30 day shred?

thinking about getting it, any tips or advice?
and how was your outcome?


  • I just bought it yesterday and did my first workout on level 1. Kicked my butt. I've been walking outside since December 1st and knew I needed to ramp up with more cardio and a strength training program. Workouts are 20 minutes long and level 1 was hard (for me anyway). I'm really going to try and do it every day for 30 days (10 days per level). Got the DVD at Walmart for $9.00 so it's a low investment for possibly high results. Good luck to you!
  • thanks so much :) yeah my friend told me it was only 10 dollars at walmart and i was like sold!
  • I just ordered "30 Day Shred" and two other Jillian Michaels' DVD's yesterday, got them online for $21 which included shipping so I thought that was pretty good. I have been taking a ladies Circuit Training Boot Camp but these DVD's look like a more intense workout. All her DVD's have great reviews. I see many people on MFP use these DVD's and I'm curious how others log them in as exercise...any suggestions on that?
  • Yes...I was wondering myself about that. I just logged each individual strength move and also the different cardio moves as well. Don't know if that's the right way to do it but I couldn't see any other way of doing it. Let me know if you come up with a better suggestion
  • Hi! I started level 1 last weekend. I did my day 5 today. Day 1 was a killer. My endurance is certainly improving. I hadn't been feeling the greatest today but today's day 5 session was easy. I didn't even need to get a sip of water!

    As for logging it in MFP, I used to put it under circuit training but I have since bought a heart rate monitor which I use instead.
  • kellegg22
    kellegg22 Posts: 53 Member
    I am on day 2 level 2. My endurance is so much better than day 1 in level 1. I started out doing about 5 pushups, now I can do 15! I think my stomach is getting smaller as well and I can tell my arms are toner.
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    Get it! I feel so much better since I started it! I am did my 6th day of level 2 today. So far I lost 1 inch on my hips and 1/2 inch on my waist. I know I could lose more if I ate better but I feel that is still pretty good for my diet!
  • mininipuce
    mininipuce Posts: 50 Member
    It's available on Youtube for free :) All 3 levels!
  • mrfrodogetdown
    mrfrodogetdown Posts: 54 Member
    I've been doing it as often as possible since about Jan 20- been slacking lately though. You will not notice a loss in pounds fast, but you will notice your stamina increases extremely quickly!
  • I am doing day 18 tomorrow level 2 day 8, It is a tough workout but I already see muscle definition, not so much with weight loss since I am so far into eating healthy. I highly recommend it.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I just started it yesterday! I'm pretty excited about it. I have seen a lot of people here have great results from it. Once I finish it, I want to incorporate other Jillian Michaels DVDs with lifting at the gym.

    I have been logging the exercise under "circuit training, general". That has been suggested by numerous people who have done 30DS.
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    I just finished level 2 day 6 and it still kicks my butt! I can say though I'm down about 8.5" overall and 9.6#. Also, today was the first day I could do unassisted plank jack!!
  • It's available on Youtube for free :) All 3 levels!

    I just went to Youtube and found them, thanks for this info! (and I thought I was getting a good deal buying the three DVD's for $21....free is much better :)
  • I'm finally on level 3! Level 2 was worse than 3 I think, I skipped ahead to 3 a couple days early. When I started, I couldn't even do jumping jacks. I've seen great improvement with my endurance and am quite proud how far I've come. After 20 days, I'm down about 8 pounds and can see results in my arms and thighs. My abs are a different story :laugh:
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I'm finally on level 3! Level 2 was worse than 3 I think, I skipped ahead to 3 a couple days early. When I started, I couldn't even do jumping jacks. I've seen great improvement with my endurance and am quite proud how far I've come. After 20 days, I'm down about 8 pounds and can see results in my arms and thighs. My abs are a different story :laugh:

    That's awesome! I hope I can lose a couple when I start on 3/1. :-)
  • I'm on day 9 of level one. After the first week I have lost 6 inches over all. It's a great workout! I log it as circuit training.
  • Yes...I was wondering myself about that. I just logged each individual strength move and also the different cardio moves as well. Don't know if that's the right way to do it but I couldn't see any other way of doing it. Let me know if you come up with a better suggestion

    I just did the first one today, I think it could fall under "interval training" since she has you doing low intensity followed by higher intensity. Someone else mentioned "circuit training" and that would probably work too. Just a thought.....
  • Thanks for the info....I think your way is probably much better. Just finished day 2 of level 1.....gotta keep going!
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    I just started today. I'm waaaay out of shape and the last time I attempted the video (I've owned it for three years) I didn't even finish the first day and never looked at it again until today.

    I'm happy to say that I completed Day 1 Level 1. I did some fast marching through some of the jumping jacks and couldn't do all the pushups or sittups, but I did what I could and will be back again tomorrow. These "it gets easier" stories really help!
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    I did it a few months ago and just want to add some words of encouragement for those who don't lose while they are doing it. I found that such intense exercise (compared to what I was doing before) really made my muscles hold on to water, and I barely lost anything during the 30 days, although i definitely saw changes in the mirror and the measuring tape. However, I quickly lost 7 pounds in the few weeks after I finished, and I'm convinced that the 30DS in some way 'jump-started' that weight loss.

    After a break, I'm doing it again now - on Day 4!