Getting motivated to exercise

I have gotten the tracking my calories down pretty good. I won't go to bed without logging what I have had all day.
The hard thing is exercising. Tonight I worked out "a little" with my WII. But that I know is not enough. How to get motivated has always been an issue with me. Will I ever "get it"?

I work 40 hr week. I exercise about two times a week. Pounds since beginning of Jan. down 6 today up 2. Endless.

What do you think? :cry:


  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    just do the best you can do
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Use your Wii to get in the habit. You will quickly get to the point where you want something more challenging. You can purchase more challenging games or find another activity. Personally, I use my Wiii almost everyday. EA Active and Zumba really work up a sweat. I use separate resistance tubes, so the EA active is really challenging my muscles.

    I also dance, hoop and hike, but the Wii is my main source of exercise and my only resistance training right now.
  • LadieTink
    LadieTink Posts: 91 Member
    I have this same problem... I need help too...:angry: But I will not give up...
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Take it one day at a time...Heck most fail at the logging the eating is up to 80% of your weight loss lifestyle journey...You are on the right track....start of with 2 days and then add on...short walks, youtube, etc so much to offer out there... Good luck to you..
  • gems4me
    My motivation comes from seeing results, from one day to the next I keep doing the same thing, watching my portions and just getting active. I also lift weights now out in the garage. Yes there are days I want to not get on the treadmill or eat whatever I want but I just stick with it, as slow as it is, I don't quit.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I feel u....took years for me to get IN THE ZONE! I finally ***GET IT****

    FIND SUPPORTING MFP friends and folks that will challenge u physically. Iron sharpens iron. i learn a lot from my friends and they are open to share. Is pushed me to go to a new level. Also, find an accountability partner to meet U at gym or park! Checkout and look up "Operation Osmin" love shows like this, very inspiring!

    I love to do health research... Stumbled across Jamie Eason on, great free 90 day challenge and has videos of her recipes, grocery store tours and detailed meal plan and workouts! Been fun and challenging! Check her out! Love her carrot cake whey protein bars! yum!

    Happy journey, LETS DO THIS! Open to new friends and I have an open diary!

    Shan, ATL
  • suzinelson72
    I feel your pain! I started getting serious with this weight loss 2 weeks ago and I have got my calories in check, I log my foods like clockwork now, drinking around 4 bottles of water a day... now it's time to add the exercise part... I'm ready... but I'm not gonna love it. I want to thought. :-( I want to get addicted to it like some of my friends, but I just can't imagine craving to exercise. Who knows!
  • majoki
    majoki Posts: 151 Member
    I find that watching success stories and seeing all the working out those people did really motivates me! Also, feeling my own body change is very motivating as well - gets me off my butt! =)
  • Kiska77
    Wii is a good start, much better than nothing. You've got the food tracking down so go you!! Stick with Wii til you crave more. Maybe doing a little something before the Wii to increase the challenge?
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    I liked doing C25K for running because it started off with small chunks of running and I had a friend who would go with me. I don't want to confess how many weeks I spent on "week 1!" I remember feeling like I was going to be sick after one (short) run, but I was also really proud of myself that I managed to do all of the 60 second running (really, slow jogging) intervals. The boost I got from graduating through the levels is what motivated me more than anything.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Doing something is better than nothing. If 2 times a week works this week, great. Next week aim to get in one more day, or say another 10 minutes, etc.. Start small and build your way up until it becomes a part of your everyday life. If you're going from not working out at all, to thinking, ok I'm gonna workout for 1-2 hours every day, odds are that's not going to last for long. This whole thing is a learning process. Seeing results def helps me as well! good luck!
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    Oh thanks so much. I have good friend who has gotten determined and has lost just over 10lbs now. She is retired and goes to Snap Fitness three times a week. Like one of you becomes a habbit and it works. She is enjoying it and it shows.
    I am inspired listening to her.
    My goal this week is to exercise / do something every day in the evening. I have a wonderful -first rate recumbant bike(a gift from hubby a couple years ago - STILL in perfect shape....and you know why) and an Easy Rider in our downstairs. That is what I am working with. The WII is in the family room where hubby watches TV but it is there when I am in the mood for it.
    So I have the "equipment".............I need to acquire the drive.
    Our new corp. office wants healthy things brought in. No more unless I bring something bad for is not at work. That helps me too.

