sodium guys?

hey i know that mfp gives you a "normal" amount of soduium in your nutrition, but its also adjustable. and since i am stumped as to why i can't lose anymore weight, i have decided to closely examine my sugar and sodium in my normal diet. so what is the amount of sodium ya'll would reccomend staying around? if it matters, i'm 5'6 and range from 153-160 depending on the day, and i've been stuck at that weight for about 3 years and i've tried everything else. i'm also going to get my thyroid checked soon. just to see.


  • marsha73
    marsha73 Posts: 23
    I checked with the American Heart association website- they recommend 1500 mg daily
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    |WOW I am glad to know its 1500, I am WAY over!!! I had no idea what it was suppose to be at!
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    1500 is what i've heard off numerous sites is actually required for our body. FDA says no more then 2300.
  • veganmommy04
    thanks so much for the help! mfp had mine automatically set at 2something, i'd have to look for the exact amount so 1500. now i have a goal to shoot for. thanks for all your help!
  • MelissaLu
    MelissaLu Posts: 83
    Ugh, that's incredibly frustrating, because it's so hard for me not to eat under 2000 in sodium. >_<
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    MFP has my daily goal set at 2500...can that be right? Now I'm really confused. It seems that sodium intake should be much lower like around the 1500 recommended by the American Heart Assoc.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    MFP has my daily goal set at 2500...can that be right? Now I'm really confused. It seems that sodium intake should be much lower like around the 1500 recommended by the American Heart Assoc.

    You can go in and change your sodium goal to whatever you would like it to be.
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    MFP has my daily goal set at 2500...can that be right? Now I'm really confused. It seems that sodium intake should be much lower like around the 1500 recommended by the American Heart Assoc.

    You can go in and change your sodium goal to whatever you would like it to be.

    Where do I do that?
  • veganmommy04
    dont feel bad, mfp has my sodium set at 2,500 as well. i'm not sure where to change it. but someone on here will know lol
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    You can go in and change your sodium goal to whatever you would like it to be.

    Where do I do that?

    in your goals, select to change them manually and you can input whatever value you want for sodium, sugar fiber etc.

    I have my sodium set at 2000. 1500mg is the minimum that your body needs to function well. I beleive aiming for between 1500 and 2000 is good. Also don't freak if you go over every once in a while just be sure to drink lots of water so you kidneys can filter the excess sodium out of your system.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I had no idea you needed at least 1500. I had been trying to stay as low as possible! Thanks!
  • marsha73
    marsha73 Posts: 23
    after I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, I started checking out how much was recommended daily. Especially after my feet and hands started getting really swollen- especially in the mornings. It is hard to to make those changes, I am trying: my 1st step was to not cook with salt which that is easier now, my 2nd step is not to add any to my food after being cooked-which I have done. Just watch out for "low sodium" foods because sometimes I have found there is something added-like fat to make it taste better. I am just starting on this low sodium thing and I have been told by several nurse friends that once you truly are on a low sodium diet - everything will taste salty.