Just finished Insanity... uphappy with results. What next?



  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    NO! Not at all... I started p90x so out of shape. I bought the pull up bar and have never even taken it out of the box. All you really need are the bands because they will show you how to get the same results without the bar. Don't think that you won't get as good of a workout with the bands because you still will be so so sore. I think I bought my p90x on amazon and they gave me an option to add the bands for just a little more. I've never really looked into Chalean.. I've heard people talk about it but honestly I get a full body workout from doing p90 and then I try to add additional cardio on weekends to burn more fat. Also with p90 you can chose to do the lean version, classic, or doubles or even mix it up depending on your fitness level. I always do lean because I feel like that's the easiest one :) If I wasn't so disappointed with turbo fire I would think about ordering one of the other beachbody programs but I just don't want to waste my money like I did with turbo fire.

    I'm a huge p90x fan. I think it's a well-rounded program. I bought the pull-up bar and the bands. Unfortunately the bar doesn't for in any of my door frames. So, out of necessity I use the bands.

    Another good program - and less expensive - is Chris Freytag's 10 pound slimdown xtreme.
  • lisa4you143
    lisa4you143 Posts: 49 Member
    I think the pull up bar is good for men or women who are fit, but when I started p90x I personally couldn't even do one pull up. I think if you're out of shape (or just think pull ups are hard!!!) you should start with the bands and then always buy the pull up bar later. The bands are used for other workouts within the program, not just pull ups. I know target and walmart have the pull up bars so it's not hard to find if you work up to that point.
  • I LOVED Insanity but also found that I didn't really see the physical/visible results I expected...and I brought it hard from the first day until the last day. I felt tighter after Insanity, but was at a weight plateau pretty much the entire time despite eating a solid amount/day, good protein, lots of water. That being said, it was a great workout to help me realize how hard I can push myself without getting injured (i have a chronic back/hip condition) and how important it is to listen to my body to prevent further injury. When I finished Insanity, I started with the Skogg kettlebell workouts, as well as HIIT (b/c, really though, once one has experienced the *kitten*-kicking cardio-intensity of Insanity, it IS hard to go back to a normal level!). I now have a weekly routine that combines Zuzka ZCUT workouts with Skogg kettlebell workouts, though I plan to add in a bit of JM's 30DS/Ripped in 30 and heavy resistance band training just for some variety. I also really like Amy Dixon's Breathless Cardo DVD and Jessica Smith's Cardio Abs DVD.

    I'm curious about Asylum and may consider rewarding myself with it once I reach my goal weight (have about five pounds to go). It looks pretty intense and unforgiving, but I really enjoyed Shaun T and his crew.
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I LOVED Insanity but also found that I didn't really see the physical/visible results I expected...and I brought it hard from the first day until the last day. I felt tighter after Insanity, but was at a weight plateau pretty much the entire time despite eating a solid amount/day, good protein, lots of water. That being said, it was a great workout to help me realize how hard I can push myself without getting injured (i have a chronic back/hip condition) and how important it is to listen to my body to prevent further injury. When I finished Insanity, I started with the Skogg kettlebell workouts, as well as HIIT (b/c, really though, once one has experienced the *kitten*-kicking cardio-intensity of Insanity, it IS hard to go back to a normal level!). I now have a weekly routine that combines Zuzka ZCUT workouts with Skogg kettlebell workouts, though I plan to add in a bit of JM's 30DS/Ripped in 30 and heavy resistance band training just for some variety. I also really like Amy Dixon's Breathless Cardo DVD and Jessica Smith's Cardio Abs DVD.

    I'm curious about Asylum and may consider rewarding myself with it once I reach my goal weight (have about five pounds to go). It looks pretty intense and unforgiving, but I really enjoyed Shaun T and his crew.

    Your experience eskimite and that of the OP, is similar to mine, I still have 2 weeks to go of Insanity and barring a miracle I haven't really had visible changes at all as a direct result of the workout, despite as you did having good water intake, nutrition etc. My weight didn't change nor did my measurements (oh wait I did gain nearly an inch in muscle around my butt, NOT quite what I was going for). So I would hazard a guess that for every one person who has had great visible results there are 10 more who haven't, I think it is important to realise that many of the before/afters are unlikely to be from only one round of something, and also if you are in good shape and a healthy range to start off with, bizarrely I think those stunning results are much harder to attain.

