Taking back my life

Hi everyone, I am a 27yr old female(soon to be 28) who is on a path to take back my life. I have struggled with weight my entire life, and had a lot of unhealthy ways of dealing with it when I was younger. As time passed I became complacent with myself (especially after getting married. I gained over 40lbs in the span of 2-3 years. I would try and diet and exercise but after about 2 weeks of being dedicated I would fall off the wagon. Last year was my longest attempt at 3 months, then I got sick and never started again. I found myself complaining more and more about my body and realized that it was things that I could change by becoming healthier and losing weight. I came across this website by pure chance and it seems like something that can help me stay on track and give me something to be accountable to. My husband has also started to go to the gym and try and lose weight as well, so we are trying to motivate each other. I just finished week one here and lost 1.5lbs and I am over the moon about that. I am going to focus on adding more exercise into my routine this week and going forward (although limited in that due to just having shoulder surgery) and I can't wait to see my progress in the coming months

Any friends that are wiling to motivate and support me on this journey are welcome =)
Thank you


  • MrsMeisner
    MrsMeisner Posts: 40 Member
    Good for you! I'm 28 years old, married, with 1 daughter. I've hit my initial goal on MFP (to lose the rest of my baby weight before my January wedding) and now it's inspired me to extend my goal a little further! Fee free to add me for support and motivation!
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    Good for you for being here! MFP can be a lifesaver! My husband & I are both on this journey together and it is so nice to be working toward the same goal.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome aboard ..... you may add me ....wishing you much success in your healthy lifestyle :bigsmile:
  • curlyq86
    curlyq86 Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations to both of you! I am also 27 but I am not married nor do I have kids. I used MFP about a year ago but I wasn't consistent with my tracking, so whatever weight I did loose, I gained it back. I made a commitment to myself to be a healthier me when I turned 27 in January and I haven't looked back! MFP is a great tool when you use it consistently and i find that even on the days that I splurge, counting the calories and facing the "damage" I did were the reality checks I needed to rededicate myself to the process the next day. Eating right and exercising has to be come part of our daily lives- not just a diet plan we use to drop a dress size and then forget everything we learned!

    I am sure that having kids complicates things, but teaching your daughters and/or sons how to live a healthy life from the start will give her/him a HUGE advantage in life.

    Best of luck with your journey. I am confident that we can do it!
  • DexterDarko
    Welcome! My longest attempt was a few months aswell, I learned alot after falling back and gaining all my weight back from that, and I'm more prepared this time around :)

    I just know if I ever fall off the wagon again, that it's my mind tricking me into thinking I'm not meant to be happy, and that I can handle it appropriately :)
  • gshields89
    gshields89 Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats on losing 1.5 lbs, it is always nice to see the scale move. My boyfriend and I have been together 6 years and over that time we have both put on about 50 lbs. I joined this site in hopes of keeping me motivated. I am only on my first week but I am excited to weigh in on Thursday. I hope this site helps you reach your goal. Feel free to add me!
  • boomdistraction
    boomdistraction Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! I'm glad that you are grabbing the bull by the horns and working to achieve your goals. I also gained a bit of weight after getting married.... :ohwell: Let's lose together! Friend me if you like :smile:
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement