What are you giving up for LENT?



  • mcalichio
    mcalichio Posts: 2 Member
    Soda and Fast food
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I am giving up eating out
  • Phythisisa
    Phythisisa Posts: 7 Member
    I usually give up something I am really addicted to, like the Computer or the Television. This year I am giving up playing ALL computer games.

    As a Catholic, I fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday I also abstain from all meat products and treats on Fridays.
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    I gave up watching tv...sounds easy enough until you realize that you can't watch the weather or cooking channels, NCSI....usually I give up wine, dessert, going out to eat.....ect...
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I gave up Facebook! Last year I gave up soda and with the exception of one occasionally, I don't drink it anymore. I gave up FB in 2011 for Lent and it was really liberating to not feel as though a social network had control over me - since it's become a time suck again, I decided it was time. Maybe for good!
  • Phythisisa
    Phythisisa Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, TV can be really difficult to give up. Not only weather channels, you cannot watch the News. So if something happens like a hurricane or an earthquake, you are never quite sure what happened. Newspapers give pictures, radio gives descriptions, but only television really takes you there.

    But not watching television does give you time to pray and to meditate. It gives you time to telephone friends and relatives, or to write letters or do crafts. It is surprising how much time you find you have.