
Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
I CAN NOT control myself!! I just CANT!! I have tried!! I do good all day at home.. As soon as I get to work I give in.. I have tried over and over not to.. I just can't. Today I feel like just giving up!! I have been at this since Febuary.. Yes I have lost weight.... But really it has slowed to almost a stop since April when I started work.. I lost it all when I was not working. Work is deadly! I sit around bored with a vending machine there.. I dont bring money.. but some how.. I find some. My parents live where I work and they always have junk food... I bring my own dinners.. .I eat them around 5pm cause im so hungry at that time... then later my parents cook dinner around 7 and offer me some... some times I can say no.. but most times I can't. Today I did AWESOME... then my mom bought pizza... and had pepsi... and gave me money for the vending machine. Some days I can go until my shift is almost over... then right before I go home around 11pm-12am... I give in.. Right before I go home to bed. :grumble: I have tried giving myself pep talks.. I have tried everything... I know it's really all up to me and if I wanted it bad enough I could do it.. But frankly I can't. I do want it bad enough... But I just can't say no.. Food is my addiction. Seems so silly, but it's the truth. I just can't do this. I really don't know what to do anymore! It's very discouraging...


  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I CAN NOT control myself!! I just CANT!! I have tried!! I do good all day at home.. As soon as I get to work I give in.. I have tried over and over not to.. I just can't. Today I feel like just giving up!! I have been at this since Febuary.. Yes I have lost weight.... But really it has slowed to almost a stop since April when I started work.. I lost it all when I was not working. Work is deadly! I sit around bored with a vending machine there.. I dont bring money.. but some how.. I find some. My parents live where I work and they always have junk food... I bring my own dinners.. .I eat them around 5pm cause im so hungry at that time... then later my parents cook dinner around 7 and offer me some... some times I can say no.. but most times I can't. Today I did AWESOME... then my mom bought pizza... and had pepsi... and gave me money for the vending machine. Some days I can go until my shift is almost over... then right before I go home around 11pm-12am... I give in.. Right before I go home to bed. :grumble: I have tried giving myself pep talks.. I have tried everything... I know it's really all up to me and if I wanted it bad enough I could do it.. But frankly I can't. I do want it bad enough... But I just can't say no.. Food is my addiction. Seems so silly, but it's the truth. I just can't do this. I really don't know what to do anymore! It's very discouraging...
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    You are at such a turning point here!!


    I see you are at 199...Do you want to keep down this great path for your health or just get back up there? That would be so hard with all those obstacles.

    I really wonder...Have you talked to your Mom about your goals for your health and happiness? Do your co-workers know you are trying so hard? I have had people who sabotage me, and finally I realized, they aren't going to change...I have to change! I have a great husband and my friends are wonderful about understanding that I'm changing some of my habits. Surround yourself with people who will help you, not hinder.

    My son told me that we can't say "can't" that we should say, "This isn't easy, but I can!" He learned that recently during sports when he was having a tough time. I loved it!

    Sooooo! Maybe start picking some new goals? Avoid Mom's house after work, or drink more water, or swear off the vending machine, bring more of your own snacks for work...

    Good luck girlie! You can do it!
  • familybugs
    familybugs Posts: 129 Member
    i agree with the pretty laundry girl... :laugh:

    Sweetheart.... read your profile again. Remind yourself why you got on this site and started to lose weight. We all have hard days and struggle. You have the power to make your own choices!!!


    And just when your about to put the BAD food in your mouth.. REMEMBER... ITS NOT WORTH IT! It might taste good for that second, but you will feel like CRAP the ten seconds later..... your body won't like it and you'll just feel guilty and beat yourself up.. ..... so why do that to yourself!!

    And make your family get on board with you... you need that support! :bigsmile:

    take gum to work! good luck my friend!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    You are at such a turning point here!!


    I see you are at 199...Do you want to keep down this great path for your health or just get back up there? That would be so hard with all those obstacles.

    I really wonder...Have you talked to your Mom about your goals for your health and happiness? Do your co-workers know you are trying so hard? I have had people who sabotage me, and finally I realized, they aren't going to change...I have to change! I have a great husband and my friends are wonderful about understanding that I'm changing some of my habits. Surround yourself with people who will help you, not hinder.

    My son told me that we can't say "can't" that we should say, "This isn't easy, but I can!" He learned that recently during sports when he was having a tough time. I loved it!

    Sooooo! Maybe start picking some new goals? Avoid Mom's house after work, or drink more water, or swear off the vending machine, bring more of your own snacks for work...

    Good luck girlie! You can do it!