    Thanks again. Check on me once and a while to see how I am doing. I hope I will say "Great". Good luck to all of you. We CAN DO THIS!! Blessings to you.
  • DexterDarko
    It's all about keeping your mind in a healthy place for me. I like to surround myself with things I know that will keep me motivated. Whatever is holding you back, try to make some changes if you have to. A great motivator: The Biggest Loser.
  • mackemom
    mackemom Posts: 277 Member
    Motivation is in the doing.
    Easier said than done, tho! Good luck
    Start small, don't be too hard on yourself.
    Again, easier said
    than done!:wink:
  • cuddlescreampuff
    cuddlescreampuff Posts: 42 Member
    Hello! First of all I want to say you are doing an amazing job at logging in daily. That to me is half the battle. I don't like to workout either, but found I have been getting a "rush" from the results. It is really something I have to psych myself out to do. It seems the more I do it, the more inches I lose, the better I feel, and the more excited I get about reaching my goal. I also work a 40 hour week. Because I have my own office I take advantage and work out behind closed doors on my lunch hour. I sometimes go out and ride my bike. A few days a week my hubby and I will go for a walk when I get home too. Basically I try to fit a workout in my day at one point or another. Years ago I would wake up early and work out before work. But I found myself giving a half hearted effort because I was so tired. That's why I choose to give up my lunch hour. I suggest any movement is better than nothing. But definitely start moving. Ease your way into it if need be. Just be happy about doing it. You will see the inches and pounds drop faster if you do. I'd love to support you on your journey, so add me I you'd like. :flowerforyou:
  • alisonsurf
    alisonsurf Posts: 92 Member
    I have a wonderful -first rate recumbant bike(a gift from hubby a couple years ago - STILL in perfect shape....and you know why) and an Easy Rider in our downstairs. That is what I am working with. The WII is in the family room where hubby watches TV but it is there when I am in the mood for it.

    I put my spin bike in the middle of the living room smack in front of the TV. It is there every time I try to sit on the couch and not work out. Also, there is a penalty ride for anyone who hangs their coat on it!! Good luck!
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all. This has been very encouraging to me. I watch the Biggest Loser too. I have decided a couple wks ago not to SIT while I watch it. DO SOMETHING. So I am on the floor doing exercises while the commercials come on.

    I will keep going. Sometimes......I think I am my own worst threat. I used to head a program called TOPS....I know how to lose weight......or used to know. Now it is time to get serious. Logging in really keeps me on track. I am getting more and more aware of what is going in this mouth.......calories add quickly.


    I will keep you posted.
  • cnewlin86
    I gave up a tv show to work out. I like to run outside on nice days or do a workout video in the house. I started out with a short one to get me going. 30 Day Shred is around a 20 minute work out. I guess my advice is start out small and make it a priority to do something. You don't have to work out every day but doing something is better than nothing. Maybe this week it's two days, next week 3 days...I find now that I prefer to work out most days. I'm more energized because I work out! Anyway just find something that works for you! ;-)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I think we may be soul-sisters! I totally hear you!! I started about 6 weeks ago. Started by charting food faithfully for about 3 weeks or so. Then gradually started forcing myself to add the exercise bike - 7 min., then 8, then 10, and now I'm up to 15+ and actually enjoying it. Not every day, but a couple times a week. I like to challenge myself by upping the level when it gets harder to get my heart rate up high enough. The Wii is a great place to start adding fun things. I love the boxing and think that gives me the best workout. I've added some weight-lifting friends on mfp and just love what they have to say about weight loss and lifting and food (you can eat more when you lift:) There is so much to learn about exercise. This week I've added some time on my home gym. It helps to have little goals and then chart your progress daily until you see a positive pattern developing. That's the best motivation for me. Good luck.
  • Renee81170
    Renee81170 Posts: 29 Member
    I started with MFP on Nov 7, 2012 and I had really good luck. On December 17th I added the Fitbit One and it has really kept me moving. I've lost 25 lbs total. I wish I would make healthier choices with my food but I'm a horrible junk food junkie :( The friendly competition with the fitbit just might be the key for me. Good Luck
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