186 lbs and 5'4".. anyone similar?



  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    My starting weight in October 2012 was 198 (first picture)
  • pmcfarland68
    I'm 5'4" and currently 192.4. I have a goal of 145. Feel free to add for support!
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    At my last weigh in 2/13/2013 I was 186.5 lbs. I weigh once a week. I am 5'0" and am a couple of months away from turning 53 years old.

    I have been a yo-yo dieter in the past and 2 years ago went on an insanely low calorie diet. I lost weight....oh yeah...to the tune of 35 lbs. in 3 months, but naturally, a lot of it was muscle. As I gained back the weight I found myself a pant size larger at 15 lbs. less than I had formerly been. A cautionary tale if ever there was one!

    Fast forward to January 2013. I tipped the scale at 198 lbs. and freaked! I looked and felt like a sloppy mess. I started by simply cleaning up my eating habits, making sure I was eating breakfast with protein, 2 servings of fresh fruit and 3 servings of fresh veggies every day. Also very little sugar and virtually no refined foods. I was keeping a written food diary, not really too concerned about calories, and managed to loose 5 lbs in 3 weeks. My daughter had set up an account for me with MFP so that we could encourage one another, but I don't have internet service so I wasn't logging on. Then I discovered that Blackberry had an app for MFP and I started logging about a week ago.

    I wanted to loose a pound a week and the recommendation by MFP was 1200 calories a day so for a week that's what I was sticking to pretty closely. Then I read an informative post last night in Community that made me change my approach (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/865024-1200-and-why-it-won-t-work ). I have decided to increase my calories to 1470 a day and adjust my goal to 0.5 lbs. a week. If that works I will experiment with how many calories it actually takes for me to loose a pound a week. I want to eat the maximum amount possible so as to have some wiggle room to decrease my calories in case I hit a plateau, without going below 1200. Using online calculators for both BMR and TDEE , my present caloric reuirement to maintain my weight is 1800 calories. I am quite sedentary with diminished muscle mass. I know that as I loose weight I will want to be more active, but for now, "it is what it is".

    I hope you find some of this information useful. I will be posting a photo soon to help track my progress.

    All the best !
  • cindylouk
    cindylouk Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there, I was glad to see someone on here my age, It seems it is mostly a young group. I too started this life style change about a month ago after my husband had a mini stroke. It was a big wake up call for the both of us. I am 5'2 was 180 pounds a month ago, I have now lost 4 pounds. We did away with red meat, no fried foods and we watch our portion control. We been doing a lot of Morning Star products and honestly they are darn good, I got on Morning star's web site and found a lot of great dishes which we have made. Good Luck with your weight lost journey.
  • mckmom69
  • FaithInAes
    FaithInAes Posts: 54 Member
    Me! I am 5'4" and just weighed in this morning as 186.2lbs. My starting weight was 200lbs. I got down to 182 but then had a 3 month mental block/ plateau where I just bounced around the 180's, but I am finally starting to lose again. I have noticed that what works best for me (with LOTS of trial and error!) is that I should focus on my net calories and not so much my overall calories. If I net anywhere from 500 to 700 calories a day, the weight just melts off. I currently eat around 1500 cals and try to burn off at least 700 calories in my workouts. My ultimate goal is to get down to 130. Feel free to add me! I love new friends :happy:
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    I am 5'2" and I started back in June of 2012 at 219. I have lost 70 pounds and currently down to 149. My goal weight is currently set at 135 so I have about 14 pounds to go, although I may lower it a little bit further. It can be done if you just stick with it. I never miss a day of logging into this site for motivation.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    im five four and sitting at 186 right now. started out at about 260. im about halfway done looking to get down into the 150's so i dont hurt myself and so im not so hard on mysef when i run my marathons and what not.. you screw around on here for awhile some suceed and some dont. then you have a moment where you realize if i show some discipline i can make it happen. thats where i am at now. no holds barred and im going to win. you dont need luck on your journey you need persistence and discipline.
  • Jessimaaka
    Jessimaaka Posts: 127 Member
    I am 5'4" and 178 pounds, I had a baby in August 2012 and topped out at 230 :o I came to MFP in November (signed up before I got pregnant and never used it)) and started logging at 197 pounds. 20lbs in almost 100 days (3 more days till I've logged in for 100 days straight!) is slow, but I feel I will be able to maintain it easier. I recently finished losing the baby weight and and now am working on the weight I gained quitting smoking before getting pregnant, and then an extra bit on top of that to get to my wedding weight. I started C25K, but decided I hate running on a treadmill, so need to get back to that and doing it outside. I'm also currently in the middle of 30DS.
  • walkermom58
    walkermom58 Posts: 86 Member
    I am 5'4" and started out at 182, so almost the same. Last year about this time my workplace started a Biggest Loser contest with two teams. I lost 10 pounds and decided it was not coming back on. Well about 4 pounds did come back on in the first couple of months. So I joined MFP in July 2012. The weight did not fall off quickly, but I am at 151 with 6 pounds to goal and a healthy BMI of 25! (A total of 31 pounds) I do not eat back my exercise calories, I know many do. It just doesn't work for me. I am registered for a Walking Half Marathon in April. I exercise 3-4 days a week, more if I can fit it in and I feel great.
  • dparent01
    dparent01 Posts: 35 Member
    I am 5'3" and currently weigh 189.0. I started out at 209 last year. I can totally understand about the exercise thing. Take the steps one at a time and you will get there. I currently eat 1200 calories on MFP however I try to exercise 3 times a week. I have also been doing a Dietbet challenge. A website where you put money into a pot to win if you lose 4% of your body weight during the 28 day challenge. I'm loving it because it is keeping things in perspective for me. You can become overwhelmed with the amount of weight you need to lose. Losing 6-8 pounds a month is a better way to to accomplish it. I know you don't want to exercise right now, but just try getting out and walking a few times a week and stick to the calories. I bet you will see it start moving again. Good luck!
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