2nd Day Blues

Yesterday I was so ready to begin my new way of eating that I went out in the morning with my husband and, happily, watched him eat a pastry while i just had tea. Today I feel cranky and depressed. I strongly crave many forms of wheat, fats, and sugar. I won't give in. I actually feel strong, but I'm feeling the pain. In nine days it will be better, but today no way will I sit and watch someone eat a pastry.



  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    It's tough at first, but in a little while you won't even want that pastry. I feel like junk when I eat junk, so there's less of a temptation for me to do so.
  • crottsra
    crottsra Posts: 5 Member
    I feel your pain. Sometimes those naughty foods look soo darn good. I just keep telling myself the battle is on and I'm in it to win it!! Good luck! This is just the beginning for us!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    It helps to remember how many calories are in those treats and how many MILES of running it takes to burn one off. That usually works for me. Well, sometimes it works for me! LOL!!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    If you already are unhappy.. you wont stick with it.

    Eat pasta, eat bread. eat everything you normally do just in smaller portions there is absolutely no reason to give up things you like unless you have some kind of allergy to them.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member

    Hang in there. You don't need to eliminate every "bad" thing from your diet. You just need to learn to either exercise more or eat a smaller portion. This website is loaded with great advice on that. Good luck.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    If you already are unhappy.. you wont stick with it.

    Eat pasta, eat bread. eat everything you normally do just in smaller portions there is absolutely no reason to give up things you like unless you have some kind of allergy to them.

    ^^ this fit it in your macros, adjust for it - You deny yourself it will get worse - just have that pastry
  • Clemsonlkg
    Clemsonlkg Posts: 66 Member
    I am on day 1 of a sweet strike, so I feel your pain. Hang in there. It will get better. :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I find it easier if I work outings into my plan than if I just sip tea while everyone else has a donut. Heck, I just had a donut at the car service station and no one else seems to have one. I worked off the calories before I came because this is the only placed I get exposed to donuts, and only if I come early, so I can have a donut once a year. I just don't buy donuts.

    When we go out, I just make better choices. Fancy salads I would never make at home, dressing on the side, please. The smallest sirloin the steakhouse offers, with sides of veggies. One slice of pizza and fill up on salad.
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    If you already are unhappy.. you wont stick with it.

    Eat pasta, eat bread. eat everything you normally do just in smaller portions there is absolutely no reason to give up things you like unless you have some kind of allergy to them.

    yup I found this out the hard way!
  • mfrey2012
    mfrey2012 Posts: 52 Member
    You got this!! - I too gave up most of those things - and ALCOHOL - which is HUGE for me - I will add you - together we CAN DO THIS!!

    The other posters are correct you cant deny yourself - I did give up on Wheat and its probably one the BEST things I have EVER done for myself - there are MANY GREAT Substitutions - Also I have been there recently my hubby to does not watch what he eats!!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Perhaps splitting a pastry and sharing a brisk walk would be a more enjoyable time together. :)
    While it's important to learn the skill of delaying gratification, if you afford yourself no pleasure while eating, you will set yourself up for failure. When I started out, I planned for one treat a day and saved it for after dinner, after my kids were in bed, which is when I usually want to eat at least a third of my calories.

    Losing weight and a healthy lifestyle shouldn't be an all-or-nothing deal, but striving for balance in all areas so that long term success is achievable. :flowerforyou:
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    Then don't! This shouldn't be about giving up everything but learning how to moderate your life. If you don't look at it as a lifestyle change, the weight you lose will not stay off. Best of luck but honestly, tea does NOT sound like a good breakfast to me unless I get to eat something with it.
  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    i feel your pain....please dont give up!!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you already are unhappy.. you wont stick with it.

    Eat pasta, eat bread. eat everything you normally do just in smaller portions there is absolutely no reason to give up things you like unless you have some kind of allergy to them.

    ^^ this fit it in your macros, adjust for it - You deny yourself it will get worse - just have that pastry
    I agree. Some people find that cutting out half the food they enjoy works for them, but I know for a fact that if I had done it that way, there's no way I'd have stuck with MFP for over a year. Eat the foods you like, in portions small enough to fit into your calorie goals. If there are specific changes that you feel would benefit you (eg. cutting down on sugar) then make those changes gradually and one at a time, so that you know you can stick with them.

