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  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hello all, i usually do not count any of this stuff but i decided to try it and maybe meet some like minded people. I use to live in the US, but now i live in Madrid, Spain where things a lot different. I really do not have any major goals, except to stay fit and healthy as i get older which seems to be working out just fine. I have been workingout for more than 20 years and have learned a thing or two during the process. Hope to be in touch with some of you no matter where you live, by the way if there is anybody that speaks Spanish that would be great because i am learning and enjoy speaking it.

    Hola! Bienvenidos a MFP! Me hablo espanol un poquito. Necessito practica tambien.

    Yo hablo... Necesito practicar ...
    Minor corrections, hope you don't mind.

    No problemo! Funny story: I am a teacher and our school hired a Spanish teacher this past year. She teaches my kids right after mass on Wednesdays, and so for 10 minutes before class the kids have nothing to do. I emailed her one day, in Spanish, saying I would take them to the bathroom before class, so they don't bother her about having to go while she's teaching.

    The next day, she gave me this funny look while we were pouring coffee. I asked her if she received my Spanish email and I added "Did I write it correctly? It's been awhile since I've had to write anything in Spanish." She grinned and said "Well, yes and no. Your email told me you were planning to "touch the kids in the bathroom after church".

  • Oh no no lol i know i made it sound bad in my post. He is attracted to large women I was smaller when i met him (still overweight) but i gained alot of weight over the year because of stress it hasn't been the easiest year for sure, i just don't think he knows how to be supportive when i'm partly to blame and ask him to bring me home fast food lol he is incredible and really does mean well, he just wants me to happy and i know if i want this enough he'll come around :) he just offered to get a gym membership with me, he has a bit to lose too he's just kinda clueless sometimes.But i know exactly what you mean :) Thank You! i really appreciate your reply!

    I want to apologize if you or any other poster thought I was telling you to dump your guy. I was NOT implying that at all. My concern was for your future happiness and your desire to become happier and healthier, which I think is awesome. I think it's great he wants to go to the gym with you and that shows definite support and encouragement!

    I do believe, however, that SOME men in this world psychologically abuse women in several ways: they prevent them from having friends, working out, improving themselves, etc, because they know the moment those women improve, they will see their partner in his true light: an insecure, control freak who wants a subservient woman by his side at all times, because HE is better than NO man. And the woman happily obliges, thus leading to an abusive situation. IT HAPPENS more often than we realize.

    It does unfortunately i see it alot,all around me no offense taken on my end i completely agree with you i would never let a man stop me from my goals lol just clarifying that it was more a case of being clueless than control. I really value your thoughts and appreciate your reply :smile:
  • 9JANE
    9JANE Posts: 21 Member
    I have lost ninety pounds in the last 17 months and you can lose the weight too. You also need to exercise that will help you lose weight and you will feel better. Don't do anything butwalk at first and when you feel tired STOP even if you only get to the door at first do it and try to exercise every day. Once you start losing weight you will be able to exercise more then you can do more.:smile:
  • malyndad
    malyndad Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome! The people here are very supportive and helpful.

    Your SO will love you at a healthier size too! (So much more energy and positive attitude when you feel good and are happy with yourself!) He will reap the benefits as well!!!

    I have about 125 lbs to lose and am fighting type 2 diabetes. My guy too treats me like a princess but we have discussed how important this is and he now knows when I ask for something I'm not supposed to have; he stops and asks if that's an my plan and if I truly need it or suggests something else. He is a bit out of shape and a few pounds overweight and has joined MFP with me and walks with me when I go.

    Keep your spirits up and good luck!
  • malyndad
    malyndad Posts: 30 Member
    You should be able to go to the apps store for your phone: RIM, Android or Apple type in My fitness pal and download it there. That's how I got mine.
  • drkvadar
    drkvadar Posts: 3
    I do not usually keep track of the food i eat, but i am glad i found this sight, not sure if i am in the right topic area, but oh well hi everybody.
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    OP deactivated account already? :(