Not loosing any weight? Try this

NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So I am constantly reading stories about people not being able to loose this weight after working thier butt off for weeks!! They are in a rut. I want to use this forum as a work out suggestion page. Post a workout that was hard for you or that you did that you would like th share. So when people are in a rut or they can't think of any ideas, to change thier routine, this can give them and you new ideas/workouts.


  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    15 minute on the stairs (not the stepper the actual stairs that circulate)

    12 reps 3 sets of each - Don’t do it in a row do one then the other until you have done each 3 times or you will get bored.

    - Use a medicine ball or 3-5 lbs do a normal squat. The arms are in a 90 degree angle and your hands next to your head. As you go to squat press your arms up. (Shoulder press).
    - Walking lunge 6 one way 6 back (if you can with lbs in your hand use them)
    - Lay on a matt with your legs up in exactly 90 degree angle. (May not sound like much but it works the fuba area (right above the vagaga).
    - Plank – 15 seconds

    After the 3 reps are done of each then continue to this..

    - Pick up ball squat. Put your legs in a wide stance toes pointed out place a ball or lbs on the ground right in front of you. Squat pick up the lbs and lift above head and squat to put it back on the floor. That counts as one.
    - Backward knee lunge. Stand in a normal stance. Bring your knee in front of you like you are about to kick and bring it back in to a lunge. Do each leg separate 12 each side. This should be done in place; there is no traveling.
    - Bcycles – I am assuming you know how to do these.

    This should take about 45 minute. If it is not do some miscellaneous arm exercises like tricep dips, bicep curls, and crunches.

    15 minutes on the elliptical (intervals)
    3 minutes run 3 minute walk for 12 minute
    3-5 minute cool down

    This workout done at a quick pace could burn 650-800 calories
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    bumping for future refference, no suggestions just want to see what others have to say
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    This is a great idea. I will have to keep following this one.
  • dfrase
    dfrase Posts: 2
    Besides the must also know how your body is wired for the use or misuse of carbs, fats, and protiens. My wife and I have both been on the yo-yo for years. However, when we had a Weight Management DNA test done we found each of our systems was wired different....I must trim the fats and my wife must trim the carbs; plus have a good cardio exercise program.
    We both went "duh"...because we both had been trying to do the same diet programs with the same foods; without knowing what are bodies really required to get the results we wanted. The DNA test we took cost $129. and they have a great support program both on=line and a personal consultation. It's truly been what we needed for years. Doug Fraser, Weatherford, TX
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    ZUMBA!! The funnest workout I've ever done! Find a class near you and dance the fat off :) I love it! :D
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Besides the must also know how your body is wired for the use or misuse of carbs, fats, and protiens. My wife and I have both been on the yo-yo for years. However, when we had a Weight Management DNA test done we found each of our systems was wired different....I must trim the fats and my wife must trim the carbs; plus have a good cardio exercise program.
    We both went "duh"...because we both had been trying to do the same diet programs with the same foods; without knowing what are bodies really required to get the results we wanted. The DNA test we took cost $129. and they have a great support program both on=line and a personal consultation. It's truly been what we needed for years. Doug Fraser, Weatherford, TX

    Ok I understand what your saying but most people arent going to get tested esp in a recession like this. This is more fo ideas to spice up your workout for long time weight loss/managment.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Couh 2 5k with 30 minutes of Circuit training. It really revs up your calories burn and keeps things moving!! I get easily bored so changing what I am doing every 5-10 minutes really helps!!

    Great post:bigsmile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    The 2 month Insanity Total Body workout series by ShaunT . It will truly kick your butt!! This is what burns serious calories!!!
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