186 lbs and 5'4".. anyone similar?



  • skiphere1
    skiphere1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 55, 180lbs, and 5'1. Just starting today. Anyone can add me.
  • What did you do? I just stepped on the scale last week and I was like oh heck no, something has got to give. I'm currently 5'3 and 220lbs. I am trying to get all of this off me and I don't have to do it quick but I do have to do it!!!!!
  • ashmariehay
    ashmariehay Posts: 35 Member
    Yes I am 23
    5'5 and started at 210lbs.
    I am currently at 180lbs.

    40lbs to go before my 24th birthday, and my friend's wedding I'm in!!!
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 220 lbs currently, problem areas are thighs and butt and a large chest that makes running and jumping a challenge, to say the least. I'm also a working mom to a one-year-old, so finding time to work out needs to become a bigger priority, though I'm not sure I'm ready to give up precious minutes of sleep and get up earlier. Signed up here a while back but didn't really use it. Started up again recently because I really want to keep track of what I'm eating, which I've found very quickly is too much. I'm shooting for a slow and steady weight loss, like 1/2-1 pound per week. I'm shooting for under 200 to start, which I figure will take at least 6 months. My ultimate goal is 140, but I'd be happy back at my wedding weight of 170. I'm in for the long haul! :) I need to put the scale away and only let myself weigh myself once every two weeks or something...seeing that same weight day in and day out is really discouraging. I started a Couch to 5K last week and so far so good. No weight lost yet, but I feel really good.
  • DanceFittDiva
    DanceFittDiva Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started at 193lbs also. Now I'm down to 181 since starting to exercise and eat better Jan 1st. My goal weight is 130lbs.
  • alisonsurf
    alisonsurf Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 186 & 5'4 exactly. I've had the hardest trouble losing weight. Actually, since I've started dieting & exercisig I have GAINED two pounds, I am a retired gymnast and I am currently a student with a job.

    I started at 5'4" and 183. I was (am?) an athlete and I have a pattern of losing a little then gaining a few pounds before I lose any more. I am lifting 3x weekly and I think I have put on a lot of muscle. I can tell I have lost size since I can actually wear a lot of my smaller clothes, but it is difficult not to get discouraged. I also make sure to get plenty of EFAs since your body needs them to shed the fat along with water to flush it out. Keep up the good work. Friend me if you would like to!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    i am 5,4 and 175. I was 201 and it was so hard to break that 200 pound mark. I started on MFP and counting calories and it finally happened. I workout 5-6 days a week and am strict on my calorie intake. I dont cut out any foods. I have come down to 175 since September. I have been eating cake and all kinds of goodies, but in moderation. I believe that is key. Feel free to add me! Good luck with your weight loss goals.
  • I can totally relate to the yo yo dieting and the millions of times I said I was "finally going to stick to it."

    However, I really meant it this last time! I'm 5'3 and I started out at 175 pounds, and I currently weigh in at 163.

    I feel better already, and I hope I can help you to stay motivated because getting healthy really is possible - even for people like us :)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    I decided to up my calories from 1200 to 1390 per day. MFP calculated my BMR at 1582. Someone please help me figure this out.. I'm confused.. am I eating the right number of calories (I'm 186.7 lbs and 5'4" and 24 years old). I currently do not exercise (I don't need anyone's stories about this.. I know exercise is important, and I will incorporate it once I feel like I have the eating right thing down.)

    I'm 5'4" and I'm 190. My highest weight was 265, and my lowest ever was 183. At New Years I was 205, so I've been trying this year to finally get down to 170ish, which is my goal weight. My BMR is 1680 and I stick to between 1200-1400 calories a day. I do exercise a lot, but I totally agree with you about getting your diet down before you start an exercise regimen. If you try to both at once, you might get overwhelmed and give up. (It's happened to me plenty of times.) I was worried that I wasn't getting enough calories because MFP kept suggesting I up my calories to 2000, based on my fitness routine, but I stuck with my gut, which told me to stay where I'm at and I lost four pounds last week. I don't worry about the carb or fat number, and just try to focus on staying within my calorie range and getting at least 65g of protein a day. If you're not working out, I'd keep your calories around the 1200-1300 range, and if you feel like you need to, start raising it as you become more active.
  • I added some of you, even if this was not my post.

    I am trying to get back into my 130's/size 8 self, and this is the first time in a few years that I am taking this VERY seriously. I am 5'4 , and I started off at 206 back in October. I am currently 188lbs, so I have lost 18lbs in about 4 months, which is very little!. I am on Weight Watchers and love their program, but I will still come on here at times to track calories. I have noticed that when I convert my points into calories, I am VERY low in calories, which shows me that the foods I choose are not the best at times.

