
NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So I hear that splenda/sweetners aren't good for you at all. I use a lot of it and too much of something isn't good. I use it in plain yogurt, coffee, tea, and cottage chesse. I am trying to limit to just coffee. So I was thinking about using honey. I added a tbsp to yogurt today and it wasnt bad but it adds calories :( and sugar! What is a girl to do!


  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    the more natural your food the better off you will be. One of the long term side effects of splenda usage is joint pain. Also, it was originally developed as an eco friendly pest control that they just happened to notice was sweet so............

    Honey is sugar and only 15 calories per teaspoon, in an entire day that's not much to be concerned with. Good job choosing something truly healthier for you!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Hmm I have it as 1 tbsp at 64.. ?
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    One tablespoon of honey has 64 calories, and one tablespoon of sugar has 46 calories. (Or has 22 calories in one teaspoon of honey versus 16 calories in one teaspoon of table sugar.) While the amount of calorie in honey is more, we actually use less of it since it is sweeter than table sugar. And for many people, honey is still a preferred healthier choice because of its vitamins and minerals that can aid in digestion, and its anti-oxidants which can also bring health benefits.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Try Stevia.....It's 100% natural and ZERO cals! It tastes soooooo much better than Splenda! (IMO anyways!) :)
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hmm I have it as 1 tbsp at 64.. ?

    But she was talking about teaspoons. A teaspoon of sugar or honey is quite a bit, actually.

    Maybe the thing to do is to start weaning yourself off of as much of the sugar/sugar substitutes of any kind by using less and less. I have found that by using less sugar all around, I find that the natural sweetness of a lot of fruits and vegetables to be more satisfying for my sweet tooth. I haven't cut sugar out completely, but I am finding that smaller amounts get the job done most of the time these days.
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    I agree with using Stevia as an alternative. There is also a stevia/sugar mix on the market now, but I forgot the name.
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    :smile: I'm now using truvia and turbinado sugar...100% natural sweeteners. Good luck.
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    I'm diabetic so I'm guess I'm just screwed. Sugar and honey would send me into a coma, and splenda is rat poison.
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    you are correct - artificial sweeteners are TERRIBLE For you!! avoid them as much as possible! i am convinced they played a HUGE part in the cancer that killed my mother 3 years ago.
    and yes, other posters - stevia is the way to go but make sure you get 100% stevia... not truvia or things like that --- they are chemically created... 100% pure stevia is natural... and you only need a tiny bit to sweeten things! (I get mine at Trader Joes or Whole Foods... but they are starting to show up at regular grocery stores, too)

  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    I'm diabetic so I'm guess I'm just screwed. Sugar and honey would send me into a coma, and splenda is rat poison.

    have you looked at Agave Nectar? It is said to have a low glycemic index... i use Raw Organic Agave Nectar from Whole Foods... good luck!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I recommend on cutting back whenever possible, outside of any planned cheats. I like to use stevia in my coffee/tea and sometimes in my Greek yogurt. Lately I've been using NuStevia No-Carb blend, but have also used Sweet Leaf brand stevia. It doesn't elevate blood sugar levels and is derived from the stevia plant.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Try Stevia.....It's 100% natural and ZERO cals! It tastes soooooo much better than Splenda! (IMO anyways!) :)

    This!! :flowerforyou:
  • deedeee
    deedeee Posts: 7
    OMG! I knew it was bad for you. Im 39 and have unbelievable joint pain, (actually keeps me up at night) this is the first i heard of the joint pain from Splenda. I do use more than i'd like to admit. But its everywhere, in everything diet. Any suggestions on drinks with out splenda???? Yea I know water, somedays i feel like a fish.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    OMG! I knew it was bad for you. Im 39 and have unbelievable joint pain, (actually keeps me up at night) this is the first i heard of the point pain from Splenda. I do use more than i'd like to admit. But its everywhere, in everything diet. Any suggestions on drinks with out splenda???? Yea I know water, somedays i feel like a fish.

    Try drinking flavored seltzers with a splash of fruit juice juice or [unsweetened] flavored sparkling water (Perrier, La Croix). Takes a bit to get used to the taste, but they're very good and refreshing once you get used to them.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    you are correct - artificial sweeteners are TERRIBLE For you!! avoid them as much as possible! i am convinced they played a HUGE part in the cancer that killed my mother 3 years ago.
    and yes, other posters - stevia is the way to go but make sure you get 100% stevia... not truvia or things like that --- they are chemically created... 100% pure stevia is natural... and you only need a tiny bit to sweeten things! (I get mine at Trader Joes or Whole Foods... but they are starting to show up at regular grocery stores, too)


    I concur with this also!!!
  • deedeee
    deedeee Posts: 7
    Thanks i will =0)
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    wow check this out


    There’s overwhelming evidence that consuming artificial sweeteners will likely wreak havoc on your body. Previous news has centered mainly around artificial sweeteners’ ability to impair your appetite regulation and leading to weight gain.

    For example, it’s been discovered that diet soda increases your risk of metabolic syndrome and, ultimately, heart disease.

    However, the study mentioned above, published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, found even further disturbing news besides weight gain. Splenda:

    •reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50 percent
    •increases the pH level in your intestines, and
    •affects a glycoprotein in your body that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you’re on certain medications
    They also found unmistakable evidence that Splenda is absorbed by fat, contrary to previous claims.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    OMG! I knew it was bad for you. Im 39 and have unbelievable joint pain, (actually keeps me up at night) this is the first i heard of the joint pain from Splenda. I do use more than i'd like to admit. But its everywhere, in everything diet. Any suggestions on drinks with out splenda???? Yea I know water, somedays i feel like a fish.

    I've started having SoBe Lifewater drinks, which are sweetened with PureVia - a stevia product.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    OMG! I knew it was bad for you. Im 39 and have unbelievable joint pain, (actually keeps me up at night) this is the first i heard of the joint pain from Splenda. I do use more than i'd like to admit. But its everywhere, in everything diet. Any suggestions on drinks with out splenda???? Yea I know water, somedays i feel like a fish.
    Double check all your labels, anything that lists sucralose has splenda in it. It also can cause vision problems. I had to quit using all artificial sweeteners cold turkey, because it had affected my vision and I went through 6 weeks of withdrawal symptoms!! It's crazy what we put into our bodies and don't even know the side affects. I have been artificial sweetener free since Jan 16, 2010 much of my vision problems have subsided. I had blurred vision, floaters and lines. The only side affect I had not experienced was blindness! You can imagine I wasn't taking that chance, that's why I went cold turkey. Honey, pure stevia or nothing. I find I can satisf my sweet tooth now with fresh fruit. I don't even miss the soda now either. That was my weakness. It's just a frame of mind.
    When you find out something is hurtful to your health and threatens your ability to enjoy life it's not hard to give that up!!

    Good luck
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    you are correct - artificial sweeteners are TERRIBLE For you!! avoid them as much as possible! i am convinced they played a HUGE part in the cancer that killed my mother 3 years ago.
    and yes, other posters - stevia is the way to go but make sure you get 100% stevia... not truvia or things like that --- they are chemically created... 100% pure stevia is natural... and you only need a tiny bit to sweeten things! (I get mine at Trader Joes or Whole Foods... but they are starting to show up at regular grocery stores, too)


    I concur with this also!!!

    Is the Sweet Leaf brand better than Truvia? I am trying to avoid the chemicals as well, and had no idea Truvia was in that boat. So far these are the only 2 stevia products I can find in my town. I'd be open to other suggestions as well.
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