What's the deal with gyms?

It seems like most people on here don't like going to the gym. They just like working out at home. When I first started working out, I felt the same way. I worked out for 9 months at home, and then hit a wall. I joined a gym, and now I have a whole outlook on working out. So I say to those who don't like the gym, give it a shot. If you have already give a different gym a shot. Maybe the one you were at just wasn't the one you were looking for.


  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I've got over 400 lbs of weights, a squat rack, suspension trainer, 20 lb medicine ball, kettlebells, dumbbells, rebounder, a 100 lb heavy bag, and even a bosu at home. So exactly why should I give a gym another shot?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I workout at home.. going to the gym recently has given me access to equipment that I otherwise can't afford or have the space for right now.

    I have found at home workouts that keep me from spending hours at the gym - that may be a reason that people avoid the gym. Personally, I wanna maximize my results so I do my home workouts and do some work at the gym
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    The only advantage of a gym to me is that I get my workout done quicker. I don't have to add or subtract weights from dumbells at the gym or move things around and adjust things like I have to at home. But, at home I don't have to listen to braindead commercial music, wait for equipment, and don't have to mix with the animals.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Did anyone else read the topic name in Jerry Seinfelds voice?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Agree:) I go to a gym that is just a big weight room, plus a room with cardio equipment, where the tv's are. It's simple!
    I tried a few other gyms using their free-pass offers, and discovered I don't like all the extra stuff.
    Reason why is that right now I have young children and am already over-stimulated a lot of the time....I don't want to do loud aerobics classes or be surrounded by tv's and other super-charged stimuli.
    Other than that, I like my cardio outside.
  • So basically it's the people at the gym? I don't know, I've only been to one gym, the only thing people ever ask me is "are you using that?"

    Everyone seems to have headphone and keep to themselves, unless they are there with someone. So I guess not every gym is like that?
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I go to the gym for the pool! My gym is actually a resort 3 miles from my house and for a fee($285/year) I have access to a fitness center, pool and hot tub with nice changing room and shower. I have a treadmill at home and a hot tub,but I enjoy the socialization at the pool and as my husband is retired and home all day it gives me "my time". I always leave my cell phone in my car. My hubby can reach me in an emergency.
  • Agree:) I go to a gym that is just a big weight room, plus a room with cardio equipment, where the tv's are. It's simple!
    I tried a few other gyms using their free-pass offers, and discovered I don't like all the extra stuff.
    Reason why is that right now I have young children and am already over-stimulated a lot of the time....I don't want to do loud aerobics classes or be surrounded by tv's and other super-charged stimuli.
    Other than that, I like my cardio outside.

    So it seems like that "big" gyms are the ones to stay away from?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've got over 400 lbs of weights, a squat rack, suspension trainer, 20 lb medicine ball, kettlebells, dumbbells, rebounder, a 100 lb heavy bag, and even a bosu at home. So exactly why should I give a gym another shot?

    Damn...that's my dream home gym. Nowhere to put it though...so for now, it's off to the gym I go.
  • I go to the gym for the pool! My gym is actually a resort 3 miles from my house and for a fee($285/year) I have access to a fitness center, pool and hot tub with nice changing room and shower. I have a treadmill at home and a hot tub,but I enjoy the socialization at the pool and as my husband is retired and home all day it gives me "my time". I always leave my cell phone in my car. My hubby can reach me in an emergency.
    Do you have a spare room in your basement you want to rent me....LOL

    Sounds like the good life.
  • I've got over 400 lbs of weights, a squat rack, suspension trainer, 20 lb medicine ball, kettlebells, dumbbells, rebounder, a 100 lb heavy bag, and even a bosu at home. So exactly why should I give a gym another shot?

    All I hear the noise of the cash register.....LOL

    Obviously if anyone had all that stuff there is no need. But I would venture to say, most don't.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    So basically it's the people at the gym? I don't know, I've only been to one gym, the only thing people ever ask me is "are you using that?"

    Everyone seems to have headphone and keep to themselves, unless they are there with someone. So I guess not every gym is like that?

    No but do you really want someone to bother you when you're running 10MPH on the treadmill? :laugh: I personally like it that way but I don't know a lot of gyms where people are really talking while they are working out unless they know each other
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Agree:) I go to a gym that is just a big weight room, plus a room with cardio equipment, where the tv's are. It's simple!
    I tried a few other gyms using their free-pass offers, and discovered I don't like all the extra stuff.
    Reason why is that right now I have young children and am already over-stimulated a lot of the time....I don't want to do loud aerobics classes or be surrounded by tv's and other super-charged stimuli.
    Other than that, I like my cardio outside.

    So it seems like that "big" gyms are the ones to stay away from?
    Well, I don't mean that you should stay away from them. Just my reasons for liking a certain atmosphere right now. Go to the gym you enjoy, that works well for you and your finances etc. I love to go to the gym, and I'm so glad for that!

    It actually took me 3 years before I talked to anyone there! Not because I am not friendly (I am). But because I REALLY needed some meditative time, and to focus on my (poor out-of-shape) body. Me-time. I was also a bit chemically/hormonally depressed. But now I socialize a bit with some helpful "friends" in there. We motivate and encourage eachother, and it's fun:)
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    So... because you hit a wall that you couldn't overcome without the gym, everyone should try the gym?

    Sounds legit.
  • Agree:) I go to a gym that is just a big weight room, plus a room with cardio equipment, where the tv's are. It's simple!
    I tried a few other gyms using their free-pass offers, and discovered I don't like all the extra stuff.
    Reason why is that right now I have young children and am already over-stimulated a lot of the time....I don't want to do loud aerobics classes or be surrounded by tv's and other super-charged stimuli.
    Other than that, I like my cardio outside.

    So it seems like that "big" gyms are the ones to stay away from?
    Well, I don't mean that you should stay away from them. Just my reasons for liking a certain atmosphere right now. Go to the gym you enjoy, that works well for you and your finances etc. I love to go to the gym, and I'm so glad for that!
    Well I've only been to one, and liked it from the start.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I personally LOVE the gym. Going to the classes they offer keep me motivated and I don't get bored with my workout routine.
  • I was going to my city' community centres because I could go to at least 4 of them in my area. Now I am out of work so its no longer affordable and 3 of the pools are closed for maintenance so the other one close by is packed. I can view youtube videos on my large screen tv and have a ton of weights in my home. At this time I don't see the need to set foot in the gym again.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    If I could afford the quipment I would workout at home but since my gym is 2 miles away has everything I need and is only $11 a month that's where I go.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I personally prefer going to a gym. But, I don't knock the people who like to do their own thing at home. For some people, they just can't afford a gym membership. And some just don't like it. To each their own.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I love my gym. It has all the kit I need (I don't have the space for everything I need in my London flat), my PT, a full range of classes, squash courts, they wash my kit for me (daily), its a few minutes walk from where I work (and the train station I use) and most of the natives are friendly.