Hi. I'm the New Girl. Be my friend? I have cookies :)

I'm totally new-ish to this. I created an account but gave up immediately because I'm a quitter.
Now, I'm struggling to lose weight and I don't want to sound like horrible but, I need friends to guide me and motivate me.
I mean, I can help you too? :)
And it doesn't have to be all about weight loss and stuff, we can chat about normal stuff
I'm really good in the relationships sector, I read a lot, mostly because I think it would aid me when I get my first boyfriend and stuff but yeah, I'm straying away, aren't I >w<
I know I seem slightly silly but, I'm a little cool.. or that's what I was trying to console myself with at my college interview..
I tell really good stories, mostly because a lot of things happen to me
For example, while walking my dog around the reservoir, I tripped and fell into the water. Obviously it was shallow but, I couldn't stop laughing :)
I doubt anyone's going to read this haha. Oh, I'm hoping to lose about 100+? Yeah..
I've been trying for some time and I've been big for some time. It would be nice to be slim, for once.
I LOVE children, I help out at this tuition centre, they're just so adorable <3


  • Annaphora
    Oh! andd, please add me? Like, I don't know if I should add random people because some people don't like being randomly added.
    Lots of love xx

    p.s. <edited bit>
    Sorry about the double post, just realised I can edit them :P
  • abigail132
    Hi! Sent you a friend request :) Well I read it all! haha you sound like an awesome friend to have on MFP! I hope you accept and we can help support each other and tell stories about how we embarrass ourselves.. (happens far to easily for me!)
  • Annaphora
    Ohmaidayz, you're so lovely! I've totally added you haha and we can support each other (: Trust me, the number of times I've embarrassed myself is unrealistic :L and thanks for reading everything, I feel so loved >W<
    btw, I love France O: I speak French (:
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Tu parles francais...merveilleux. Je voudrais pratiquer mon francais avec toi si tu veux. Friend request sent.
  • Lana359
    Lana359 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, new girl! :) Can't wait to hear your funny stories! You may add me as a friend.
  • msprettycutie
    I sent you a friend request. You seem like a fun loving person. I'm 31, old yeah, but I have some experience haha. My goal is to lose about 60 pounds. Anyway, welcome!
  • Annaphora
    Haha, Bonjour et ok (: Je ne suis pas etonnant en francais. Je l'ai apprendre à l'école. De temps en temps, Je deviens confuse parce que je ne comprends pas un peu.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome and you may add me as well :bigsmile:
  • Annaphora
    Thanks for the requests! I'll add you both <3 And, I do love fun :DD btw, 31 is not old! O:
  • Annaphora
    Thanks Itty (:
  • Brianna72994
    Offering cookies on a weight loss site is a big no no!
  • mahak14
    mahak14 Posts: 19 Member
    will send you a frnd request as welleast..
    i used mfp quite alot last year but lost track this year
    hopefully we can help each other
  • navywendy00
    Hi! Feel free to add me :)
  • Annaphora
    Brianna, what if they're totally healthy cookie O_O
    I'm sorry, I just thought of cookies fo some reason and okaay, I've added everyone :3
  • pattycakes1978
    pattycakes1978 Posts: 40 Member
    You had me at cookies! Welcome and I just sent you a friend request.
  • jennynewbury
    jennynewbury Posts: 48 Member
    Always happy to make new friends and I'm always on here. My embarrassing story of the week...tripping over a curb on a run on Sunday and going flying in front of two football teams in the park alongside me...
  • keyz1508
    keyz1508 Posts: 22 Member
    Add me! Silly is a good thing and I love supporting others n having support. N I love cookies still, Oreos n chocolate chip, just in moderation!! Lol
  • Annaphora
    Thanks for the requests and accepting (: Btw Jeennny, I laughed at your story,awhh. Did anyone help you up? I hopee your okay!
  • araimond
    araimond Posts: 19 Member
    Now this looks like a fun place to hang out! and cookies as a bonus :)
    sent a request, can't wait to hear more "random" stories!
  • Annaphora
    Now this looks like a fun place to hang out! and cookies as a bonus :)
    sent a request, can't wait to hear more "random" stories!
    Haha, I've got loaaads like once, I was walking to school, I slipped because of ice on the pavement and there was this girl nearby and obviously due to reflex, I clung onto her and we both fell.. She was so annoyed :(