Depression & Fighting it Off



  • BorderlineAngel

    I have depression, anxiety, PTSD, DID, BPD, and BDD.
    I tried so long to never go to therapy cos I thought only crazy people go to psychologists but it has really helped me so much!
    Another thing which helps is to make lists of things to do on a particular day ie go to the gym, do grocery shopping and after ticking each thing off it makes me feel really good. There is also Mood Gym which is a free online CBT program which helps me tremendously.

    Good meds can make all the difference as well :)
    Feel free to add me if you would like <3
  • JustSinging
    JustSinging Posts: 21 Member
    First find someone you completely trust to talk to about everything and anything
    For me going and working out was a great stress reliever
    Getting involved in a hobby
    Thinking about things that make you happy
    Do not stay in the house and think about things it will make it worse.
    Celebrate every single victory no matter how small it is... Soon those small victories will turn bigger and bigger.
    You may even want to consider having a thankful journal where you write things you are thankful for everyday
    No matter what keep active with something!!!
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Walk. Then, walk. Have you considered taking supplements that are supposed to help? And walk. If you can't walk a mile, then walk a step. And then another. Repeat. Over time, it will help you feel at least somewhat better.

    Also-if you have the time, or can make the time, go and volunteer somewhere. Either at your local animal shelter taking their dogs for a alk, or cuddling with the cats. Or volunteer at your local food bank or soup kitchen. Be a bif sister for a child in need. Go to the local senior center or assisted living faciltiy and visit with the old folks. Ask them what it was like when they were younger. Sometimes, getting the focus OFF of self can help you to clear your mind.

    It's not easy and I am not meaning to sound like it is, but anything at all you can do to interrupt the cycle of despair will go a ways towards helping you make an improvement.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I try to stay out of this mindset so my advice may not be the most accurate but honestly I really find that it helps to just force yourself to do even a little bit. Get yourself ready, brush your teeth and your hair, get dressed and already you're probably feeling a little better in just preparing yourself to do something.
    Then maybe go for a walk. Doesn't have to be a super long one, just something to screw with the monotony of the day and inject a little something through the haze. Bring some music to listen to, admire the trees if you can, people watch a little bit.

    When you get home, maybe instead of gunning for the computer or television, go for the book case instead. Pick out a novel to read. Stare outside your window, cuddle with your SO. Even just doing those small things you've accomplished something, and maybe it'll feel a little bit better.

    And then do it again. Maybe a couple of days later add makeup to the routine before you go for a walk. Catch a bus and take a tour around your city-maybe you'll even find something new that you've never seen before.

    And most of all, ignore the voice in the back of your head thats putting you down throughout it. Do the things that used to make you feel happy, even if you're not really enjoying them anymore. Keep to your daily intake goal and try to do somewhere of at least twenty minutes of physical activity in a week. Smile, even if you don't feel like it, and do it a lot and with your teeth. Slowly but surely it might start helping.

    Good luck and all the best.

    you are amazing! you should be a therapist.:flowerforyou:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I've struggled with depression for years, never took medication or had therapy for it. Thought about both but haven't actively sought it out.

    I'm managing right now with exercise. It's definitely hard at times because when I get into a depressive episode, dragging myself outside or to the gym seems impossible, but I just talk myself into it and go, usually at night, and then I feel just a little bit better when I wake up the next morning. If I didn't work out, I would barely be able to get of bed every day. That serotonin release is like oxygen to me. I find my mood taking a dip if I go without a workout for more than 2 days.

    Also, if you have the time this is an interesting read:
  • MavenMassage505
    Seasonal Depression is VERY common this time of year. Our bodies are not getting the same amount of exposure to the sun and this can cause issues in some people. I suffer from this myself and instead of drugs as recommended by my doctor, I go to the tanning booths a few times a week for just 5 min at a time and it does wonders. Exposing yourself produces Vit D in our bodies that does wonders for your morale during the winter months. I asked the question that I'm sure everyone is thinking. What about damaging my skin in the tanning beds. Doc says the benefits out weigh the damage that can be caused and best to do the drug free way and feel happy naturally. Give it a try and FEEL the results yourself.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Seasonal Depression is VERY common this time of year. Our bodies are not getting the same amount of exposure to the sun and this can cause issues in some people. I suffer from this myself and instead of drugs as recommended by my doctor, I go to the tanning booths a few times a week for just 5 min at a time and it does wonders. Exposing yourself produces Vit D in our bodies that does wonders for your morale during the winter months. I asked the question that I'm sure everyone is thinking. What about damaging my skin in the tanning beds. Doc says the benefits out weigh the damage that can be caused and best to do the drug free way and feel happy naturally. Give it a try and FEEL the results yourself.
    i bought a sun lamp back in September when the days started to get shorter. It has made a tremendous difference in my mood and my enthusiasm to get things done, I am also much happier this winter. I also started to have daily excruciating pain from calcific tendonitis in September. I do feel sorry for myself occasionally but 15 minutes every morning helps. It's also my down time, my coffee time and time to ice my shoulder. Twice I didn't spend 15 minutes only because I didn't think I needed to, and those were bad days.
    The instructions say that the light suppresses melatonin at the start of the day, resulting in less sluggishness from the darkness and a more natural rhythm.
  • pithynutritionpun
    pithynutritionpun Posts: 17 Member
    Is there any particular form of exercise that you really enjoy or are interested in? Regular exercise that your head is really into can be very effective for managing depression and preventing a recurrence or worsening of symptoms.

    Above all, don't beat yourself up, and engage in positive self-talk as much as you can. Write reminders for yourself around, things that inspire you or make you feel good, and leave them in places you will see them. Remember it is an ongoing process, and healthy habits will go a long way to keeping it under control. Depression is a real battle, but you have come this far and can continue to fight it. Just get back up more times than it knocks you down.

    ETA: I see someone else suggested cognitive-behavioural therapy, and that is something that could be really useful to you if you haven't tried it or have just been managing it with medication to this point. CBT has been shown to be very effective for depression, more so than medication in many cases. If that's an option for you, it's certainly worth investigating if it's right for you.

    All the best.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    It's so good to see a thread of actual SUPPORT and MOTIVATION! There are so many times when our MFP members will come on the site looking for genuine "I know what you mean" relational support, and there are so many mean people on the site who will just cut them down and say they're just being "honest".

    I commend all you wonderful ladies for being helpful and supportive!

    Maybe adding these responders to your friends list so you can have a small group of people who care about you as well would be helpful. Sometimes it's just nice to know that you're not alone. We're in this together, and it will get better!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    It's so good to see a thread of actual SUPPORT and MOTIVATION! There are so many times when our MFP members will come on the site looking for genuine "I know what you mean" relational support, and there are so many mean people on the site who will just cut them down and say they're just being "honest".

    I commend all you wonderful ladies for being helpful and supportive!

    Maybe adding these responders to your friends list so you can have a small group of people who care about you as well would be helpful. Sometimes it's just nice to know that you're not alone. We're in this together, and it will get better!
    :drinker: In total agreement, it's truly nice to see a thread of support rather than bashing when one is already very down.

    Hope today has been a better one for each of you, it was for me. The sunshine seems to get me through the worst of it but then there are days....well, those of you that go through this, you understand, sometimes even the sunshine simply isn't enough.:wink:
  • wwinn18
    wwinn18 Posts: 11 Member

    First off, I want to say, that depression is something you should take if it gets too bad, pleassseee talk to someone. Anyone.

    I have suffered from depression since I was 18--I am about to turn 22 now. It was on and off for the first two years...and I gained most of my weight in those two years. Nothing I tried helped, although I wasn't talking to anybody about it. I kept to myself. I tried medications, but they made me feel worse. I started to exercise and eat healthier..that's what helped me the most. I didn't want to. I would find any excuse to eat fries or a burger....maybe pizza. I was doing very good-I had lost 10 of those 35 pounds I had gained-when something devastating happened (last January) that sent me back into the darkest point of my depression. I struggled for months. I continued to eat and gain weight. I didn't want to do anything.

