why do 95%of people put weight back on, ugh



  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I think it has a lot to do with your mind. We change our bodies but we really have to
    change our mind set as well. I sometimes think that can be the hardest.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Because the body wants very badly to return to the higher weight and does everything it can to get there. Increased hunger signals, hormonal changes, lowered resting metabolism, you name it. Leptin, ghrelin, peptide YY all increase to levels that are actually higher than they were before you lost the weight (so appetite is even greater and metabolism is even slower than when you were fat). Until science comes up with some kind of pill to counteract these things, maintaining weight loss will be a daily struggle and very few people can keep up the fight forever.

    I just wish the body tended toward a healthier weight and did things like increase metabolism and decrease appetite if the weight strayed too high. Why does it want to kill itself with obesity? It makes no sense, really.

    It's strange, isn't it? I maintained my low, healthy weight for many years by just eating what I liked. My weight stayed with in a few pounds. Then for some reason, the system seemed to reset itself at almost double my original weight. And yet I maintained that higher weight within a few pounds without having to think about it. It would be interesting to know what exactly causes this "reset" and change in hormone levels, and how long it persists after losing weight. I have read that people tend to be successful if they can maintain for five years, so maybe that's the point when the body starts to accept the lower weight?
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i regained because of depression, stress, and injury. i know i can lose it again because the depression and injury have healed and the stress in under control.
  • stacw1987
    stacw1987 Posts: 206 Member
    Fad diets I think. Lifestyle change is key. Maybe also lack of support for some people contributed to it!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    near 100% of the people who have been overweight got themselves into that situation through eating more calories than they burn. Nearly everybody eats/drinks to excess some times in their life. Those who do not get overweight either keep close tabs on their weight and make conscious decisions to regulate their intake to compensate for indulgent times, others do this more subconsciously.

    Those who have been overweight typically have not made such choices, whilst they lose weight they are making healthy decisions and tight control on their intake and exercise. A lot of people do not want to have thoughts about such control near the forefront of their day to day life, as such they put weight back on.
  • Zoesmum025
    Apparently all the people who maintained their goal weight did so by never slipping back into bad habits. They remained strict, focussed, and accepted that their eating habits and attitudes remained forever changed. The regimes they adopted to lose weight became their 'normal eating patterns' to be maintained for life.
  • lsk141
    actually i watched a documentary on hbo by the leading expert researchers in weight loss/ weight gain and obesity. They said once you are overweight your body is like broken and can never burn calories as efficiently as it did. they further went on to say that their research indicates that if you were ever overweight you should eat 400 calories less than what your BMR says should be your daily calorie intake (for ex. BMR of 2000 calories, then you should only eat 1600 calories). basically you have to eat 400 calories less than a normal person because your metabolism actually gets permenantly slower because you were overweight. they said people regain the weight because their body still has a hunger drive that makes them want to eat the full 2000 calories. so they said you need to be conscientous and make sure not to eat those extra 400 calories or you will gradually regain the weight. i'm basing my maintenance plan on this. will either exercise it off of not eat it. i never want to regain the weight i've lost. so i hope this helps prevent it. it's amazing that after all our hard work that it can be regained so easily. the media should talk about this more. the researchers where impressive you should watch it if you can.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I got lazy with exercise and started emotionally binge eating again.

    Gotta get your head straight if you wanna keep it off for good!!
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    For me in 2012 I did a fad diet lost 7lbs in one month but then made serious lifestyle changes and in 6 months I'd lost a total of 10 lbs.

    Then I gained all of it back because I went to visit my folks which always means weight gain and my grandma passed away which just meant comfort food. Couldn't get back on track after the holiday as I had a sever iron deficiency.

    Jan 2013 started at the same weight as Jan 2012 very depressing but now back to my exercise routine which I love and eat in moderation but never starve myself and I'm slimer now than I was in June of last year. I got here quicker but I still have a ways to go, my BMI is still overweight and I don't have muscle mass to show for it.

