ZUMBA - Worth the Purchase?

trejon Posts: 203
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am thinking about buying the Zumba Bundle. However at a cost of around $100 for the program I would like to know more about it? I do not want something that in a month is going to gather dust. I like working out but would not dance in front of people:embarassed: . Help People.:noway:


  • cryket03
    cryket03 Posts: 4
    I have never done it myself. Although im going to give it a try during our gyms free trial week next month. If you are thinking of going to a gym, see if they offer a trial class. I can pay $5 and give the class a shot before purchasing it. See if they have something like that.

    BUT, what I can say, is that those girls who I know who HAVE done it, absolultely LOVE IT!! I have a few friends on Facebook who are ALWAYS raving about their class. And i've watched it while at the gym, and think it looks like a lot of fun. Many women(and a couple of men) of all different ages and sizes.

    Good luck
  • lesliept
    lesliept Posts: 1
    You can search on zumba.com for an instructor in your area. Most gyms will let you sample a class before joining. You can also go on youtube and sample some zumba classes. I am a zumba instructor and enjoy teaching the class. It is an enjoyable form of exercise and I typically burn about 500 calories a class. The steps are very basic and the songs are very motivating.
  • HELL YEAH!!!!
    zumba my gosh you will feel great and just amazing :D
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I go to a center and do it... AND LOVE IT!! It does take a little doing it in front of people.. but I guess I'm lucky and everyone that goes where I go is great! You have to remember, everyone in there is doing it for at least very similar reasons that you are. We have a wide variety of people (sex, size, athleticism, you name it) If the dvds are your only option I'd go for it. I've been doing it for a few months now and have lost 20 pounds and 15 inches thanks to it. It really has you using all of your body and it doesn't even feel like your working out. I wear an HRM and depending on the songs/dances we do and instructors I can loose anywhere from 500-700 cals in an hour. Good luck!
  • jbest73
    jbest73 Posts: 18 Member
    I love Zumba but I would try a class first. It seems like a lot to spend if your not sure. If you love to dance, you will enjoy it. I like the energy in a class setting but I think I might try the DVD's as well. Let me know what you decide. Go Zumba!
  • maestrachistosa
    maestrachistosa Posts: 202 Member
    I love it too, but have only taken classes. I have trouble motivating to work out at home, so the class format works well for me. If you enjoy working out at home, I say go for it. The music is lively and makes you want to dance. I think it also depends on your "boredness factor. If the bundle comes with a variety of music/levels/etc it would seem that there would be enough variety to keep you interested.

    If you decide to try a class, keep in mind that the instructor can make or break it. My regular instructor was out and a sub came this week. It wasn't good. I got a better workout at home the next night with my Wii Just Dance game. But, now I appreciate my awesome teacher even more!

    Good luck!
  • sunnysashka
    sunnysashka Posts: 296
    You absolutely have to try it! But people who say that it all depends on instructor are right. If you will not fall in love with it from your first try, please try it with another instructor! Good luck!
  • AdymondNtheRuff
    AdymondNtheRuff Posts: 108 Member
    I have a grrrreeeaaa!!!t Zumba instructor at my gym... when ever someone new comes to class while leaving I heard several people say they think she is definitely the best instructor they have ever had doing zumba... Zumba varies depending on what the instructor is teaching to sum up my instructor she pops much booty and rolls those hip ALOT!!! So you will definitely feel the full core workout with the engagement of arms and thighs. I would agree.. take a class see if a friend could get you a guess pass. Also check amazon before making the purchase.:bigsmile:
  • buddazmami
    buddazmami Posts: 10
    It is so worth the purchase. I am a Zumba instructor and it is alot of fun. I started out taking classes and believe it or not it changed my life. It was the first time I felt like I wasn't really working out . It wasn't a chore for me anymore it was just fun, dancing, and good music. I went from being a student who then went to become and instructor, to quiting smoking to starting to see a change in my weight. I went from a size 20 to a size 18 to a size 16. Now working on moving into that 14 . I say give it a try but try a CLASS first. Most places will let you take a free class.
  • ginabhappy
    ginabhappy Posts: 15 Member
    hey you have'nt lived until you've tried ZUMBA. I used to workout at the gym 5 days a week, now I do ZUMBA classes & its the most awesome workout ever. I invited my daughter (age 25) and she loves it too. Shes going to classes to be instructor as a matter of fact. Just try it one time you'll be hooked. Good luck!
  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    If you are not quite sure if you will like it yet, I would not invest in it too quickly...$100 is no small change. I do hear a lot of good things about Zumba though. I understand that you have issues with dancing in front of people so you don't want to jump at taking a group class. That being said, my suggestion is that you find out if any libraries carry a Zumba dvd and check one out to see if you like it. Otherwise, just go through standard rental at a video store or Netflix. Good luck!
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    You are the only person that read my not wanting to do it in public and to think in terms of the cost. I think I am going to go to an early class that has few people and see if I like it enough to buy the tapes. Does not seem that many people have made the purchase.
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