Insanity Workout- Calories burned

ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
Those of you who are doing Insanity, how many calories per minute are you averaging? This is my third round of it (although I haven't done it at all since Jan) and once again I am only burning about 8 calories a minute :( I see some people get impressive burns and it is depressing when I feel like I am pushing myself as hard as I can and get just a bit over 8


  • siliisobel
    siliisobel Posts: 49
    Yes me too, according to my HRM I burn around 200 cals per session and I see people on here getting between 300-800. Im thinking that either my HRM is not very accurate (its a cheap one) or that its something to do with my build as im quite small (5'1" and 114lb) its sooooo frustrating though! Keep at it though as once someone said to me Insanity is doing much more for your body than just burning calories. :happy:
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    I am in the second month and for those workouts I burn roughly 350-450 calories (not recovery day) during the workout.

    I am 5ft and 103 and unsure about bodyfat amount.
  • beandawgy
    beandawgy Posts: 92
    I'm on my 2nd round of trying insanity and according to my HRM I'm averaging about 400-600 calories burned per workout.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I burn from 12-15cals a minute on Insanity workouts. Most recently was the MAX Interval Circuit. About an hour long and I burned 730cals.

    My wife pushes really hard as well, but only burned 450 cal on the one hour MAX Interval Circuit. She's about 5ft4 @ 123lbs
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone :)
  • TwinFit13
    TwinFit13 Posts: 1 Member
    I am at the end of my 4th week and on average burn 300 calories for a 40 minute work out, so burning anywhere from 6 - 8 calories per minutes so I hope that is a good pace - because I haven't worked out in a long time and Insanity is harder than probably anything i have ever done.
  • trkinsley
    trkinsley Posts: 124 Member
    I'm getting average of 350, so about 9 cals/minute or so. Your hrm will calculate based on the parameters you enter, so if you entered height/weight, the calculation should be geared toward someone that is your size.
  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    At 5'9" and 143 I'm burning between 520-550 on the harder days and about 220-240 on the "rest" days.
  • Bambalama
    Bambalama Posts: 14 Member
    I do insanity some days, and I do a jiu jitsu conditioning workout on other days that is roughly equivalent. Oh. old post........
  • Seireness
    I commented on the wrong forum and it wont let me delete it so just edited it. Please ignore this comment lol.