    My parents live where I work... I work as a receptionist... I put the "buzzer" out and then go into their house and watch TV... visit.. etc. I bring water, I bring snacks... I will try the gum... My mom does know I'm trying to lose weight... I dunno. I have no co-workers.. I work alone at night.... I know if I can find time to exercise more it wouldnt be such a big deal. Tomorrow I am going to try to find a buggy to pull my kids behind me on my bike. It just gets so frustrating at times! I am tired of keeping track of everything. I just want to eat! Not so much the junk food. I just want to eat as much as I want when I want and not have to worry. :sad:
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member

    My parents live where I work... I work as a receptionist... I put the "buzzer" out and then go into their house and watch TV... visit.. etc. I bring water, I bring snacks... I will try the gum... My mom does know I'm trying to lose weight... I dunno. I have no co-workers.. I work alone at night.... I know if I can find time to exercise more it wouldnt be such a big deal. Tomorrow I am going to try to find a buggy to pull my kids behind me on my bike. It just gets so frustrating at times! I am tired of keeping track of everything. I just want to eat! Not so much the junk food. I just want to eat as much as I want when I want and not have to worry. :sad:

    If you have access to their house and you can go in and watch TV, etc., have you thought about maybe bringing a workout DVD with you? Even pilates so you won't really 'sweat' while you are working in case someone rings the buzzer. Also, if you do even just 20 minutes of pilates, after you will find that it might be easier to say no to the snacks because working out will make you feel stronger.

    Good luck to you!
    ETABUNNY Posts: 1
    I guys, im new to this website. Hoping i could get some support. nice ot meet all of you.
  • mary1127
    mary1127 Posts: 37
    check out the overeaters annonymous site....................don't go visit with your parents........maybe read a book instead or something? Or the Pilates was a great idea.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Seriously... you can do this!! Stay positive.. I heard that every time you are around any food you are subconsciously or consciously having to say NO so if it is right in front of you that takes A LOT of will-power but you can do it. We have a snack fund where I work and I have to walk by it I dunno how many times a day but it is possible. Try seeing if they'll stock some healthier options or if they do, pick those. And (my suggestion) if you can't say no - try allowing yourself a couple hershey kisses or some other small chocolate or gummy treat (mine was jelly beans but now, I work too hard to waste my calories on them so I don't)

    As far as your mom, oh the best of intentions - ask her to stop, ask her to support you maybe even include her in on your diet/exercise plan. Two work better than one!!

    You could definitely do some light exercises if you're able to leave the office and go to your parent's house (thinking.. you work as a hotel/motel receptionist for the family?). You just have to want to, start small.. then gradually work your way up!

  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Thank you all for the support. I didn't think it would help make me feel better or even give it another shot, but it has. I will try once more.... I really hope it works. Mary I will check out the O.A site. Thanks! Thanks everyone! Today is a new day!
  • jsmalla
    jsmalla Posts: 140 Member
    I really like the verse you use in your profile. It hasn't changed. You can & will rise up & accomplish this!! Keep going, but not in your own strength!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I really like the verse you use in your profile. It hasn't changed. You can & will rise up & accomplish this!! Keep going, but not in your own strength!

    Yes. I know I can't without him! hahaha There is NOOOO way maybe in this He will teach me many things! Thank goodness! haha
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    Wow...we sound soooo similiar. I have horrible food cravings at work too! I work next to my favortie sandwich place, there are candy machines only ten feet away from my desk, and my coworkers are skinny and they can eat what they want WITHOUT guilt or a consequence of bigger thighs. I just had to change the way I think, i just had to learn to say no, and to stick with my decision. Also try doing more activities outside of work, or have a project going or something...anything to keep your mind off of food. Do not let food run your life, YOU ARE IN CONTROL.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Wow...we sound soooo similiar. I have horrible food cravings at work too! I work next to my favortie sandwich place, there are candy machines only ten feet away from my desk, and my coworkers are skinny and they can eat what they want WITHOUT guilt or a consequence of bigger thighs. I just had to change the way I think, i just had to learn to say no, and to stick with my decision. Also try doing more activities outside of work, or have a project going or something...anything to keep your mind off of food. Do not let food run your life, YOU ARE IN CONTROL.

    Thanks! Seeing you with your weight loss is very inspirational. You started heavier than I, and you are going futher than I. And it looks like you are past half way! Thats SO AWESOME! congrats!!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member

    See? You totally rock!!! YOU GO GIRL! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Thanks! I am getting back on the wagon today! I CAN DO THIS!! no one said it would be easy!! haha