Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this



  • SGocka
    SGocka Posts: 33 Member
    Stop thinking about food as a reward. Food is fuel, nothing more.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I started a 10 pounds I bought myself a new sports bra. At 20 pounds, I get a full body message. Etc. etc.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    That is what always happens to me, too. Then I end up gaining more than I've lost. It's frustrating. I found that putting myself out in the community and helping other people hold me accountable has helped :happy: good luck with your journey!!
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    Get a jar and write "REWARD" on it. Every time you lose a pound put a predetermined amount of money in it ($5-$10, whatever you can afford). When you lose 10 pounds, take the money out and reward yourself with non edible reward, like a new outfit, shoes, workout clothes...) then start again for the next 10 pounds. While you are watching the dollars grow in the jar, be thinking about you may want. When you get there you will be so excited about it, hopefully your kids will get to keep their candy! Goid luck!

    P. S. And, no, you are not the only one! It's a mind game!

    What A great idea ! I'm going to try that.
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    All my past diets were like this. 2 months in, I see a little improvement then Bam, eating bad 1 day then the next then off. Well this is not a diet, it's a life changing eating habit. I still get the notion to eat unhealthy, but I eat an apple instead.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I was even worse. If I lost weight, I rewarded myself with food treats. If I gained weight, I consoled myself with food treats. I got nowhere!

    I have a different reward system now. I keep a notebook to record my workouts, and in it I give myself a 0.5 for logging my food and another for each 1/2 hour of exercise. When I lose a pound, I get to add a 0, so 0.5 becomes 0.50, then 5.00 and so forth.
  • beckyb1031
    I do this too but I call it self-sabatoge. Every time I'm doing well, I feel that loss of control. It's almost like way down deep inside I don't believe I deserve to lose the weight. I'm working on trying to figure out why. It's the only thing in my life I have not been successful at and it's very frustrating. Often after a bout of self-sabotage, I give up completely and then gain all the weight back but this time I am focused on getting back on track instead of quitting altogether. This is not an easy journey!
  • Mountainbiker2015
    Mountainbiker2015 Posts: 129 Member
    I do that too and that is my problem. Once I lose weight,. YOu start saying well a littler her won't matter or I can eat this it won't matter or that. IT ALL MATTERS, because a year later and 35lbs all mattered because it all adds up. Thats the part I want to conquer is to change that way of thinking because I don't reverting back to old habits when I feel better about myself, because then I feel worse again.

    The above was my attitude in the past and it can still sneak up on me but then I think of how awful I felt when I was so overweight. Than I think of how good I felt getting into pants and shirts that did not fit me for years. It puts things in perspective. I think a lot of us do this though. If losing weight and keeping it off were that easy, we would do it, be done with it and that would be it. Not so in life, at least not for me. Be proud you are making a good decision for you and your health. You will have ups and downs for sure but know that each day is a new day and you are SO WORTH IT. That is the great thing about this site. We are/were all in the same boat at one time.
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have done that, but I don't now. I treat myself now with mani/pedis, getting my hair done....I'm going to treat myself with another tattoo when I reach my goal weight!
  • thedrione
    I do this all the time. I hate it. I've been struggling a lot with this as I'm so close to my first 25 pounds, and lately it seems I've been getting all willie nillie with my eating. I'm trying to figure out how to stop that from happening. I think a part of it too is the newness wears off, and it's not our focus anymore. So I'm going to challenge myself to try and avoid any bread, sweets, and most dairy this week to help keep myself in check. Carbs are my biggest weakness. I'm going to be focusing on fruits, vegetables, and protein. I'm hoping this will help me to get over that 25 pound wall and heading towards the 50 pounds mark. Good luck to you! You can do this! It's all a mind game, you just have to outsmart your habits!
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    That's why I put my scale away. My current plan is to weigh myself monthly, and measure. It helps avoid that trap.
  • minikhan95
    minikhan95 Posts: 52 Member
    YES. It's an AWFUL habit of mine. :( I think "oh wow, I feel great, I should treat myself!" It's horrible and throws me off for that given day.

    Setting goals is very smart! Thanks for the tip y'all!! :)
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    *Hoovering the kids' hidden bags of leftover Halloween candy as she types....*

    I have no idea what you're talking about.
  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
    like many people have said...reward yourself with a non edible outfit...anything and maybe couple it with one day of eating one thing that you have been denying yourself but remember portion control and adjust your day to fit that thing in your allotted calories.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I did that when I first noticed weight loss in myself last year and I found that after I would feel guilty because I was being counter productive. I find I don't do it so much anymore because I treat myself frequently in ways that fits into my diet. So if I treat myself to pizza, I will only have 2-3 slices and then a really healthy dinner to balance it out. Or if I want to indulge in something calorie heavy I just do 45-60 minutes of exercise that day or the next day to balance it out.

    So I think the more you do this, you will start to realise it's counter productive and not want to!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I did it but having found my fitness pal and seeing each day where I am accountable, I no longer do that. I try and eat for my health first. I still have bad days when I make poor choices, but it is for a meal sometimes and then i go back to eating healthy.
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    You are not alone. Weightloss is not my goal, but I have gained some weight (up and down 5lbs) during this Holiday seasons. I call it a little insulation for these cold winter months. I find myself falling back into some bad habits and I hate it. Just the other night I ate pizza. I only had 2 slices but they were the two biggest slices I could find. Don't get me started on the M&M that were out for Valentines Days. That is why switching to a lifestyle is better than dieting. Always be aware of your bad habits and try to do better the next time you have the opportunity between making a bad or good choice. We all fall off the wagon but the key is to make sure you get right back on.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    1. Find a non-food reward that works for you. We all need goals and rewards along the way.

    2a. Just because you have a set back doesn't mean you give up. Go off your diet or miss your goal one? Think about why, what triggered it, what need you had that was satisfied by going on the binge, then experiment with other ways to meet the need until you find one that works for you.

    2b. Just because you have a set back doesn't mean you give up. Go off your diet or miss your goal one? It's okay. Tell yourself that, then believe it, and just do better the next day.

    I have a weak spot for nuts and chocolate but I find that if I let myself have a little when I want it, and I know tomorrow I can have a little more, then I am satisfied with that little taste.

    I also have trouble with portion control and need to remind myself that this is not the last great tasting meal I will ever have. I also picture and feel how I will feel after if I do overeat and how I will feel after not overeating. I find focusing on a vision of yourself after I do or don't do what something is a powerful and effective tool, whether it is pushing myself to exercise or making healthy food choices.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I reward myself with non-foods. Most commonly, I buy myself fresh flowers. They are beautiful, cost less than a meal in a restaurant and I deserve it!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I tend to quit after someone notices and tells me I'm starting to look really good,

    I totally get this. It's bizarre - I don't know why people noticing makes a difference, but it does. I'm hoping no one notices for a long time yet. It seems to set off some kind of strange pyschological response in my brain. Like oh no, they've noticed. Now I'm going to fail. Makes no sense, but there it is.....