    Anyways, after talking to someone I started feeling better, but I was still empty. I was looking for something greater. That's when I renewed my relationship with God. I don't know if you're religious, but I wear a bracelet every day with Philippians 4:13 on it. "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." This is my daily reminder that God is there for me and that with His love, I can do anything.

    A few months later I was at the pet store buying food for my roommate's dog when I crossed paths with an almost 2 month old puppy. He was half papillion, half chihuahua. I couldn't help but pick him up. He was the tiniest little thing I'd ever seen...and immediately I fell in love. He's now almost 7 months, and coming home to see him is what makes my day brighter. He's so sweet, and so happy. He is the reason I am not depressed anymore. I have something to look forward to every day. Jackson loves me for who I am and is there for me when I'm sad. It may sound pathetic, but he truly is a wonderful creature.

    In addition to that, I quit the job I hated more than anything, and picked up more at the daycare I work with. Doing something I love helps me to be a happier person.

    A few weeks ago I got all motivation back to be a healthier happier me. Little things throughout the past few months have been the motivation I need to lose this extra weight, and be happier with who I am. I'm not happy with the weight I'm at, and I refuse to let it drag me down anymore. So now I'm back on track. This week I've lost 2 pounds...and I'm so proud of myself for doing so.

    I've got a bit to go to get to my goal, but I'm just happy that I'm getting my life back. I'm not cured from the depression, sometimes it hits again...but I refuse to let it control me ever again...

    So the whole point of this was to're not going to do this unless You want to get better. Exercise helps make you a happier person, as does eating healthier. Do something for you to help motivate yourself. Whether you find your relationship with God again, get a puppy, or find a new job...even volunteer! Do something you love and you will be motivated to make yourself happier. :)
  • MavenMassage505
    Take up running. It changes your life. If you can go running and get past that moment when you want to quit and get to the runner's high you can use that inner strength to conquer anything that comes your way. Bonus. the endorphine kick will help you combat the depression. Even if you start out slow. 1 min run.. 2 min walk and so on.. Go FOR IT.. HAPPY RUNNING...
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I don't have any good advice. I've tried all the things that people have said, but they don't make me feel better.

    The worst thing you can do and I would suggest doing anything you can to avoid this behavior-- is look up depressing blogs, emulate severely depressed people, staying inside everyday, avoiding people when you are at your worst. When I allow myself to do these things I become detached from the care and love that others have for me and begin harmful behavior. All you have is the ability to try with being healthful, exercising everyday, reading positive messages and seeking therapy if that is an option. You can do that or you can let the depression overtake you. In the end you can say that at least you gave it a fair try, hopefully you'll be the one that said it was worth it.
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    Get a cat or a dog-- that is a good one after reading the forum. My kitten makes me laugh everyday. Right now he just put a cherry tomato in my shoe....what... so funny, but before I had nothing to smile about. When I feel at my worst I realize I have to stay alive for the next 15 years to care for him.
  • lambchoplewis
    Thanks for this post!!! I too suffer from depression. I am on meds that really work but during the winter - I get worse. No sun, snow and cold. We will retire south but not for 5 or so years. I want to eat, eat, eat due to boredom. I have to take baths (multiple if necessary), go in other rooms in house, get in car for drive (too bad gas is going up so high in price but... cheaper than buying new clothes!!!), walk the mall (don't bring your credit cards!!). Just get out of the place that makes you sad and want to eat.

    I need more tips on this also.
  • ruckerbenton
    Being aware of your moods is a great first step. Now--push, push, push. YOU have to make YOURSELF move forward. Looks like you have great advise here. Now select a way to get to your first baby step goal. YOU CAN DO IT!