Anyone into CrossFit?



  • RobfromLakewood
    I was going to join a crossfit gym, went to about 6 of them that offered a free tryout/intro class. I was looking for one that offered good instruction as close to my home as possible. I decided to go a cheaper route though.

    Near my home is a park with a mile loop, but every 1/4 mile is a workout station. Some of the things there I like, some I just inserted an exercise, like squats or burpies. It has worked out great. I do this twice a week, run/jog twice a week, bike twice a week and run or walk with my dogs 6-7 times a week. I feel amazing having different levels of challenges and diversity to my workouts.

    My answer si just a more specified response than 'Health_Gal', I 100% agree with her. You can also look up ideas on youtube.
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    My first intro class is this weekend. I have been putting this off forever because I am afraid I wasn't in good enough shape. However, thanks to all of the great posts on MFP, I think it is at least worth giving it a chance. The box isn't that much more a month than a normal gym, so if I like it, it will be worth it to me.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I hope you change your mind and decide not to go to Crossfit. The local gyms are much better suited for people that want to get into better shape, but do it in a reasonable, injury free way.

    Once Crossfit gets people inside their doors, they have a way of getting you to sign long term contracts before you're had time to find out what you're really getting into and how extreme their program actually is.
  • jrussoalesi
    jrussoalesi Posts: 18 Member
    "BUMP" is right. You know what you have to do. I have been doing CF since September. I do not follow the Paleo eating though... there's a reason we don't carry clubs, wear pelts and live in caves anymore...ha ha. Just kidding. I have plateaud but my body has changed drastically and muslcle has replaced soft places where I didn't even know I had muscles. If I could just do a KIP pull-up I will feel like I have arrived. Set a goal and don't stop till you acheive it.

    I think you can be sort of Paleo and still get it done Increase Protein decrease CARBS. I have a list of "At Home" or away from th Gym CF workouts I can send you if you want to friend me and I will email them to you.

    And remember - you can do 20 Burpees anywhere!

    Welcome Back, you got this sister!
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Health_gal, seriously, drop it already... we get the idea, you don't like anything that pushes your body too hard or even makes you uncomfortable...

    OP, check out the CrossFit Love group on here, lots of good folks in there.
  • thatjeffsmith
    thatjeffsmith Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in my 4th month of CrossFit, and the results have been pretty awesome. I do 2 CrossFit workouts a week. Our classes are either 'endurance' or 'strength' based. The majority of the session is exercise routines that warm you up for the WOD.

    I think the concept is only as good as the instructors. Thankfully I have literally some of the best facilities and trainers in the world here in Cary, NC so they take great care that I keep good form and don't injure myself.

    I went from being able to doing only a single strict pull-up to about 10 now. My weight loss and fitness levels have also ramped into high gear since I started.

    Our environment is social, friendly - not a competitive based structure.

    Definitely check the credentials and background of any 'box' you visit before committing.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I 'm glad the gym I belong to doesn't have the kind of cult mentality that many Crossfit boxes seem to have. Every pro-Crossfit post I read on here makes me even more convinced that Crossfit a good organization to stay away from!

    Crossfit wants to tell members what they are allowed to eat (most Crossfit boxes are heavy pushers of the Paleo caveman diet), they expect people to buy lots of expensive Crossfit clothes and gear, and do extreme exercise routines until they're so sore they can hardly walk.

    I guess it makes some people feel important to be able to tell all their pals they do Crossfit, but it doesn't matter now many "benefits" that grueling exercise program has when people are so sore they can barely move after a workout and the injury rate is much higher than what you would encounter in more reasonable exercise programs.

    Hopefully, the Crossfit fad will soon fade out and more reasonable exercise programs will become just as popular.
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I will definitely not commit to anything long term.
  • thatjeffsmith
    thatjeffsmith Posts: 110 Member
    Excellent point on the long-term commitment - I signed up on a month-to-month membership, and event though I really like it, I'm not going to commit to anything more at this point.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Crossfit wants to tell members what they are allowed to eat (most Crossfit boxes are heavy pushers of the Paleo caveman diet), they expect people to buy lots of expensive Crossfit clothes and gear, and do extreme exercise routines until they're so sore they can hardly walk.

    You're an idiot.

    I have been to three different CrossFit gyms in the past two years and I have never been pressured into any specific diet, to buy anything, or to do anything so EXTREME that I wasn't comfortable doing it.

    I run half marathons too and I lift heavy things, but you hate all those things too, right? I guess my volleyball and basketball coaches in high school were evil too since I could rarely walk or even get out of bed after most practices.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    I 'm glad the gym I belong to doesn't have the kind of cult mentality that many Crossfit boxes seem to have. Every pro-Crossfit post I read on here makes me even more convinced that Crossfit a good organization to stay away from!

    I guess it makes some people feel important to be able to tell all their pals they do Crossfit, but it doesn't matter now many "benefits" that grueling exercise program has when people are so sore they can barely move after a workout and the injury rate is much higher than what you would encounter in more reasonable exercise programs.

    Hopefully, the Crossfit fad will soon fade out and more reasonable exercise programs will become just as popular.

    Hmm some people enjoy actually testing the limits of their bodies. But you can stick to your water aerobics and low impact cardio if you chose. Good luck with your goals in 2013.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member

    Hmm some people enjoy actually testing the limits of their bodies. But you can stick to your water aerobics and low impact cardio if you chose. Good luck with your goals in 2013.

    Actually, I do a boot camp class 3 times a week, an indoor cardio cycling class, and some other activities -- including outdoor running. I am not overweight, and just want to stay fit and healthy -- but not push things to the point where I am risking injury or feeling too sore to function.
  • Xfit_4me
    I'm 36 and not what you would call "in-shape". My husband and I joined Crossfit in January and we LOVE it!! Sorry to hear that some of you out there had bad experiences with it. But our group is a very diverse crowd with kids in high-school up to 60-65 years old. There are men, women, fit and un-fit, obese, overweight, ideal weight. But everyone has the same goal - to get fit in a supportive community. There are some who have to modify everything and some who don't modify anything. We all complete the WODs together, support each other, and everyone gets a great workout.

    Our gym has on-ramp classes that last 4 weeks, teach you proper form, find your baseline, discuss proper nutrition and more for $75. Then you pay as you go per month - no contracts, no pressure. It is more expensive than the Y or other gyms - but I get a nutritionist, personal trainer, and a workout all tailored to me and my own goals all in a supportive community, so for me and my husband it's worth it.

    I had a full knee replacement two years ago and bad arthritis in my wrists. So there are some exercises I have to modify, or my coach will give me a different exercise to do.

    Crossfit isn't for everyone, but I'm not sure there is an exercise routine out there that is for everyone.

    So, if you crossfit and would like support from a fellow crossfitter - feel free to add me.
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    The OP sorta got hijacked here eh? Keep on doing what your doing babe! You've done it before you'll do it again.

    AS for the CrossFit "fad"
    I've been Crossfitting for the last four weeks, 6 days a week.
    I love walking around knowing I can deadlift/squat someones weight :)
    I also love that my CF classes are capped at 7 with two coaches making sure every move is perfect
    I love that every week you discover something that your body can do that you never thought possible
    I love that both girls and guys at our box chirp, hustle, and cheer for you as if you won the lottery with every improvement.
    I love that we spend our time laughing, lifting heavy things, pushing ourselves and having fun all at 6 am in the morning.
    Call it what you will, a cult, a fad, a craze. It makes me pretty damn happy.
    As for intensity, it's what you put in, but I can tell you that my hockey off ice workouts previously hurt more on certain days.

    Stay awesome
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Thread title: Anyone into CrossFit?

    Every other post in this thread: from someone who is clearly NOT into CrossFit, and feels the need to say so and why in every other freaking post! :tongue:

    We get it, you're anti-CrossFit - move along, change the record, whatever. You've made your point.

    I think it looks like a blast and would love to try it someday, but I don't have the funds for it (or any gym membership for that matter) at the moment. I have several friends who teach/work at CrossFit gyms (or is it a box?) - they are all professionals who don't push people to the point of injury etc - I've seen nothing but praise from their clients.

    I'm sure it varies from place to place, just like any gym and their employees and tactics can vary - I've seen plenty of horror stories posted about bad gym and personal trainer experiences here.
  • RobfromLakewood
    You're an idiot.

    I have been to three different CrossFit gyms in the past two years and I have never been pressured into any specific diet, to buy anything, or to do anything so EXTREME that I wasn't comfortable doing it.

    I run half marathons too and I lift heavy things, but you hate all those things too, right? I guess my volleyball and basketball coaches in high school were evil too since I could rarely walk or even get out of bed after most practices.


    I did write a post in kind, but thinking it over, I realize, why be like you. You can't disagree without being insulting? What a difficult time people must have dealing with you. But of course, looking at what else you wrote, I am sure you consider it all their fault.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    You're an idiot.

    I have been to three different CrossFit gyms in the past two years and I have never been pressured into any specific diet, to buy anything, or to do anything so EXTREME that I wasn't comfortable doing it.

    I run half marathons too and I lift heavy things, but you hate all those things too, right? I guess my volleyball and basketball coaches in high school were evil too since I could rarely walk or even get out of bed after most practices.


    I did write a post in kind, but thinking it over, I realize, why be like you. You can't disagree without being insulting? What a difficult time people must have dealing with you. But of course, looking at what else you wrote, I am sure you consider it all their fault.

    I apologize that I finally got fed up after seeing this same user hi-jack every heavy lifting or CrossFit thread that comes around.

    And I really don't think people have a hard time dealing with me, but I'm probably just delusional. :drinker:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Health_gal, seriously, drop it already... we get the idea, you don't like anything that pushes your body too hard or even makes you uncomfortable...

    OP, check out the CrossFit Love group on here, lots of good folks in there.


    I think its fine that Healthy_gal wants to put out there that she thinks its a gimmick and doesn't care for it....but seriously no need to go on and on. OP has already said she is into crossfit- and it's not like it's some crazy ED thread, or promoting starvation or diet pills.

    I want to give my two cents on crossfit now, but i feel like i forgot what the heck this thread was about in the first place... so sorry OP if anything I say here is totally useless.

    I do crossfit exercises and I love them. I never joined a crossfit gym. I do them on my own as part of my powerlifting routine. I like the exercises. Bear complex is fun. 20/20/20 is fun. I think they burn fat and are not dangerous, at least the ones I do and how I do them, since I'm all about form.

    as for calories, i'm sure it burns a lot, but i don't log exercise cals. I eat based on TDEE. It really eliminates the problem of trying to guess how many calaories you burned. You just eat TDEE -500cals (or 20%), hit those macros and work out like a beast.

    Also, intensity is the key to success if you want to become an elite athlete. HIIT, Bear complex, heavy lifting, and hitting those macros. Of course, if you just want to be a healthy weight, I don't think you have to do these things so intensely. You can just track calories and not be obese. You can do steady state cardio and benefit from that. It's about what you want, what you can do, and what you can do properly without damaging your body. For me, that's lifting heavy, doing crossfit exercises, and running intervals. For OP it may be crossfit with no heavy lifting. For healthy-girl it may be steady state cardio. It's ok for people to be different in their goals and approach.
  • stormsusmc
    stormsusmc Posts: 228 Member
    No..friends are...and its hilarious. Improper form for most of the lifts and kipping pull up...come on.

    Otherwise, sure you're moving and working out all different muscles. I'd rather swim for cardio and work just about every muscle in my body and doesn't take such a large toll on joint and lift heavy 4 times a week...Just my opinion...
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Oh! Here was OP's question:

    "Wondering if there are any other CrossFit enthusiasts out there? "

    Answer: I'm not super crazy cross fit enthusiast as in I Have never joined a crossfit gym. On the other hand, i totally look up the crossfit WOD's and do them on my own. I even want to design one that will be named after me so people will say my name when they are all sweaty and sore and curse my name and love my name at the same time :wink: