P90X Users

manetta1 Posts: 138
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I might be starting p90x come June and I had a few questions about it. I've done it before and it seems hard for me to follow the 90day program. Does anyone feel like the yogax and the kempo are even worth it. Should i swap out those for an extra plyometrics??? People continue to tell me that if I do yoga that I would have more flexability and my body will look toner, but I look at it in terms of calories. P90x Plyo has to be burning tons more than yoga or even kempo. Does anyone else do that, swap the kempo for a plyo as well as the yoga.

I was curious on opinions of people who follow the p90x to a tee. I've done p90x before as well as Insanity, but I found myself swapping out kempo and yoga a lot? Are Yoga and kempo worth doing?


  • The yogax will help with flexibility as well as work the small muscles that you cant work unless do it. It also helps you against injury. I wouldn't skip it.. It definitely wasn't my favorite and still isn't, but like Tony says.. I can do things now, not cause I can do a lot of push ups.. Its because I do yoga!
  • Squrtea
    Squrtea Posts: 20 Member
    I hate yoga but do it. HATE it. I also do the Kenpo mostly because it is just a fun workout. I throw in Plyo or Kenpo on my rest day and only take 2 a month. When needed. It's easy to stick to the 90 day plan. Just start it follow the program and then next round modify if needed.
  • ksills05
    ksills05 Posts: 11
    A friend of mine did the whole P90x program and came out of it looking awesome! I have heard that the yoga one it one of the hardest of the discs. You'd think it'd be "easy" but I've heard it is a good workout! Good luck and keep us posted!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Yeah, I too HATE yoga. It's soo slow, it's hard for me to stick with it for the whole hour and a half. But, I've been trying to do it because I know it's good for me. I try to run on the same day though to burn some calories because even though the poses are crazy hard, I just don't burn with yoga. I have been doing Kenpo X, just to switch things up. I also run sometimes on chest and back and arm days to get extra calorie burn.
  • last25
    last25 Posts: 83
    The yogax will help with flexibility as well as work the small muscles that you cant work unless do it. It also helps you against injury. I wouldn't skip it.. It definitely wasn't my favorite and still isn't, but like Tony says.. I can do things now, not cause I can do a lot of push ups.. Its because I do yoga!

    I second this. It's almost exactly what I was gonna say! Lol, I don't love yoga-x b/c it's slow.... and long... but I don't hate it either. I'd rather not do it BUT I've seen the benefits of doing it and so I say DON'T SKIP IT. Do it and if you want to burn more calories on that day add in another workout.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    You'll notice on the calendar that YogaX is the ONLY workout that is included in every single week of the program. Tony did that because yoga is that important. Yoga has many benefits, but the one you will see more than any other is an increase in your flexibility & core strength. Yoga engages all of the stabilizer muscles that you don't normally use, and this makes all of your other workouts better. An increase in flexibility will also help keep you injury-free. It's like Tony says, "Fit stiff people get hurt. Fit flexible people get better."

    As for Kenpo, it's not one of my favorites. Since you've done Insanity, I would sub an Insanity workout (like Pure Cardio) on Kenpo days.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I was also going to mention that you don't have to do all 90 minutes, even though you will benefit more from that. Do the first 45 minutes of moving asanas, and then fast forward to Yoga Belly 7 & the final stretch. That will cut it down to about an hour.

    Also, don't worry about the per-workout calorie burns. What's more important is that you are increasing your lean muscle mass, which burns more calories 24/7. I don't burn that many calories per workout (even during Insanity), but I eat like I burn over 1000 because my metabolism is so high from lifting weights & proper nutrition.

    Good luck!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    You can burn a lot of calories doing the yoga. Don't let it fool you. When I first started this program I was consistently burning 600-700 calories in a 90 minute yoga workout.
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