Pregnante and need support!

Hello everyone. I was on MFP for a few months this time last year and did well losing some of my post baby weight!

Well after falling off the wagon and gaining about ten pounds back, life happened and I got pregnant again. So now at 21 weeks I am back trying to use MFP to help me get in the best health of my life for the new comer and my 17 month old.

I remember how incredibly difficult it was to be fat and pregnant, not just pregnant, but FAT and pregnant! It was awful, and as I approach six months I am starting to be reminded of the extra difficulties that the extra weight adds.

So I need support just staying as healthy as possible, watching what I eat and getting physical! So if there are any other people close to my situation or have been there please feel free to help whip me into shape! Advice needed! this is an emotional and difficult path and I want to really enjoy this pregnancy, so any info or advice would be greatly appreciated!:happy:


  • Firefrog76
    Firefrog76 Posts: 45
    I'm not in your situation, but I've been there before!
    Best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to take care of yourself as best you can. Eat smart and healthy, fruits and veggies, and plenty of folic acid!
    For fitness, if you're comfortable with it, walk regularly. It's a gentle workout that will help keep you moving. Also, you could check into yoga videos designed for pregnancy. A little extra stamina and flexibility can come in handy during labor!
  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    Congrats on your pregnancy!

    Are you looking for support to make good food choices or are you trying to lose weight? I'm assuming that it isn't to lose weight seeing as it isn't healthy to diet during pregnancy. When I was pregnant I took it as a license to eat whatever the heck I wanted...great wish I'd had some support to make better choices.

    What type of exercise are you doing now? I walked a lot when pregnant because I was just so darn tired to do anything else.
  • SassyMissDasha
    I totally feel for you!! It is not only difficult .. but so dangerous! My doctor was awful to me .. I was at 350 lbs pregnant with my last. We will help you and give you support the best we can!! Congrats on the pregnancy!! :heart:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Years ago when I was pregnant and overweight my doctor sent me to a nutritionist. (I also had gestational diabetes) But they worked out an excellent diet and I only gained 10 to 15 lbs. I actually weighed less a couple of weeks after my son was born than I did before I got pregnant. Maybe you could ask your doctor about a nutritionist? Just a thought
  • thisemmabites
    thisemmabites Posts: 117
    I'm not in your situation, but I've been there before!
    Best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to take care of yourself as best you can. Eat smart and healthy, fruits and veggies, and plenty of folic acid!
    For fitness, if you're comfortable with it, walk regularly. It's a gentle workout that will help keep you moving. Also, you could check into yoga videos designed for pregnancy. A little extra stamina and flexibility can come in handy during labor!

    I agree with this post. When you're pregnant your body releases a hormone called Relaxin. It loosens your ligaments so that your bones can move freely when you give birth. You should be really careful not injure yourself with a strenuous workout. Take it easy, eat well, and enjoy being pregnant. Worry about losing and toning when you aren't pregnant. I've had three boys and a girl. Congratulations on the expansion of your family!
  • Doitforbaby120808
    Thanks for all the support already! Im not really looking to lose weight. Just get in shape. I need to be stronger to help ease the pain and yes help with food choices! Im one of those wives that likes to show how much I care by making really killer meals or food choices that are YUMMY but NOT healthy! This is a lifestyle change that I cling to every so often trying to change my ways. I need to find a happy medium to keep us both happy. Because I really give in to impulses and peer pressure. It's impossible for me to have the food in the house and not eat it. And it seems just as impossible if not more so to shop and buy healthy foods on a budget! My hubby is hard to convince of any diet change that limits him in any way at all And believe me he could use some limiting himself. lol
  • Doitforbaby120808
    Thanks a bunch. During my last pregnancy I retained water REALLY REALLY bad! I had awful swelling and head aches. I was sure I was going for pre eclampsia . I don't want to experience that again.
  • GabeNSebsMum
    When I was pregnant with my first son, I walked about 4 or 5 miles a day. Just pace yourself and stop when you feel too exhausted. Also, for diet, I would highly recommend the nutrition portion of "What To Expect When You're Expecting." It gives a good breakdown of the foods you should be eating to make you and baby healthy! Exercise, from my experience, really helps when it comes time for delivery. Labor pains were very tolerable.