    Calorie counting is not like other diets - you can make it fit exactly how you like to eat. It baffles me that people take something as flexible as calorie counting and turn it into a super-restrictive diet that they can't sustain.
  • stella1314
    stella1314 Posts: 66 Member
    and btw...have one bite of this amazing pastry.. thats what Dolly Parton did, she had one bite of everything...but remember...one bite only
  • lself0924
    lself0924 Posts: 113 Member
    Hang in there! For me, it helped to eat small and eat often (very often). I didn't let myself get too hungry. It has made it really easy for me. Its been seven weeks.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Tr and find subsitutes. There are a plethora of healthy, low calorie sweets on the internet (hungry girl is a good place to start) so that you can indulge your sweet tooth without blowing your diet. It's easier than denying yourself completely and makes you more likely to stick with it.
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    My trainer once told me that carbs/sugar actually do affect our mood (why a lot of ppl crave them when they are down) so it might make you feel better to know it’s not just in your head.

    Stick with it – it does get better, the side effects will eventually go away…

    I try to avoid being around temptations as much as possible but you can’t always do that. I have a cabinet in my house for foods that I don’t eat – but others still want to enjoy. I just stay out of that cabinet – that way I’m not seeing it all the time.

    If my craving just won’t go away – I allow myself 2 bites….that’s it.
    This usually works for me – it helps the craving, I don’t get angry and give up because of being deprived (something about that just pisses me off) and I remind myself that I only need a taste because every bite after the first tastes the same
    ( I have the second to prove it) ;-D.

    There is no right or wrong way – you have to find what works for you.

    Hope you feel better.
  • mrsval1
    mrsval1 Posts: 1 Member
    It's a mind thing. We dwell on what we shouldn't do and it gets bigger. When we change our focus from what we can't have to other things, not just food but anything, we've taken away the enemy's leverage. There will be 'those days' tho, and when they come, just get back up, dust yourself off and keep going...It's a lifestyle, not just a goal to be met so we can get sloppy about our habits later....I'm talking to myself, I hope the sermon helped you too. lol. Seriously, you can do it!
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I have always heard that if you are craving something, then that means that your body is missing something that it needs. Maybe that is an innacurate statement, but I wouldn't completely eliminate everything from your diet. This is a life style change, not a fad diet. Dieting usually ends after a few months and then people go back to what they used to eat and gain back the weight they have lost. You can do this, don't give up and don't give up on everything you enjoy...everything is okay in MODERATION! :smile:
  • Vivaciousfemale
    Vivaciousfemale Posts: 29 Member
    If you already are unhappy.. you wont stick with it.

    Eat pasta, eat bread. eat everything you normally do just in smaller portions there is absolutely no reason to give up things you like unless you have some kind of allergy to them.

    Yes!Yes!Yes! I absolutely agree!!
    Until we learn how to enjoy the foods we enjoy in small to even bite size amounts they will always have power over us..you can do this but the battle begins and will remain in your mind. Change your thinking about food and you will change your life and body. This is NOT impossible, this website is filled with hundreds of people who have met goals of hundreds of pounds lost.

    Be Encouraged, there is Hope and a better way! :bigsmile:

    Check out "The Mindful Appetite" by Susan Albers,PsyD
    It's a 2 CD set, it will help to transform your relationship with food.
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    Yesterday I was so ready to begin my new way of eating that I went out in the morning with my husband and, happily, watched him eat a pastry while i just had tea. Today I feel cranky and depressed. I strongly crave many forms of wheat, fats, and sugar. I won't give in. I actually feel strong, but I'm feeling the pain. In nine days it will be better, but today no way will I sit and watch someone eat a pastry.


    Ah, carb/sugar withdrawl . . . SO much fun!!!! Drink lots of water so you at least feel full. I also like drinking clear soda/sparkling water 0 calorie beverages - like Walmart's Clear American, for example. Fruity, tasty, blubbly to fill you - no cheating! You'll get through it. Allow yourself some caffeine - like your tea or some coffee, or even an occasional diet cola. You'll get through it, just keep reminding yourself WHY you're doing it.
  • the only thing other then an after taste that we receive from that junk is calories in the long run walkining the full length of a foot ball field and back for 1 m and m o not worth it
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Most of us probably get similar cravings. With MFP I try to build in some treats along the way when I get the "crazies"...then I know I've satisfied them without jeopardizing everything. I can have a wonderful menu planned for the day and can easily change it on those days and still know I'm keeping on track. You just know it's a trade off for being able to eat more of something better. Good luck. :wink:
  • For me, any kind of diet program that includes an ultimatum as a form of restriction - NO carbs, NO sugar, etc - is something that I just can't do. I rebel and end up only eating that. What worked for me was tracking how I normally ate for a week while refusing to shame myself. Just by doing this, I realized the calorie/nutrition value of a lot of foods. Then I started making slow changes - a little more of this, a little less of that - till a new balance emerged. I realized I'd hit an good place when I went on a date to a pizza and risotto place, had some of each, and then the next day was able to get right back into "healthy" eating.

    Moral of my story: Sometimes it's okay to splurge, especially if you know that you'll have a worse backlash if you don't.
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member