Food suddenly tastes strange/different?

I've slowly been changing my diet over the last few months. Lately, I've noticed that food tastes different than before. Food is too sweet, too salty, too bitter, has too much of a chemical aftertaste (I'm looking at YOU, Splenda!) or is otherwise unpalatable. It's mostly processed food, so I'm not that upset. It's just weird to find out that some food I used to enjoy is now inedible. Having to cook more instead of relying on prepared food is probably a plus in the long run. Anyone else have this issue?


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I never did. Even after cutting foods out for a significant amount of time. Except, I notice sweet. I'm a diabetic (for 22 years) and I think certain foods taste sweet that others do not.

    However, I know some people taste chemicals, etc. after changing their diets.

    Everyone is different, but it's not abnormal.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    This happened to me as well. It's amazing how much processed foods can alter the way you feel, taste, smell, etc..

    Whenever I quit smoking, everything tasted salty... and still does.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Yes. My palette has definitely changed in the last 2.5 years. It's funny how things taste different.
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    Yes! I've been trying to cut back on processed foods for the last couple weeks and yesterday I had a brownie, which I usually love - I took one bite and threw it out because all I could taste was chemicals!
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    yes!!! very much so!!! too sweet, too salty, too greasy, too spicy!!! and I used to LOVE spicy food I can't handle it now!!! :blushing:
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I agree, the processed foods seemed to bland and salty, and when I eat something sweet, it's way tooo sweet!
  • amy0716
    amy0716 Posts: 50 Member
    I agree. I can barely eat cottage cheese anymore. All I taste is the salt!!
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    Soda for sure. I used to be a diet Coke addict, but since giving it up over a year ago, I can't stand the stuff. In fact, I don't like any carbonated beverage at all!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I agree, once you cut out foods they just don't have that same flavor to you. I have suddenly developed a craving for baby carrots as a snack!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Oh my goodness yes. All those hostess snacks I used to love taste like utter garbage now. And salt! Salt was my best friend for years, and now I barely add any to my cooking.
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    Last night I had ketchup for the first time in probably a month, and I could not handle it-it was to salty/sweet/odd after flavor. Also, I can't handle greasy food anymore-all I can taste is the grease, and it makes my stomach hurt.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    I've found this too. I still enjoy some unhealthy foods, but tend to go for the better quality ones or much smaller quantities, and without any added salt. I can barely eat chips (i.e. french fries) any more because they're too salty so I don't order them as they're a waste of calories. I'll either exchange them for a salad or in the case of fast food not order them at all. I also don't like to drink sweet drinks much any more. I'll enjoy the first few mouthfuls then go off it and not want to finish it. So I order water with food in restaurants, which has the added bonus of not clashing with the food.
  • custinj
    Yes. I have experienced this as well. Everything processed is either too salty or too sweet. I had a slice of pizza over the weekend & it tasted so salty i couldnt eat it. I'm glad I have this andvantage to control my will power around those foods now.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    This is what I try to tell people who say they can't possibly give up little debbies or whatever. If you DO give them ALL up for a while -- like a month or 6 weeks or so, when you do try them again, they taste too sweet and like a bunch of chemicals (which is of course, what they are).
  • iSarahMay
    Soda for sure. I used to be a diet Coke addict, but since giving it up over a year ago, I can't stand the stuff. In fact, I don't like any carbonated beverage at all!

    Same thing for me too
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    I have had a similar change. I used to LOVE peeps and I had to giveaway what I had in my house because they are just too sweet for me.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    Wow! I am actually going through this right now. Like the past week, things just started tasting weird. Things I used to like...just taste off now... Glad I'm not the only one
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    This is so true for my mom. She does low carb and dosen't like sweeteners so she's completely given up all candy and soda and stuff.
    After like two weeks of quitting sugar cold turkey she got her period and a massive chocolate craving. So she decided to give up temporarily. Then she actually tried eating the chocolate and almost got sick it was so sweet.
    Admittedly what she had was marabou Never Stop, which is chocolate covered in sugar/honey/chemicals/idontevenknow and super sweet, but still.

    I made boiled carrots the other day and she tried one and thought it was too sweet.
  • murrayrosner
    lI've found tomato's and cucumbers have thicker skin and taste bland,The fruits this year especially peaches have the same thick skins.My guess is that have been last longer.
  • mapenguinkeeper
    Yup, can stand the taste of soda, juices, etc. Never had much of a sweet tooth anyway, but when I began cutting out processed foods and drinks I find every too much. Salty, bitter, sweet, you name it and I cook nearly every meal myself so I can control it. The hubby was entering in a minestrone soup I had made and when MFP posted the sodium he jumped and said, "there is no way your soup has that much sodium."

    ooo, agree fruits and vegs out of season or from far off and just wrong, bland and tough