Cardio and strength vs combination

I've been doing the 30DS over the last 3 weeks or so. I'm on level 2, but I'm beginning to find it repetitive and more like a chore than an enjoyable workout, and have started to have trouble doing it every day.
Now that the weather has picked up I've been going for bike rides and today did a 75 minute ride, which was really enjoyable.
Personally, I'd rather get my cardio in in the form of a long bike ride and walking and my strength separately, rather than force myself to slog through a DVD workout everyday.
So my questions are:
1) by doing my strength separately what the hell do I do? I've just cancelled my gym membership due to finances and want to do it at home anyway. I have currently got 2x 5kg dumb bells and adjustable dumb bells which go up to approx 40-50lb (can't remember off the top of my head).
2) is this ok? In the 30DS workouts JM keeps going on about wasting time doing long workouts in the gym and not getting the benefit. Will I still be able to lose weight and tone up by doing my cardio and strength separately?
3) can anyone recommend any good resources, whether they be websites, articles, YouTube workouts, books etc for strength workouts.

By the way I'm 25, female 5ft 2" currently 140lbs and goal weight of 119lbs.


  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Nothing wrong with cardio and strength separately Look on youtube for some dumbbell workouts.
  • kcallas88
    I almost had the exact same stats as you. I'm 5'2", 24yrs old and i started off 144lbs, now i'm 128lbs.

    I alternate cardio and strength training days. When i do my strength/weight training days though, i lift heaiver and try not to take breaks so my heart rate stays elevated! I do use p90x discs, so its more challenging but you can use almost any book at the library to help with weight/strength training and finding moves to do. :drinker:
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    It's fine to do them seperately. And, really JM's stuff isn't really ST, it's cardio with weights. You need to do higher weight for lower rep than she does to really get a benefit other than muscle endurance. Go for a full body routine, the compound lifts. Bench with the dumbbells if you can, deadlift, over head/military press, squat and deadlift. Push-ups and planks are great as well, and pull-ups if you can get a pull-up bar. You might also want to look into a set of resistance bands They're fairly inexpensive, and, while I haven't personally used them, I've heard a lot of good things about them.
  • Vmax1992
    Vmax1992 Posts: 41 Member
    I prefer doing cardio and strength seperate. If I am having a really good day I will combine both, for a longer workout.
    Just be careful with free weights. You need to control them at all times, go slow, I ams sure you will be able to find a number of workouts for different body parts. Just start slow, and don't over do the weight, getting hurt will only set you back. Good Luck
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I got through just over half of the 30DS. I, too, found it becoming repetitive and didn't look forward to it, anymore.

    I am also working on the Couch to 5K program, and then simply decided to start lifting weights for strength. It's something I can look forward to, as opposed to the Shred. The neat thing about weights is that you need to rest between workouts, so you aren't lifting every single day. With the shred, they don't recommend days off, and with the running, I HAD to take a recovery day or more because I had slam worn myself out.

    IMHO, it's whatever works for the individual.

    PS I thought I was the only one that felt that way after getting halfway through Level 2, 30DS. :laugh:
  • Annie_ga
    Wow, ladies with my digits! I'm 5' 2" and started at probably 140 and today was 124.5 with a goal weight of 118 (middle range of BMI) I'm in my 40s. Good for you to lose your weight while you are young!

    I play tennis 2-3x per week and do polymetric, interval training, free weights or walking on off days - depending on how tired my body is. For most of this, I use the fitness workouts provided by Comcast On demand (this has EVERYTHING!). But for my weight training, I've also googled beginner weight programs and have written out some routines for me.

    The things I pay attention to are: moving every day and making sure I make some time for strength training because the burn is so worth it. Exercising doesn't have to cost much money at all.

    Good luck!
  • Brobious
    1. google "you are your own gym

    2. Yes. Calorie deficit is all you need

    3. See 1
  • gdrmuzak
    gdrmuzak Posts: 103 Member
    There are plenty of things to do with dumbbells for your ENTIRE body...standing, sitting, bent over and on the do not necessarily need a bench either. The workout can be just as intense if you want.

    The important thing is to be doing something with a plan to achieve your desired results. While all cardio workouts are not equal, their purpose is the same...heart and lung exercise and burn cals.

    I will do videos and I do the gym. When I get bored with certain exercises or my body plateaus, I change it up. Personally, I don't do a lot of (or sometimes any) cardio on days I officiate basketball or soccer since they are a cardio workout. I will just do the weights on those days since you need both for long term health and results.
  • christou84
    christou84 Posts: 79 Member
    I find her "No More Trouble Zones" to be very good, it has a mixture of planks, squats, push up, ab workouts etc.... also, if you google "Venus Index", it's a very good weight training program.. many people are pleased with it!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Complete boredom was the main reason I never finished 30DS. I was (am, kind of) doing a couch to 10k program but have more recently started to lift heavy weights. I still run, but not super regimented like I have been. I'm concentrating more on lifting. I find it empowering :)
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks everyone, this was exactly what I was looking for.
    I don't like quitting, but at the same time I don't like doing stuff because I feel obliged or like I have to when I do t really enjoy it.
    I'm going to carry on with my cardio as is and start researching weight/strength exercises/routines.

    I've never heard if Venus Index but will definitely have a look - knowledge is power in my mind!