    You can do it!!
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    People who go on a "diet" instead of actually changing their lifestyle will inevitably put the weight back on when they stop dieting. Keeping the weight off should fundamentally be a life long endeavour.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I dont want to be one of them. I have gained 10 back, working hard to get it off. Are they undisciplined or life stresses getting to them. What do you think, kind of depressing but I dont think it has to be this way if we are vigilant.
    "Oh good I've lost all the weight. Now I can go back to eating 6000 calories a day."
  • Cryogenetic
    It is because people do not make lifestyle changes, they just go on diets. Losing weight, keeping it off, and staying health is a long term lifestyle; I suggest making small changes until you get to where you want to be.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I think a lot of it has to do with the "diet" mentality. They think they need to be on overly restrictive diets that are temporary and/or unsustainable and they like to rush their weight loss because they are impatient. I honestly think it's the dumbest mindset, and such a waste of time and effort. People who yo-yo frustrate me because doing it the right way is so straight-forward and simple. :grumble:

    The only requirements are patience and self-control. Honestly, the only way to make it last is to make it a way of life. Whatever you do to lose the weight needs to be something you are willing to do for the rest of your life. :flowerforyou:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    actually i watched a documentary on hbo by the leading expert researchers in weight loss/ weight gain and obesity. They said once you are overweight your body is like broken and can never burn calories as efficiently as it did. they further went on to say that their research indicates that if you were ever overweight you should eat 400 calories less than what your BMR says should be your daily calorie intake (for ex. BMR of 2000 calories, then you should only eat 1600 calories). basically you have to eat 400 calories less than a normal person because your metabolism actually gets permenantly slower because you were overweight. they said people regain the weight because their body still has a hunger drive that makes them want to eat the full 2000 calories. so they said you need to be conscientous and make sure not to eat those extra 400 calories or you will gradually regain the weight. i'm basing my maintenance plan on this. will either exercise it off of not eat it. i never want to regain the weight i've lost. so i hope this helps prevent it. it's amazing that after all our hard work that it can be regained so easily. the media should talk about this more. the researchers where impressive you should watch it if you can.
    Did this account for people losing by eating less and doing only cardio (if any exercise) and losing tons of LBM and getting skinny fat? Because it would make sense in that context... two people at the same weight would have different caloric requirements if their LBM/body fat ratios were significantly different.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think it's because a lot of people lose lean muscle mass as they lose weight, and then it kills their metabolism. Then as they try to eat healthy calorie levels, it's too much and it comes back on as weight.

    Frankly, I am very happy that I am not a statistic.. and that I have been able to keep my weight off long term.
  • nicolajanewilson1
    Thanks for posting this, it was an interesting read :) xx
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    People want fast results so they go on unsustainable plans to drop weight quickly- when the fad diet or crazy exercise plan derails itself they are content with whatever results they got and just go back to their old ways until they gain weight and repeat the process. Unfortunately I followed that pattern for ten years of my life before I kind of figured it out.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    People who obsess over weight, and drop to a target then stop and go back to what they were doing before.... those are the sort of people that put it back on.

    Often the sort of people that "tried every diet there is," and for whom "nothing every works."

    Basically, if you want to be fitter, healthier and usually as a consequence, be lighter, then you have to change things for life.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It is a concern that I have in the back of my mind as I am working to lose the last 20 pounds or so, but I am hoping to persevere in maintaining a healthier life for as long as I live.

    Part of it may be just reaching you goal, and going back to the old habits.

    For me, this is a new lifestyle, one that I will have to follow for the remainder of my life. It is not easy, but something that I know I will have to follow.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    reasons people put weight back on -

    1. they follow fad diets
    2. they believed the "cleanse or detox" would actually work and keep it off.
    3. no long term changes were made
    4. no tracking of progress was done, so was unsure if it was actually working
    5. addiction and will power issues.

    Those are the main ones I think...


    I think Jay is right. People believe in diets rather than long term changes. Sustainable long term changes will keep the weight off. I also think the ridiculous "goal/ideal weight" mentality is another huge problem! I have said before bf% and how you look in the mirror matters. Weight is irrelevant.