Planet Fitness??



  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I love PF! For one it's super close to me and it's 24 hours so I can hit the gym before going to work. There are tons of machines and the people are really nice (at least at the one I go to).
  • hulkweazel
    hulkweazel Posts: 36 Member
    The problem with "them" and the ones I'm referring to are the ones who look down on the people who aren't as fit as them yet. I have no problem with fit people, but I don't want to be made to feel like I'm less of a person because I'm not. That's what I was referring too.
    Yes, let's judge all bodybuilders as close-minded because they are different than you. Yes, this is exactly what PF does. PF is extremely hypocritical - they claim to be "judgment free" except they judge all bodybuilders.

    I'd stay far, far away from the hypocrisy that is PF.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My friend goes and he has been part of many smaller and bigger gyms here. He said the number of of cardio machines there and weight machines was amazing. And for $10 a month, which is way less than I pay to go wourkout with meathead and barbie dolls (who are both actually pretty nice) is a steal.

    I totally understand where you are coming from with that comment, but I try to push past my comfort zone. The world is a cruel place healthy people or no healthy people

    And let me add at that price if one was close I would join just because of the price. I've also seen heavy lifters at night at PF.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    My husband and i are member's of PF. I love it. I did stop going for a little while but that's because of illness then an injury. But i started back up yesterday and i love how comfortable i feel. I never feel like anyone is staring at me. I go in and am able to work out comfortably and then get on with my day.

    I wish you luck in whatever gym you do decide to choose. Just remember not all PF's are the same because of location. I rarely hear out "Lunk" alarm go off. But i've heard some are worse then others. Still....Good luck :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LauraW1219
    LauraW1219 Posts: 71 Member
    Go look at the Planet Fitness you want to go to. I found one that in the times I went there everyone was nice. Sure some of the older people would use the circuit training section instead of the same machines on the floor, but you find the time it's best to go to the gym. I like the staff, the place is clean, and the people are very nice. For 10 bucks I can do everything I want there then come home and use the xbox for all my 30DS or zumba classes. I would recommend it. I have no complaints and I've been going for two months now.
  • EvetteM41
    EvetteM41 Posts: 76 Member
    I dont know where you live. But I know SO many people who go there. I want to sign up there myself next week. :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have no problem with ours. I would pay $20 alone monthly for their tanning/red light beds. But I also get a gym membership and go 4 days a week and have sports 2 days a week that I participate in.

    Probabbly have 50 tradmills/bikes/ellipticals and arc trainers, dozens of machines, a loaded free weight area, a loaded stratch room with mats, dumbells, medicine and yoga balls and 5 smith machines. Suprisingly, for how big it is, it is always packed. I can always fine a treadmill but occasionally have to wait on machines.

    We have plenty of 'meatheads' and I have never heard the lunk alarm. Each location is different, mine is awesome.
  • I am currently a member at PF and I love it. I previously had memberships at Gold's and another fitness club that I didn't use quite as much because of distance and over crowding. However, what I've found helped the most in my comfort working out among the super fit is MY confidence makes the difference. Lots of people that are super fit now started out not-so-fit and will share their stories and tips and even help with machines and exercise routines. Its easy to have an US vs. THEM attitude but remember why you're there in the first place and stay focused!
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    Well I wouldn't say you experienced that due to a type of person at the gym. You experienced what you experienced due to douche bags and they are everywhere. Just go workout and don't worry about others. Just worry about what you are doing and your goals. There's lots of distractions out there, but remember why you want to get in shape
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I don't think I could ever do Planet Fitness. Among other things, even as 5' female I would set off the "Lunk Alarm" several times a week. No heavy breathing or loud noises? At the fitness center I use now they have two tractor tires for people to work on and as loud as they are, i just kind of absorb it into my routine.

    I'm a bit taller than you(5'4"), but this is where I'm at. I work out at home, and my husband happened to be home when I worked out today because we had the day off, and he yelled down to make sure I was ok when I, uh, loudly exerted air on a last rep of bench! I also grunt when I deadlift, and I love to deadlift, which is banned. I'm not sure, personally, I coud work out at a place that banned such a fundamental move or trust trainers who thought this was ok. I also think its weird that they bring in cupcakes and bagels and pizza. Their overall marketing makes it think to me that they don't care if you get healthy or fit. I also thought the OP using the language "meatheads" and "Barbie girls" was rude and judgmental. Maybe becuase my husband would be considered a meathead, and I can tell you for a fact that as long as you're not doing curls on the squat rack or talking on your phone next to him, he doesn't give a crap bat why you're at the gym or how fit you are. /rant. Sorry to derail.

    Back to topic, if they have the equipment you need and their "philosophy" doesn't bother you (claiming to be judgement free while openly judging), then by all means, go. If it works for you, that's what matters. I'd rather you went to PF, my personal feelings aside, than not do anything or go somewhere you're uncomfortable. You also can't really beat the price.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    The best gym is the one you'll use! I wish you the best of luck finding one you'll use that fits your needs.
  • I have been a member at pf for a few weeks now and although I can only speak for the place I go I have never been happier with any fitness center. I have been a member at quite a few places and at pf I feel the most comfortable. I love the place and I can't wait to get back to it.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    The best gym is the one you'll use! I wish you the best of luck finding one you'll use that fits your needs.

    ^^ Right here.

    It doesn't matter what one you join as long as you actually go.
  • amazin71
    amazin71 Posts: 28 Member
    I was very uncomfortable about going to the gym and have never used one before...went as a guest once and wont name the gym but was looked at stupid and no one answered any questions i have to be a black card holder to get the tanning n all the benefits which is 29.00 less than what i was paying for unlimited tanning at celcius...the trainer is always nice and helpful and i was self consious at first and i still have some snooties but its not what they do just their personality its a great place and i feel very comfortable their and as far as the judgementals girl just smile and say hello n claim your territory n get ur groove on...they will go their own way n do their own thing :) good luck
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    I love PF. I can go to the location near my house or another location close to my work. I normally go after work and while it is busy, I have never had to wait for an elliptical or treadmill. Everyone is super nice and the bathroom/showers are always clean. I think it will work great for what you are currently looking for.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    The best gym is the one you'll use! I wish you the best of luck finding one you'll use that fits your needs.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    The best gym is the one you'll use! I wish you the best of luck finding one you'll use that fits your needs.

    ^^ Right here.

    It doesn't matter what one you join as long as you actually go.

    Agreed. And I have been going to PF everyday for 3 weeks, exvept the days I have bowling and volleyball. I can easily spend over an hour in there. Last weekend I realized I had been there for an hour and a half and had to dart out to get home....and I can't wait to go back everyday.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    People need to get over their own insecurities and just work out.

    Best reply so far. As much as a person "thinks' they are being judged at the gym, they're not. Nobody cares.

    This thread has so much pot, meet kettle in it.
  • The best gym is the one you'll use! I wish you the best of luck finding one you'll use that fits your needs.
    This. Also fwiw, after a year of going to PF I'm switching to OneLife fitness (they bought most bigger gyms in our area like Gold's). I'm to the point where I need to start adding deadifts and squats to make regime. PF doesn't allow certain exercises and they don't provide stand alone barbells or a squat rack, only smith machines. They do have an obscene amount of cardio machines (ellipticals, treadmills, bikes etc.) and a moderately sized weight training area. The 30min circuit is nice but most people misuse it because the place is always packed.

    Overall it was a gym and if I went at the right times, like 5am it was wonderful. Anytime after 5pm it was a nightmare. Just remember that $10 month fits everyone's budget so it will feel like everyone and their mother will be going to the same gym... at the same time.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think PF is a good starter gym (like a gateway drug) for pretty much everyone. If you get or have more advanced goals beyond the basics, you might need more than they provide. My biggest problem with it was that the locations nearest me didn't have free weights.

    When I was first starting out and pretty much just wanted a treadmill because I didn't want to run in the snow, it was perfect. Now, I'd rather run in the snow. :happy: