doing, keep it up!"
  • GymBeast2
    I am glad to see you are taking the first step and joining this site. Welcome aboard!!!

    I hope I don't "read" into an unsupportive SO. I have one too so you are not alone in that area. HUGS to you!

    Grats on getting married in 2014. Your dress maker is going to be pretty upset from doing all the alterations, but those are NSV. I say rack them up.

    Again welcome!