    Having said that, I do love the programme too, and Shaun T, and the non-visible benefits are HUGE. It was only when I had to take some time off from all my workouts due to illness, and then went back, that I realised just how strong and fast Insanity had made me. The fitness gains in such a short time are astonishing. It is also very addictive, so I can completely understand why people continue doing it after the first round. I really missed it when I was sick. Asylum looks amazing too, the Relief day stretch (20 mins) is great, and I now do that everyday after Insanity for deeper and more intense stretches which are much needed.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I run 5 miles a day and do p90x ab ripper for my stomach. I had a great beach body last summer with that. I'm working on getting it back for this summer now. :)
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    also I'm doing 30 day shred and getting pretty fantastic results.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Huge thighs and calves? Pictures please.

    lift heavy would be my advice.

    lulz. squat heavy thats all you need to do

  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    When the beachbody convention has left the room :wink: ,

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    also I'm doing 30 day shred and getting pretty fantastic results.

    Way to go with your 5m run, that's awesome!

    I have been interested in P90X cause a lot of folks seem to get great results in 90 days
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I did Insanity and although I was happy with the results I certainly didn't get a flat tummy from it!!

    I love Chalean Extreme and have had more noticeable results in a shorter time than I did with Insanity but I believe that's down to having less BF atm. I'm going to carry on with CLX as I do enjoy it alot.
  • I might skip the bar. I mean I can't even start at negative pull ups because I can't do those either!

    Complain about not getting results yet you don't want to commit to doing the work. Tough road ahead of you I suspect if you try having both worlds, something has to give or you will be stuck in the same spot.

    Um... I'm not uncommitted to doing the work but I need to work up to being able to doing even a modified negative pull-up. I'm not going to get anywhere if all I do is hang off the bar...
  • Your experience eskimite and that of the OP, is similar to mine, I still have 2 weeks to go of Insanity and barring a miracle I haven't really had visible changes at all as a direct result of the workout, despite as you did having good water intake, nutrition etc. My weight didn't change nor did my measurements (oh wait I did gain nearly an inch in muscle around my butt, NOT quite what I was going for).

    Hahaha! Me too! There are a couple dresses that I can't pull over my butt anymore!

    Thanks guys! I feel far less discouraged now. I think all those before and after pictures of everyone else really got me down but it's different for everyone. I want to do P90X after all the good reviews on here but after some research, the CHAlene workouts seem a bit more manageable on my schedule. I was exhausted from waking up early to do month 2I nsanity and those were only about an hour. From what I read too, CHAlean is supposed to be better for beginners. I think I'll aim for CHAlean and then P90X after!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I might skip the bar. I mean I can't even start at negative pull ups because I can't do those either!

    Complain about not getting results yet you don't want to commit to doing the work. Tough road ahead of you I suspect if you try having both worlds, something has to give or you will be stuck in the same spot.

    Um... I'm not uncommitted to doing the work but I need to work up to being able to doing even a modified negative pull-up. I'm not going to get anywhere if all I do is hang off the bar...

    You start with a chair beneath you and gradually phase it out, it helps you build the muscle. Start from the top with the chair and then control as you transition into just hanging, that is pretty much the negative pull up. After your back muscles develop enough to support your weight, you will be able to do pull ups.
  • Since you're relatively new, I'd go with Supreme 90. You'll need some dumbells and an exercise ball. The progeram is around $20. It's sort of P90X lite in that the workouts are about 40 minutes opposed to 90. At that price, there's very little risk. I did it last summer and really liked it athough I found a few of the workouts a little lame. I think there are 10, and I'd say 6-7 are excellent. For your purposes, I think you would probably like all 10. My stomach got pretty flat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm sure you did fine...nobody looks like the people on the packaging in 2 months...those people have spent year working on their bodies, not just a couple of months.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I'm sure you did fine...nobody looks like the people on the packaging in 2 months...those people have spent year working on their bodies, not just a couple of months.

    EXACTLY. It's taken me over a year and switching up my routines constantly to get closer to the body I want...and I still have 7-10 pounds to lose and my "baby belly" to get rid of! It can take years to get rid of belly fat.
  • alexisu96
    alexisu96 Posts: 103 Member
    You're already thin. So with only stomach issues, I,d look into pilates and/or yoga for core work.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    I might skip the bar. I mean I can't even start at negative pull ups because I can't do those either!

    start with assisted pull ups and then work your way to unassisted pull ups. Each time you attempt pull ups during the routine you should first try unassisted until you physically cant, then continue with assisted. Its the only way to improve. Pull ups are one of the hardest exercises you can do.
  • I have the same problem, while only having a week left of insanity I took a peek at m before photos. What I saw put me in a realy crappy mood. There were absolutely no physical results although I did improve my cardio. Any suggestions would be really helpful.
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    insanity helped me shed fat but i didin't get the ripped abs like some of the guys did. after i did insanity, i did p90x and saw INCREDIBLE results. my body has always responded well to lifting and 3wks into p90x, i loved the results. my avatar is my p90x week 3. when i finished the program, i had incredible muscle tone and am now doing body beast.