Building up stamina (with asthma)

So I'm pretty severely asthmatic, and I want to start cycling so I can aim on toning my thighs and bum. The thing is, the last time I cycled, which was about 8 months ago, I only cycled around the block, and I had a massive asthma attack.

I appreciate I'm unfit and the asthma doesn't help as it puts me off building up stamina, but I was wondering if there were any other asthmatics out there with the same problem, but managed to build up much better stamina over time? If so, how did you go about it, where did you start with what kind of exercising, and where are you at now?


  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I have asthma and I smoke (yes I know, very bad) but I think my asthma is very, very mild. I just renewed a Rx for an inhaler last week after catching a cold but before that I hadn't used one in a few years.

    Now with that out of the way.. I would look into 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. I know its bizarre to recommend but that 20 minute a day workout helped me increase my endurance.. before doing this workout, I couldn't jog or run anywhere for more than a minute without getting out of breath. Now I can run MUCH longer and I'm pretty much ready to ditch my smokes.

    Once (should you try 30DS) you finish that, look into doing some HIIT - you can google that. Great for working out your heart and improving stamina and endurance as well.

    Your asthma sounds pretty bad so I would definitely talk to your doctor about this first before taking my advice or anyone elses.. but this is what has worked for me
  • liveforbread1
    Do I have to buy a DVD or is there some clips on YouTube I can use?
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Type 30 Day Shred on youtube :) all 3 levels are on there!
  • Teanbaa
    Teanbaa Posts: 12 Member
    I have Asthma and it stopped me from exercising for a while and in return piled on the weight.

    Now, i do Muay Thai for a sport and that requires a 5-10k warm up jog.. at first i would die within the first kilometre, now i can run forever. I found id have to concentrate on my breathing and make sure i inhaled as slow and deep as i could while i was running so i find my asthma is sweet after a run.

    However, when im in the ring and im inhaling and exhaling everytime i throw a punch/receive etc i struggle to regain my breath between rounds and always have my puffer handy... I find i need strong mind over matter and i have to calm myself as much as i can or else ill have an asthma attack but always have my puffer with me.

    All i can offer is start slow and build up, you can train your body and control your asthma if you take it slow :)