Strained my back :(

I have recently strained my back at work and I am now on light duty. Basically I cannot lift anything over 5 pounds and I have to sit most of the day. Not only is this depressing but it is also making me gain back the weight that I have lost. My back is feeling better than it was last week and I may even get released Monday. My question is, how can I get back into my exercise routine without causing my back to hurt and what exercises can i do to strengthen my back so this never happens again!?
Thanks everyone


  • susannahsutton1
    Do not mess with your back

    Has to be all about low impact. So swimming, elliptical trainer, stretch carefully before and after. Get a good physio to give you exercises. I neglected a back injury which is a massive part of why I now have so much weight to use.
  • runnerblues86
    Recently my back has been giving me problems too. I have weight to lose and that doesn't help. I have backed off some and added more serious stretching to my workout before and after. I am careful to listen to my body because one of my MFP friends just got hurt really bad and had to have surgery for her injury. Don't stop working out - just modify it so that you are still burning calories without aggravating your injury. As you get stronger, work out harder, but build in recovery days too. Everybody needs them.