Why am I not losing weight?



  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    learning means succeding. You are doing great with your efforts. You clearly have the drive to succed, just learn a bit more of the ins and outs and you will be ensuring you are putting your efforts into the best areas for success. Good job and keep up the hard work. It happens slowly but it happens.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    If you truely are eating what you say you're eating and exercising as you say you are then you will lose weight. Just wait for it to come off.
  • rahrah92
    There is probably a nutritionist near me that I could access, so will see what he/she says
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    your BMR is about 1456 and your TDEE is 2256. I listed you as moderetly active based on what you put for excercise but that does not change your BMR anyway only your TDEE. You need to be eating at least your BMR.

    It sounds like you are active with excercise so i would say you are fine there. However you might have conditioned your body to hold on to it's energy surplus(fat). If you want your body to burn fat then your body needs to know that it will get the energy it needs from food. You need to eat more i would think.

    However i do think it should be pointed out that your weight is not that high. It is increasingly diffacult to loose the last bit of weight for everyone.

    Also as you lose the "easy weight" if your not getting enough calories your body will take them from the easiest source first, your muscle. I would suggest you up you calories, 1200 is a min for women, and that is NET not total. Read this thread:
    You are also doing a lot of cardio, that will also cause you to lose muscle after a time. You should do some resitance training.

    yes, this
  • rahrah92
    your BMR is about 1456 and your TDEE is 2256. I listed you as moderetly active based on what you put for excercise but that does not change your BMR anyway only your TDEE. You need to be eating at least your BMR.

    It sounds like you are active with excercise so i would say you are fine there. However you might have conditioned your body to hold on to it's energy surplus(fat). If you want your body to burn fat then your body needs to know that it will get the energy it needs from food. You need to eat more i would think.

    However i do think it should be pointed out that your weight is not that high. It is increasingly diffacult to loose the last bit of weight for everyone.

    Also as you lose the "easy weight" if your not getting enough calories your body will take them from the easiest source first, your muscle. I would suggest you up you calories, 1200 is a min for women, and that is NET not total. Read this thread:

    Have you seen insanity? That is muscle training, it kills me, I do that 6 days a week, I have noticed my body shape changing slightly
  • rahrah92
    learning means succeding. You are doing great with your efforts. You clearly have the drive to succed, just learn a bit more of the ins and outs and you will be ensuring you are putting your efforts into the best areas for success. Good job and keep up the hard work. It happens slowly but it happens.

    I do, I will keep at it, perhaps I am losing inches rather than weight at the moment
  • rahrah92
    Amen on the water sponge - insane how that happens, and FAST! LOL

    Jen M

    Ok I will try and up my water intake
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    This is a really helpful perspective :


    And do what the other posters have said.... eat more, drink plenty of water and stop worrying about the scale. Just eat well and get fit.

  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    It could be your blood sugar levels. In general, if blood sugar to high-insulin reduces blood sugar by converting sugar to fat.

    Try switching your breakfast to more protein(and a little fat) instead of the banana. Banana is a great food, but I only eat them right before or during exercise to ensure the sugar is burned by my muscles and not converted to fat. Read up on glycemic index- eat low glycemic throughout day and high glycemic during exercise. Avoid insulin. Use the food diary for feedback. I eat fat in morning to give me a constant blood sugar level throughout the day- (these are general statements).

    Good luck.
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    Are you tracking anything beyond weight? You should be. The changes are slow to see and take time but you should be tracking some measurments like waist, arms...etc and mort important of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................body fat %.

    Good luck
  • blanhe2
    You are probably not eating enough given the amount of exercise you do. WIthout seeing your food diary, it sounds you barely get to 1200 cals. You need to eat your exercise calories too, or at least half of them.
  • alijane9
    alijane9 Posts: 67 Member
    I do, I will keep at it, perhaps I am losing inches rather than weight at the moment

    Yes! Measure yourself. Take photos from all angles. I eat plenty, haven't lost lbs for a while, but have lost around 10 inches overall...happy with that, as getting fit, slim and not hungry! I'm not too worried about what the scale says. Sometimes that's easier said than done though. Sounds like most have given you sound advice. Good luck!
  • rahrah92
    I have taken measurements, I have lost a few cm actually e.g 2cm round my thighs on each leg, but I seem to care more what the scale says lol
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I have taken measurements, I have lost a few cm actually e.g 2cm round my thighs on each leg, but I seem to care more what the scale says lol
    Here's a bit of a riddle for you.

    If you were maintaining weight before going on a diet, your body was storing a maintenance weight in food - and along with that, a maintenance level of glycogen and water. What happens to the weight from those three sources when you decrease calories substantially?

    If you restricted calories for some time and experience a "gain" in weight when upping calories, what would be the reason you are "gaining" this weight?
  • JamesWay84
    i didn't read everything, but if every missed this, please have your thyroid check

    good luck