Need some friends

Hi everyone! Im a uni student from Australia trying to slim down a bit mainly to make myself feel better. I find Im not progreswsing as well as Ide like mainly due to lack of support and dont want to tell people I know. Need some cyber buddies to encourage me and encourage in return :D Feel free to add!


  • Welcome and feel free to add!
  • Welcome! The support on here really makes a huge difference :)
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    you are welcome to add me ........wishing you much success :happy:
  • Welcome. I'm also new and looking for support. You can do it!
  • alisi85
    alisi85 Posts: 27 Member
    A great support system is defintly a must in this journey!! Request on the way :)
  • I've had MYP in the past but always quit using it but since I got friends on here I have been so much more motivated!! I am DEFINITELY open to being added :)
  • Also new to MFP this week. Feel free to add, would love to accompany you on this journey :)
  • fluffles11
    fluffles11 Posts: 1 Member
    I need some extra motivation too!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    anyone can add me we all need support and motivation
  • Hello all. It's definitely a constant battle for me too, but it's definitely possible. One thing I've found about myself is I MUST log in every day, even if I've blown all my calories by a lot. It keeps me accountable and on track.
  • curlygirly73
    curlygirly73 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Let's do this!
  • Welcome! Motivation is always good. Feel free to add me too and good luck!
  • jpenticuff
    jpenticuff Posts: 4 Member
    I understand. It can be tough when you feel like you are going it alone. I am relitivly new here also but everyone is really great. In fact they can be quite motivating with out even trying. Welcome and remember that what you do you do for YOU!. You are worth it. :happy:
  • rorai
    rorai Posts: 4
    Hi there. I am looking to make some friends/support as well. I'm 5'0 feet and weight 122, looking to lose about 20 pounds. really struggling and feel like every week i get back on the bandwagon to start the 'diet' start eating properly, etc. and i know that is why i haven't seen any results. So i am wanting to stay accountable on here and hopefully make some friends/support networks.
    I am trying to get 1000 calories in and right now haven't really been exercising that much. any advice or suggestions would really help. i just want my self esteem to get back to normal... the way i look right now is isolating me to the point i don't want to go out cause i don't think i look good enough :( i know sad and pathetic.
    Thanks in advance everyone
  • pattieann51
    pattieann51 Posts: 5 Member
    Quick post to add friends for a support network! Busy teacher starting over after losing everything due to the economy, house, job, assets, etc. Want to feel good again. Losing weight is my next goal after regrouping economically. THE only:smile: thing I ever want to lose again is WEIGHT!!!!!
  • Hi y'all! I just came back to MFP and need to lose about 55lbs. Yikes! Sounds hopeless but I am determined to feel better about myself before I turn 50 (next year). I want to feel sexy when I walk down the street, not for men, just for myself! I could definitely use some friendly encouragement. Good luck to all! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi just started MFP on 2/1 - been having trouble losing for a few years now but this truly works! I make sure I get 1,200 calories a day - in the past I was just eating the first thing I saw when I walked in but now I'm eating much better and it is working. I've lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks which is the way I want to lose - slowly. MFP is definitely a plus and I'm determined to get a total of 50# off in 2013.
  • red9812
    red9812 Posts: 85 Member
    Request coming your way!