Anyone have strange reason for losing weight?



  • One of my fears is having a car crash and being too fat to be pulled out or carried to the ambulance! That and the final indignity of having to have an extra large coffin with no one wanting to carry me!
  • Cdaleerdman
    Cdaleerdman Posts: 20 Member
    OMG! I never thought about the coffin! Add another fear to my list!
  • I've never even though about the zombie apocalypse, but the coffin thing worries me!

    Due to lifelong and severe emetophobia, I didn't fly in an aeroplane until I was 30...and I didn't go on a hot sunny Mediterranean holiday until I was 39 (I live in the UK, where its a reportable event if the temp gets above 24 C).

    Now I am better able to face some of my fears, one of the things on my bucket list is to go to the Maldives and go snorkelling off the reef. I don't want to be the only big fat middle aged woman there now do I??
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    I secretly want to be a ninja =)

    It's probably kind of hard to be a ninja if you can't even do a pull-up. Just sayin'.
  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    They say that thin women earn about 15% more than their average weighted colleagues, and "very thin" women earn approx 22% more. I am "normal" weighted currently, but dammit, I want to be rich! Bring on the skinny!
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    It did make me really sad to know I weighed too much to go indoor skydiving on our vacation last summer.

    My big one though is at least half of the time on "Hoarders" the people are obese. My mom is a hoarder and I find myself developing attachments to material things. So I just have this nightmare of being one of those fat hoarder women, that my son will never come visit me, that I'll never have a relationship, I'll just be a lonely hoarder lady with only my feral cats to love. :/

    Science time kids!

    There is a reason that many hoarders are overweight. Hoarding is actually a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and people suffering from OCD are more likely to have disordered eating habits.

    The more you know!
  • karensinn
    karensinn Posts: 8 Member
    I am in 2 weddings this year and looking back on pictures of myself I was surprised to see the weight I had gained, especially in my face. I realized I didn't want the "big girl" in all the bridesmaid pictures, so I started running. I've run a couple 5ks since and I've started to enjoy it! I feel so much better living a healthier life style and I'm hoping to keep the momentum up and make this a permanent fixture in my life.
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    I have thought about the running away from a crazy person thing.
    I'd need to be able to do it with a child on my back and one under each arm.
  • I'm scared my friend is going to make us dress up as slutty nurses for her hen do (she is a nurse - there is a logic to it!) and that I'll look like the fat one the others keep around to make them look better/be the one the wingman chats up while his friend hits on the one he actually likes.

    Thing is, I don't want to be chatted up by guys on those sorts of nights, and I know logically that there are girls who will be there who are significantly bigger than me. It's just a mental thing, having been 'the big one' while we grew up together.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    They say that thin women earn about 15% more than their average weighted colleagues, and "very thin" women earn approx 22% more. I am "normal" weighted currently, but dammit, I want to be rich! Bring on the skinny!

    This, I sincerely believe that if I am back to skinny before I hit the job market again I will start out at a higher salary and go up from there. I previously temped my way around OC and increased my asking price by double and I was thin. So if I'm gonna do it in LA I better be slamming because double of rich is DOUBLE RICH! Ka-ching!

    (also and shshssssssssshhhhhh this is a real secret so don't tell anyone but I want to bend over front facing or rear facing in front of all the husband's of all the women who ever did it in front of mine while I was fat, and unbeknownst to them I've got more to show when I'm thin, and I can bend really low, and stoop even lower!)
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    i want to study abroad in Italy, which is one of the more "fit," places in Europe. i dont want to be the typical "fat tourist,"...i want to blend in, or stand out in a good way!
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    i want to study abroad in Italy, which is one of the more "fit," places in Europe. i dont want to be the typical "fat tourist,"...i want to blend in, or stand out in a good way!

    Good one! I want to travel abroad too and not have to be the stereotypical fat American.
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm not saying I want to be one of the girls in rap videos.. but just having the option to do that if I wanted..

    Im super shy and I don't listen to rap music.. what the hell, brain?!

    I'm a kinda frumpy, nearly-middle-age teacher and I am TOTALLY with you on this.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    completely self centered and excessively vain reason. I am now at 38 a goth woman, I was a goth before it was ever cool 20+ years ago. Goth clothes only look good to a certain weight and body build size. I possess that build when I am sized smaller and hellishly expensive clothes I want to wear again.

    Besides, have you ever looked, I mean really looked at the t-shirt selection for larger women?

    I'll give you a minute to think about your last trip to Wal-Mart or where ever you shop for t-shirts.......

    Ok, got that mental image yet?

    My experience has been that t-shirts for large women usually have Winnie the damned Pooh Bear on them. What freaking moron thought it would be great to put a bear known for a gigantic gut on a t-shirt for sensitive creatures prone to crying, aka women larger than a size 8?

    Or even freaking worse, they put Tinker Belle or Betty Boop on that crap. Yeah, I get it, you think we are gonna think wearing a t-shirt with petite fairies or voloptuous bust heavy, wasp waisted vixens on a t-shirt is gonna give us the impression we are that too. Um-okay, yeah.....

    Or my personal favorite, they be-dazzle the neckline with fake little rhinestones. Why???? Really, the hot pink Grandma cut wasn't bad enough, but you put rhinestones around the square neckline? seriously? why?

    So in the interest of never having to choose Betty, Pooh, Hot pink, or Tinker Belle again, I am determined to be comfortably back in solid black, all the time again by summer, perhaps some purple or grey thrown in, running high to corsets, lace and leather. Happy middle aged goth woman again in my expensive Tripp Ny flare corset trousers again.

    Oh and my Morticia Addams dress for date night out with my beautiful sexy husband.
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    to survive the zombie apocalypse
  • jessem30
    jessem30 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't want to be the one riding in one of those scooter carts at walmart cause im to fat to walk.
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    I can't believe how many people have mentioned a zombie apocalypse. This zombie fad is so obnoxious.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    When the zombie apocalypse comes, I don't want to be the first one eaten.

    Yep that's my reason as well. I'm kinda bummed the end of the world didn't end up with one personally. I was ready to survive & outrun. You only have to be one step faster than the person behind you.
  • ideservehealth
    ideservehealth Posts: 2 Member
    Mine's mostly to get toned enough so that when I do yoga, chub doesn't get in the way of completing the poses haha
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I want to Cosplay as Motoko Kusanagi.
