Consultants or Road Warriors

I'm new to this and hope to find people like me who are traveling weekly and living in hotels. It's difficult to get disciplined and I need a team of like-minded people who can share tips and tricks. I started a group and hope others will join as I begin my journey to get healthier! Red Shoe Road Warrior


  • fkwilhelm
    fkwilhelm Posts: 42 Member
    I know this problem. I am not a road warrior all year long but have periods of intense travel. While I am at home, I can easily shed weight slowly but when I travel, it all comes back.
  • cazzer69
    cazzer69 Posts: 162 Member
    "Welcome to the hotel sir, would sir like more free food and beer"?

    Well, it's rude not to isn't it?
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't travel for my job but has an entire workout made for people like you!

    you should good check it out:
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I used to travel about 26 weeks a year and when I first went on the road, I thought yippee! Steak every night for dinner. And the sales guys always like to unwind with a drink or ten. I blew up like a balloon. I finally got on the scale and had gained 30lbs. As a mini person, I looked pregnant. My best advice, try to find a place to buy fruit and veggies and other clean foods. Try to log keeps you aware. Water. Water. Water.

    Since those days I have lost 38 lbs and look like myself again. Good luck.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    I am not a traveler but has a free application for you phone their workouts are 12-20 mins and can be done anywhere with just bodyweight.

    Also I find that while traveling I go to Krogers health food and produce section a lot. Good luck in your endeavors :)
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    There are occasional threads on this, but here are some of my strategies.

    1. Work out first thing in the AM. I hate that but when I'm traveling it's usually the only time I can find. I may do 30 minutes instead of 55, but I get it done. If you stay in hotels without gyms, get a TRX. If you have a choice of hotels, reviews may give you an idea of how good the fitness facilities are and whether the pool is actually big enough to swim laps.

    2. Hotel breakfast from typical "free" buffet: hard-boiled eggs (don't eat the yolks), plain oatmeal (you can add stuff but at least you know what you're adding), maybe a piece of fresh fruit. Sometimes I have a little bit of their scrambled eggs and throw on some hot sauce. In a fancier place, an omelet with veggies made with egg whites or Egg Beaters.

    3. Bring snacks from home- beef jerky, decent protein bars, dark chocolate- so you aren't at the mercy of vending machines when you get hungry.

    4. Dinner: order 2 appetizers, one very low-cal (e.g. salad with dressing on the side) and another, or a non-creamy soup, for the main course.

    5. You know the usual: grilled, not fried, salad dressing on the side, no creamy soups/sauces, etc.

    6. I actually do drink alcohol. I make sure to alternate with plenty of water. If the others order dessert, I'll sip the last of my glass of wine.

    7. If you're on transatlantics in Coach or any other flights where you get fed, BYO even if you have to buy it at the airport. There aer healthy choices out there and you won't end up eating crap just because it's what they put in front of you and you're bored and hungry. (I am suspending this rule when DH and I fly Business Class to Paris in May. DH will undoubtedly have an ice cream sundae made to order for dessert. Business Class is a whole 'nother animal.)

    You can do this and the results are worth it!
  • gypsytrkr
    gypsytrkr Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a long haul truck driver, if you want to add me, feel free!
  • RedShoeRoadWarrior
    No matter whether we are traveling or just plain busy with everyday life - it can be hard to maintain a healthy weight and healthy lifestyle. I think my new-found support group here on myfitnesspal will be very helpful! Please join my group if you are trying to get healthier and more centered in your life (you don't have to be a road warrior <grin>).

    See you soon!
    Join me here:
  • RedShoeRoadWarrior
    Thanks I will check it out!