Starting Jillian's videos

Hi all!
Newbie here. I just starting logging my food here and I decided to take the plunge and splurge on a few of Jillian's videos (30 day shred, yoga meltdown, and ripped in 30).
Am I insane for buying them or you think I chose correctly? I heard people loved them, but what do you all think? Please give me some feedback because I will be starting once they arrive from Amazon :D


  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I have several of her DVDs and LOVE them. Some are difficult...but if you stick with them and put forth effort you WILL see results.
  • BikiniReady622
    I am really excited to start because I want to get the results that I want to feel better about myself and show everyone else that I am a healthy, fit human being inside and out!
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    I have been cycling the 30DS for the last couple of months and just bought the 6-Pack Abs today. She gives you really comprehensive workouts, strength/resistance and cardio plus ab workouts. I only lost about 5 pounds my first time through the 30DS, but I know I lost a lot of inches.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I love Jillian's workouts.

    I've got most of them, and while I'm not following any of them at this particular time, I do plan on doing them again in the future.

    For me it was all about time, and her workouts have always been quick enough for me to stick to without getting bored.

  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    I did kickboxing 30ds and ripped 30 and I do get board easily so I switch up often. You will definitely get results, push yourself!
  • BikiniReady622
    Thank you both! I really am looking forward to it... I am sure it'll be an amazing experience even if I am crying and unable to move up the steps afterward :laugh:
  • jocmat
    I actually just finished my 1st day of level 2 of the 30-day shred. It's pretty intense, but totally doable. Don't give up if it seems to hard - just modify your intensity to what works for you - good luck(-;
  • BikiniReady622
    Thanks for the advice! Anyone have any input as to what I should be eating for the next 30 days? I am a college student and am constantly flooded with lots of processed and highly fatty foods. What should I do to get the best results and better lifestyle that I would like to have? I am currently going to weight watchers to be supportive to my momma bear... I have learned quite a lot about moderation, increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, but they haven't spoken yet about what I should be doing to get the body I want. More protein?
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    I have actually not changed what I eat...I did fix my portions though. That did a tremendous help for keeping my calorie goals in check. But I won't deprive myself of the foods I love because I know that I will want to binge on them as soon as I can get my hands on them if I never eat them. And I don't allow myself to go back for seconds, but now that my tummy knows what a portion is I never feel the need for seconds as I can barely finish the first plate.
  • allie__jane
    I'm starting these too! I'm excited to see others using them as well :) Here's hoping Jillian kicks my butt into gear!
  • sutton8401
    sutton8401 Posts: 10 Member
    What really helped me was coming to log my food before I ate it. Then I could see the carbs and calories. My jaw would drop at some of the foods, then I would think "I just busted my butt on that workout, do I realllllly want to ruin it for ice cream?" Then I grab a container of yogurt :)
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I love jillian michaels. I've done 30DS, RI30, and now I'm just finishing up my Body revolution. Since I started her videos I am down 31 pounds since September/October. I did not follow any of her eating plans cause I personally need more food then she suggests. It's really fun to see the progression of what you couldn't do in 30DS to what you can KILL in body revolution or RI30. Have fun!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    What really helped me was coming to log my food before I ate it. Then I could see the carbs and calories. My jaw would drop at some of the foods, then I would think "I just busted my butt on that workout, do I realllllly want to ruin it for ice cream?" Then I grab a container of yogurt :)

    For a frozen treat you could gwt the popsickle sticks and just freeze the yogurg container (s) with it in the center. Samebidea only easier to bbq pass off as ice cream
  • peace_frog21
    peace_frog21 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm about to start day 3 of Level 1 but my muscles are killing me. Particularly my thighs and arms. How did you all work yourself through the muscle pain in 30ds?
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Days 1- 3 is always probably the worst as far as soreness. But if you can stick it out a couple more days the soreness goes away and you start to feel stronger...its a good feeling!
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I love yoga meltdown... about to do level 1 right now.
    I also have to say, Carmen Electra's videos are surprisingly awesome and fun (I like them because as beautiful as she is, she just seems so awkward leading the videos)
  • ninawkward
    ninawkward Posts: 3 Member
    Are you me?! Ha, I just ordered a bundle of DVDs from Amazon today. Did 30-Day Shred off YouTube today... it was brutal, but I think I made a worthwhile investment. Good luck to you!
  • Sweet_Innocence2011
    I am doing her body revolution right now. I didn't think I could see results but than I took a picture before I started and picture after phase one and I was shocked with the results already. I am my third day in phase 2
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I've done 30 Day Shred and I'm currently doing 6week 6pack 4th week level 2. Jillian is kicking my butt! I have RI30 which I will probably do next. I also have Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and Yoga Meltdown which I have done a few times. I want to do all of Jillian's dvd's this year. I am gaining strength and endurance from them (the shred and 6w6p).
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I bought my first JM DVD last week, 30 day shred & even though I am about 80 lbs overweight I was able to get through the first couple of days with only a couple of adjustments (can't do a push up to save my life and I am not light enough on my feet to do a butt kick just yet) In 25 minutes I burned almost 300 calories. Pretty sweet!