30 day shred

I attempted the 30 day shred and I was not able to do it. I got to 9 mins and had to stop. I do the push-ups following the beginner lady, and still feel that I cannot come down enough. I was going to the gym and did 60 mins of elliptical, but this is beyond me. Anybody that was done it, how did you get through it?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Do what you can. If you can't go all the way down then only go as far as you can. If you need to take a rest, do it then start back again. If you don't push yourself to do more you'll never get so that you can do it.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    What lb weights are you using?
  • LemonJADE
    LemonJADE Posts: 89 Member
    I never push myself harder than I can do. If you can't go all the way down for a push up, don't! I don't! Also if you've just started, slow it down a bit so you can complete the whole work out and you can speed up as you get used to it, it does get easier the more you do it! Good luck and keep trying! :)
  • jillybeanpuff
    jillybeanpuff Posts: 144 Member
    it gets easier the more you do it! just go slower if you need to and take breaks. try to do as much as possible, even if you aren't doing everything perfect, at least you are doing something :) good luck and don't give up!!
  • marthajo1
    marthajo1 Posts: 68 Member
    Just keep it going. Do what you can each time. You'll get stronger and stronger each time you do it and it'll get easier and easier.
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    thanks everyone! I'm using 3lbs weights. I'll try to take it a little bit slower the first few days, but complete the cycle. i know i have to push myself, but I agree, progressively. Thanks!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Just do what you can! Your not supposed to be able to do all of the moves exactly like Jillian or as many. Doing something even if it's just a couple with the proper posture/ stance makes a world of difference! Evenutally after each level you will be able to do more and will see how much stronger you will become and it will get easier! I started the 30 DS when I was around 205-210 pounds and I couldn't even get through all of the jumping jacks! It was EXTREMLEY difficult but it got easier and by the time I was at level 3 I could go back to level 1 and do everything without feeling like I was going to die! Just keep going!!!

    Oh and don't forget to take your measurements! That's where you will notice the biggest change!
  • NatalieSkywalker
    NatalieSkywalker Posts: 231 Member
    The first time I did it (2 years ago) I was out of breath after the warm up and couldn't go further than the second set of jumping jacks! I can now complete the entire level with just one or two 10 second breaks.

    My advice is to just keep doing it, it definitely gets easier as you go along. The push ups are the hardest for me in Level 1. I just do them as best as I can and keep going!
  • Just keep at it, I'm doing this again after having a break from it because of injury and I'm much better at it 2nd time round, so you do get better with practice. Saying that I'm not doing it today as my thighs are hurting so I've just been walking today as there is no way I could manage doing 30ds it's a killer! But in a good way :happy:
  • allforthethrill
    allforthethrill Posts: 108 Member
    When I first started I had to stop for minutes at a time during it!
    Don't worry, your endurance will grow!
  • sarahjay1
    sarahjay1 Posts: 175 Member
    This is echoing everyone else but just keep going. Did Level 3 Day 2 today and I still do push-ups on my knees but I am definitely stronger. Also, for level 1, I would do one set of push-ups on my knees and the other standing against a wall. Little less resistance but still, as Jillian likes to say, still effective!
  • ljmiller11
    ljmiller11 Posts: 67 Member
    All you can do is your best. I have just finished the full 30 days (across 40 days - I did it 5 times a week) and I feel so much better!

    The first day I did it I felt faint and had to lay down, it hurt to walk the next day and I thought it had beaten me. Then, I tried again and it still hurt but I did a couple more sections without stopping. The next day, it felt a little easier again. By day 30, I was kicking Jillians *kitten*! It's no fun but trust me, it works and you will feel amazing. It's only 30 minutes, just do it as best as you can and you won't regret it.

    Good luck!
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    It's hard! When I first started 30DS, modified push-ups took a lot out of me, and by the time I got to the jump-rope portion of level 1, I felt like I was dying! The important thing is to just keep going! I can't always keep up with Jillian or do some of the exercises as fast as she does them, but if you keep moving, you will see progress! Like she says, take a 5 second breather if you need to, and then pick it back up. If you can't push yourself as hard as she pushes it, just do what you can. Even if you do one squat in the time it takes her to do 4, your body is burning calories and getting stronger. If you stick with it, it will get easier.
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    I remember when I first started doing Jillian's DVDs...some moves were okay but others, I just could not get through or only do for a few seconds. That was 1+ year ago...There are still some moves I have trouble with but others, I can do without a second thought (okay, there's definitely still seconds thoughts haha but I get through it!). What I did when I couldn't do something, take a break and have a sip of water or replace the move with something similar - if I couldn't do 2 minutes of cardio in plank, I would stand up and do mountain climbers that way or even jogging in place to keep my heart rate. Do what you can and you will improve. You have to start somewhere is what I always told myself.
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    Just do your best. Don't use weights if its just too much. Don't go quite as low on the push ups ( I can't do a full one myself) Take a breather for a moment if you have to but do make sure you push yourself! Its SUPPOSED to be hard. That's how it works. Don't hurt yourself of course but really give it your best. You will get stronger if you stick to it. I just completed day 2 and no lie, its hard. I thought I was going to throw up afterwards. I'm so sore and I know I'm going to be dying tomorrow. But no pain, no gain right? Good Luck!
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I plan to do what I can and spend extra time if I need to. It's a different kind of exercise than walking or the elliptical and you can't expect to excel immediately. You can only expect yourself to follow through and make the progress you are able to make.
  • TammyS3
    TammyS3 Posts: 28 Member
    I just finished Day 1 about 30 minutes ago...oh my gosh! I'm sitting here in the chair and my legs are shaking lol. I couldn't do the entire thing without breaks. When I had to, I stopped for 5-10 seconds and then got right back on it. I'm very proud of my self. You can do this, just don't give up!!!! And, I hope I take my own advice!!!!
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    Thank you everyone for the responses! It makes me feel that it can be done. Quick question, I'm pretty sure i'll be at level 1 for a bit, but withing the 30 days, when do i progress to 2 and 3?
    thanks again!
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    Just keep it going. Do what you can each time. You'll get stronger and stronger each time you do it and it'll get easier and easier.

    This!! Great advice!! I literally just finished Day 8 of Level 2. When level 1 first started, I couldnt even do ONE pushup!! I kept going and by the end I was able to do the whole workout with no breaks! The first day I couldnt even get through the warmup with no breaks. It is amazing to me what is happening to my body!! I also just slid a pair of jeans down last night to take them off without unbuttoning them or unzipping them!! Seriously amazing!! don't give up! If you cant do a pushup, get as close to doing one as you can and then do it again. You will build up strength and it won't take as long as you think it does!! Also, I have a lot of mental hang ups about what I can and cant do so if you do to, try to erase those out of your mind!!
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you everyone for the responses! It makes me feel that it can be done. Quick question, I'm pretty sure i'll be at level 1 for a bit, but withing the 30 days, when do i progress to 2 and 3?
    thanks again!

    10 days of each level but no shame in adding 1 or 2 days to the first level if you need to!