Stacemiester is on the scene! 90lbs to shed!

StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
Hello everyone, I am 33 years of age, female and looking for a community I can come to for inspiration, advice and to pay it forward when I can!

I have been overwieght on and off though out my entire life! I am looking to make some changes that will stop this cycle! I look forward to getting to know you!



  • AkAmber
    AkAmber Posts: 40
    Hi Stacemiester! ;) This is definitely the place. You and I have a lot in common! I'll be 33 in July and have exactly 90 pounds to go from here. I've tried a bazillion different things but the MFP system is truly working for me. Free, simple, not too time consuming or cumbersome for keeping track of your food/exercise, and incredibly supportive!!
  • candicecumbie
    Good Luck!!
  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    A wave from the UK....Hi Stacemiester!

    You have come to the right you I have been up and down with my weight most of my adult life. MFP seems to be working for me too...nearly 2 weeks in and I have lost 7lb which is totally fab!

    Good luck on your journey - we are all here to help :smile:
  • SassyMissDasha
    Welcome! Best place to start. Best of luck to you!!
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Thanks everybody! I look forward to getting to know you and in sharing this journey with you all!
  • MandyMay
    MandyMay Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome!! You deffinetly joined the right site.The community on here is awesome and full of great support!! Good luck on your Journey!!
  • cotton1985
    cotton1985 Posts: 11 Member
    I am trying to lose 100lbs myself good luck !