Feeling out of sorts--I just need to let it out...LONG

jkohan Posts: 184 Member
This is long....

GREAT NEWS: I started my new lifestyle of exercise and healthy eating just about 2 months ago. I work out with a trainer 2x a week for 30 min with weights/core/strengthening and do 1 hour of straight cardio 4-5x a week.

I weigh-in and do measurements with my trainer once a month. The first month I lost 10lbs and lost an inch all over except my upper arm where I went up 1/4 inch.

Today was my 2nd month weigh-in and I lost 10.2 and *additional* inches from last month including an amazing 3 from my hips and 2 from my waist.

THE RUB: I came down with a pretty bad head/upper respiratory cold last Tuesday/Wednesday. So today was my first day back since last Tuesday and only my 2nd day in the gym all week. I was getting weighed and measured by my trainer and then set to work with her for 30 min. I woke up not feeling great--broke a sweat by just walking around my house this a.m....but pushed myself forward because i knew today was the big weigh-in.

After weighing in, I only lasted 20 min--with many breaks--on a lower body workout with some aerobic stuff--backward lunges on a step riser raised 3 levels, squats with roundabout kicks, resistance band work for outer legs...and I barely made it through 3 circuits before I got dizzy and thought I was going to die. :(

I'm sooo disappointed. Up until early this week, I was in an amazing groove. I still have about 100lbs to lose and for someone in that situation, I don't need to tell you how mental/emotional this journey is. Having to overcome still feeling like crap and having to lay off the exercise and not making it through a workout is just devastating to me at this point.

I think what's upsetting me the most is the huge fear that this will set me back. I've worked my tail off building up to a certain level of exercise over the last 8 weeks and I just feel like this is an epic fail in some way...I've been on the verge of tears all day when I should be celebrating what I've accomplished.

I don't know if any of this even makes any sense....just venting, I guess. :( Whew...thank you if you've hung in there reading this to the end.


  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Remember, in life there will be obstacles....life, death, work, celebrations, illnesses. You are learning a new way to live, and in doing so, you will have many more things to get through. You have made the decision to do it, and you are doing it....so, pick yourself up, remember your journey, and just do it. You CAN do it.
    Tomorrow is another day......
    Good luck!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Give it some time. You've been sick and respiratory infections can take a while to get over. You might need to start off a little slower and work your way back up. Just don't over do and have a set back! :smile:
  • mhesterruns
    mhesterruns Posts: 49
    I have the saem thing happen to me while training for my first 5K. I got sick as well astime just woudl not allow for me to run. I foudn two things. First it is better to let our body heal than to puch it before it is ready. If you push it could cause and injury that takes way more time to heal. Second, when you start back up, you may be sore or a little more tired the first day or two but your body will bounce right back into the groove.
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    I think the hardest part is that I dove headlong into this after a very long 6 months of feeling like crap and suffering from vertigo--and exercising is the ONLY thing that got me to feel normal again without any vertigo episodes....and again..completely emotional and mental...this is just hard. :(

  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Remember, in life there will be obstacles....life, death, work, celebrations, illnesses. You are learning a new way to live, and in doing so, you will have many more things to get through. You have made the decision to do it, and you are doing it....so, pick yourself up, remember your journey, and just do it. You CAN do it.
    Tomorrow is another day......
    Good luck!

    Thank you for the support.
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Give it some time. You've been sick and respiratory infections can take a while to get over. You might need to start off a little slower and work your way back up. Just don't over do and have a set back! :smile:

    I guess I'm just feeling like I should be better by now. :( Thank you for the support...I know logically that I need to start off slowly.
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    I have the saem thing happen to me while training for my first 5K. I got sick as well astime just woudl not allow for me to run. I foudn two things. First it is better to let our body heal than to puch it before it is ready. If you push it could cause and injury that takes way more time to heal. Second, when you start back up, you may be sore or a little more tired the first day or two but your body will bounce right back into the groove.

    Thank you for posting--I'm hoping you're right and I bounce back quickly and not take another 8 weeks to get back to where i was. I hope you were able to run your 5K.