    I eat anywhere between 1200-1300 calories per day, I use mfp and WW app religiously and think that smart phones are the best invention ever! I exercise 5x a week with just 30 minutes of cardio, but I am hoping to increase that and add some weight training as well. I did c25k when I weighed my heaviest but stopped after my treadmill broke on week 5 (i hated running outside, because I was embarrassed). I used to be a runner and would love to get back into that!
  • ayanasioux
    ayanasioux Posts: 11 Member
    I was 202.5 lbs/ size 12 (14 depending on my boobs in certain clothes) before I started however I'm 5'7", but that was my breaking point because I wasn't happy with my body image. So I started this and I haven't been the best I could be, but I think that not being the best you can be at it is better. After about two and a half months I'm now at 182 lbs (weighed myself this morning) and I can see the difference. The reason I feel not being the best I can be is better is because when you're too strict at eating right the whole time, it makes is easier for you to hit a plateau. But when you throw your body for a loop from time to time by eating crap one day, then eating well the next, your body doesn't know what to think so it just keeps burning the fat.

    But an issue that a lot of us have is that we think that as soon as we hit that weight that refuses to give, we want to give up. Don't give up, just make your body confused. The reason we're not losing is because our body knows what's going on so it adapts, but if your body is confused, it's going to keep doing the same thing, losing.

    So try not to give up just because one week you don't lose the weight you're supposed to. If it prolongs for more than four weeks, then you have to do something else. What I did was ate without thinking about calories at all for one day, then I ate 1200 calories the next, then I went back to my normal amount (1250) and then the weight started losing again.
  • I am 5'6" I am 213 ( this morning) I havent had time lately to get to the gym. I have been trying to do extra things like parking farther out when I go somewhere, using stairs, and doing squats at work when i go to the bathroom ( sounds funny but when i go pee, I know I need to do the squats lol) My biggest probelm is my husband is a big junk food eater, and you know if it is there youre gonna eat some. ;0(. So if you get any goos ideas please send them to me. Oh and good Luck. This is a great place to start.
  • I'm 5"5 starting weight was 202, and as if this morning, Im down to 194.6. I weigh my food and watch my calories big time,
  • Megz2006
    Megz2006 Posts: 122 Member
    5'4" starting weight was 185. I am down 7 pounds in 20 days with MFP. Still have a ways to go, but I am going strong and shedding weight every week :-)
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    Currently 5'4" and 184. Have lost almost 12 pounds so far. Way too close to the 200 pound mark when I started out. My goal weight is 130, which is what I weighed when I graduated from high school. I have truly never been healthy in my life, though. Even when I was very thin (around 105) I didn't eat right and I NEVER exercised.

    This is the first time I'm trying to lose weight correctly and have been incorporating daily exercise. My 10 year old daughter saw me yesterday in my work out clothes (sports bra) and told me it looked like I had lost 35 pounds! Yeah!
  • SophieC19
    SophieC19 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5ft 4 and my highest was 183lbs when I joined mfp just over a year ago, I'm down to 149lbs and aiming for 140lbs then maybe 135ish :)
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I decided to up my calories from 1200 to 1390 per day. MFP calculated my BMR at 1582. Someone please help me figure this out.. I'm confused.. am I eating the right number of calories (I'm 186.7 lbs and 5'4" and 24 years old). I currently do not exercise (I don't need anyone's stories about this.. I know exercise is important, and I will incorporate it once I feel like I have the eating right thing down.)

    I am very similar to your stats, including age (I'm 26). Go with the suggested BMR and if you notice yourself gaining, then cut them back. I was losing quickly when I started this year with the same suggestions, but I was also exercising (I won't lecture you on this :wink: ) However, I find that I have to exercise in order to have enough calories to satisfy my hunger. Sorry, I don't have pics other than my profile, but befriend me if you want.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I'm 5'5" and just about 195 pounds. Anyone feel free to add me, I'm on every day
  • Jazzyashes84
    Jazzyashes84 Posts: 19 Member
    My starting weight last year was 193.. which was my breaking point.. I've been yo yo dieting since and am ready to just stick with it (as I've said manyyyy times in the past.) I didn't know if anyone weighed around the same and was around the same height and what you've been doing to meet your goals, pictures would be awesome as motivation if you have any.
    Hi, yeah. ... I'm 175lbs and 5'4 and wanna lose 20lbs or so! If u wanna friend me pls do
    Donna xx

    I'm 5'4" and after I had my baby April 2012, I weighed 185lbs. I started counting calories (but I cheated a lot) and I got down to 175lbs by July for my sister's wedding (I still felt huge! and the pictures make me sad although it was a great day)...Two weeks ago I got to my pre-pregnancy weight 150lbs! I feel SO much better. I literally thought I would never get there. But I did it gradually. I found that eating 1200calories/day slowed my progress. I eat about 1400/day and exercise at least 4 days per week. I even have cheat days sometimes when I go out for drinks with the girls.

    Good luck ladies!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I started at 220, and I'm now FINALLY done with the 180s.. I've been stuck here for a bit. I'm at 179 now.
    My plan consists of following MFP suggested calories (I started at 1.5 lbs per week, and changed it as I ended up at 1200 calories. Now I'm at 1 pound per week). For the first 20 lbs, I didn't do a lick of exercise. After that 20, I added walking in. When I got to 30-ish pounds, I joined TKD, and that's what I've been doing 3 times a week, and yoga and treadmill as I can, in between TKD days!
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