You MUST Take Pictures - Euphoria to Anger!

I posted this as a blog this morning but thought it might be worth a community post :)

I'm about a month away from my MFP 1st anniversary. I did my weigh-in today as I do every Saturday morning and decided to take my measurements too, which I haven't done for about 3 months. When I started out my goal was to lose a couple of stone (28lbs or 13kg) but I've ended up losing 3 and a half stone (49lbs or 22kg). At 175lbs I wasn't classed as obese but I was at the upper end of being over weight. Now I'm 126lbs and my BMI shows I am at the lower end of being a healthy weight. So I'm trying very hard to maintain my current weight without losing any more. Today I worked out just how many inches of fat I have actually lost since I started on my journey......and I think it's just amazing!

OK so here's the stats (measured in inches) and the reason for this blog:-

6th April 2012 / 16th February 2013

Neck 15.0 / 13.5

Bust 41.0 / 34.0

Waist 38.0 / 28.5

Hips 42.0 / 37.0

Thighs 39.0 / 34.5

I didn't record my stats on day1, I was a couple of weeks in so I could have already lost some in that time. But on these measurements alone that is 27.5 inches of fat that has disappeared, dissolved, gone!

I was so excited at this revelation I just had to tell the world how proud I am of my achievements. So I started this blog and thought 'oh I could add some pictures'. But no, I don't have any! Before my weight loss I point blank refused to have anyone take a picture of me, I was so ashamed of how I looked. And when I joined MFP it was only by accident I stumbled on the app and thought, just out of interest I'll log what I'd eaten the two previous days just to see how many calories I actually consume. Never did I think that I would have had to date 325 ( or whatever it is at the moment) continuous logging days!! So, even though I'd read how important it is to take before pictures, it didn't seem to apply to me as I didn't think I was in it for the long haul.

So my 'oh my god that's amazing' reaction this morning to my inch loss, has very quickly turned to extreme annoyance and anger at myself. I really do feel sick at the thought of not being able to look back at how I was and see the difference in how I am now. All that weight is gone......for ever......I am so proud of myself and what I have achieved but you do forget what you looked like before once you have reached goal.

So, please, please, please, make sure you have some before pictures taken. You may not feel like you want to do this now, for whatever reason, but please just do it!! When you get to goal you will be so pleased you did.


  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Great message for newbies. Wish I had done this.
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    Great results, and a really good message for new folks.

    For me it was the holiday pictures in October that was the spur, they are still there waiting to be rolled out on 1st goal day (when I get to 4 stones , 56 pounds lost)

    Great story and inspirational dedication to logging!

  • StonesUnturned
    StonesUnturned Posts: 94 Member
    Aw, that's too bad, but you know how different you feel. Congratulations! In this age of cameras everywhere, maybe a picture will turn up later.
    I took before pictures, but focused on my waist and hips. I wish I'd included more of my legs, where I've seen some real changes. I didn't measure my thighs when I started either, so I'm not too sure what's happened there except for the change in clothes fit.