BMR - MA - Because of THE answers to THE questions



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member

    NICE. I totally forgot about this thread.....wonder if it's in "Links you want to read again and again"


    I'll put it there (again maybe- JIC)
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Check with your YMCA, or simply type in your city + Metabolic Assessment in google.
  • Anamaere
    Anamaere Posts: 60 Member
    Could you possibly link to a couple of the websites? I'm wondering if i'm eating too little :/ MFP say's i should be eating 1550 cal (sedentary liftyle chosen, which i need to change as i realised my lifestyle isnt sedentary LOL and losing 2lb/week - was told by my gp that 1kg/week (2.2lb) was a safe/suitable loos rate to aim for). but a mifflin-st jeor calculator online is saying my bmr is 1998 cal ? am confused (22 year old female, 178 cm, 115.6kg)
    I know. I was just letting you know that because of your bmi, it would be difficult to lose with any great speed.

    BMR is a standard measurement.
    Unfortunately there are 2 formulas, producing different results.
    I just did yours out and it said 1268 on MFP, This site uses the Mifflin - St. Jeor formula which is regarded as the more accurate of the two.

    most calculators, though, use the Harris-Benedict Formula, which is less accurate (why some sites use this one I have no Idea)
    I did this formula out on 3 different sites and they all came within 10 calories of each other but true to the formula's faulty calculations, they were all about 5 to 7% higher then they should be.
    Here are the numbers I came up with: on one site it said 1345.3, and another it said 1337.6, and yet another said 1,335

    But remember (and this is where BMI comes into play), because of your BMI, this number (1268) should be a taboo number for you. Your body doesn't have the fat reserves to stay at this level. You aren't overweight so eating only 1268 calories will be too few.

    Hope this helps!

    And as always, NOTE: I'm no doctor, I don't even play one on TV. So take what I write for what it is, research done by a non-medical "layman"
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    What is your calculated BMR and what was the tested one? Just curious.

    edit: whoops, didn't realize thread was 7 months old
  • Anamaere
    Anamaere Posts: 60 Member
    whoops. neither did i! apologies for bringing up a possibly dead thread!
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    whoops. neither did i! apologies for bringing up a possibly dead thread!

    Regarding your question above. Here is the simplest way to set a calorie target.

    1. Find your TDEE (
    2. Subtract 20% or around 500 calories

    You can use that as a simple calorie target and simply eat that every day. You can fine tune if necessary after a few weeks.

    Note - if you do it this way, you would not "eat back exercise calories", as they are factored in to the TDEE itself. Whereas if you go by the MFP method, the exercise is factored out, so you add it back in after the fact. Regardless of method, the numbers ought to come out about the same at the end of the day.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    I am going to have a health assessment at my work's Healthy Living Center. I have had this done before. Step One is a few minutes in the "Bod Pod" which is supposed to give an accurate view of your body (and body fat), then the oxygen tests on the treadmill followed by strength and flexibility tests. Of course, after losing about 50 lb.,, I'm excited to see how my fitness has changed, but also I will get a new exercise recommendations with some attention paid to developing my core.
  • Anamaere
    Anamaere Posts: 60 Member
    thanks zaph0d. i'm better off not factoring in exercise as it's highly variable. I can go from sitting at a desk all day and just feeding the horses to trimming horses all day, plus a 45 minute high intensity riding lesson, plus all the usual looking after the animals stuff xD
  • light_bulb99
    light_bulb99 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, sorry to also post on this 'dead thread' but I'm trying to get myself clear on all of this BMR, TDEE stuff.

    I did my TDEE using the site mentioned above in another post and subtracted 20% and it came out as around 1560 calories. I chose a low level of exercise as I only do 'deliberate' exercise sporadically!

    Does that mean that I can eat this much each day and still lose weight? MFP currently has me set to 1375 calories - an extra 200 calories a day would be excellent!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    Hi, sorry to also post on this 'dead thread' but I'm trying to get myself clear on all of this BMR, TDEE stuff.

    I did my TDEE using the site mentioned above in another post and subtracted 20% and it came out as around 1560 calories. I chose a low level of exercise as I only do 'deliberate' exercise sporadically!

    Does that mean that I can eat this much each day and still lose weight? MFP currently has me set to 1375 calories - an extra 200 calories a day would be excellent!

    Yes. Using your TDEE minus 20%, you do not change it based on your daily exercise variations.

    MFP figures you are going to do the exercise and expects you to add "exercise" on your daily logging, which would give you an extra 200-500 calories on that day, and leave you at 1375 on non-exercise days. It works out about the same, just a different method.

    (this thread is nearly five years old...bah hahha.)

  • reflexchristine
    reflexchristine Posts: 5 Member

    Loving your posts. My BMR is 1407. BMI is 24.27 (just within normal weight). I'm 5'5", aged 41 and current weight is 147lbs. According to health websites my ideal weight should be 137lbs so not much more to go. I lead a sedentry lifestyle (desk job) and not much exercise but intend to up that when the good weather returns. To lose weight should I go under my BMR of 1407? I'm also currently on 1200 cals a day but starting to think that is starvation mode. Not lightheaded or anything but weight loss is not happening and when I overeat lately I either remain the same or lose a little. Obviously as exercise increases I will up my calorie intake appropriately according to fitness pal guidelines. I'm thinking I should currently be eating 1400 calories a day and any activity I may do (ie walks from carpark, upstairs, cleaning teeth, etc) will burn off the 500 cals a day I need to lose to lose 1lb a week. Am I right? :-)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member

    Loving your posts. My BMR is 1407. BMI is 24.27 (just within normal weight). I'm 5'5", aged 41 and current weight is 147lbs. According to health websites my ideal weight should be 137lbs so not much more to go. I lead a sedentry lifestyle (desk job) and not much exercise but intend to up that when the good weather returns. To lose weight should I go under my BMR of 1407? I'm also currently on 1200 cals a day but starting to think that is starvation mode. Not lightheaded or anything but weight loss is not happening and when I overeat lately I either remain the same or lose a little. Obviously as exercise increases I will up my calorie intake appropriately according to fitness pal guidelines. I'm thinking I should currently be eating 1400 calories a day and any activity I may do (ie walks from carpark, upstairs, cleaning teeth, etc) will burn off the 500 cals a day I need to lose to lose 1lb a week. Am I right? :-)

    You should eat between your BMR and your TDEE.

    Here is some more reading for you, including some How-Tos -

  • reflexchristine
    reflexchristine Posts: 5 Member
This discussion has been closed.