anyone tried insanity????

my insanity dvd's come tomorrow and i'm both dreading and looking forward to it. Was wondering if anybody else has tried it and what do you think of it. Bless him, my husband is even going to do it with me for moral support


  • Tamigirl71
    Tamigirl71 Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished week four and into the cardio recovery. I LOVE IT, and this comes from someone who hates working out. I do this 5 to 6 times a week with a small group of women. It is so tough that I couldn't do it without support from my committed girlfriends.
    My weight loss this 4 weeks has been 6.5 pounds, but I see a difference more in my shape. Its unreal. I've gotten to the point where I look forward all day to my evening work outs and what I call my date night with Shaun T.
    I encourage you, be prepared to sweat and feel like "there is no way" but there is. Because if I can do it, anybody can.

    Happy Insanity!!!
  • lhogan50
    I start next week. My sister has done it and she swears by it. She is also a P90x grad. I am taking her word for it and giving it a go.
  • amandaevanson1
    amandaevanson1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in week 4 of Insanity and I'm not going to lie -- IT IS HARD! Especially when you are 47 years old!! However, I have come a long way since week 1 and am so proud of myself. My husband and daughter are doing it with me so that keeps me motivated. I hope to see some improvements soon. Good luck!
  • RunGirl4Life
    RunGirl4Life Posts: 2 Member
    i am starting my second round tonight. I did it last summer and I had awesome results. What everyone is telling you is is hard!!! But if you stick with it you will be so happy with your results.
  • missazenzer
    I am in week 3 and it is tough. I feel discouraged at how tough it is as I am doing the video, but feel accomplished after it is over. I have not noticed any changes at this point. Hoping it gets better like everyone keeps telling me.
  • mazjarvis
    mazjarvis Posts: 19 Member
    WOW.... kinda scared but encouraged at the same dvd's came today and i can't wait to start it. i know it's gonna kill me but i like a challenge and having someone do it with me means i can't back out. just dreading taking my before photos
  • beckettt75
    beckettt75 Posts: 8 Member
    Dread is the most accurate feeling you should have when thinking about Shaun T's Insanity. Insanity is definitely one of the hardest workouts I have ever experienced; however, it renders significant results. I completed 60 days of Insanity last year this time and loss 20lbs. The workout never became easier for me, however my endurance to complete an entire dvd with minimal breaks increased. Though my endurance & stamina improved significantly with each day, I continued to dread each day because I knew what my body had to do. As the weight cycle goes, I stopped working out and reverted back to bad eating habits and gained 20+lbs. I began MFP on 1/14/13 and recommitted to Insane Shaun T last week. Monday marked Week 2 of the Insanity Mania and have been able to have fewer breaks and I know I am on my way. I would encourage you to stick with it even though it does not really get easier but you will look great and feel great and if you are anything like me you will HATE to hear Shaun T's voice "come on, you can do it!".
  • beckettt75
    beckettt75 Posts: 8 Member
    This workout is so intense that just completing a dvd is a major accomplishment no matter how many times you have to take a break. So do not feel discouraged, because Insanity does not get easier but your endurance and ability to complete it does! Believe me, I cringe at the sound of Shaun T's "come on, dig deeper" and I dread each day that I'm scheduled to complete the workout but after each workout I feel GREAT!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I just finished up the 60 days yesterday. I haven't redone my weight/measurements/pictures yet but I know I didn't lose a lot of weight however that is mainly because I don't have a lot to lose but I know I lost inches. I kept track of that during the workout. I did week 1, week 3, week 7 and this week I'll do my final results.

    It is a tough workout (there's a reason why it's called Insanity!) but it's really good. At least I think it is. I will admit that towards the end I was beginning to dread the workouts because of what I had to do but when I was done I felt so good! Don't try to keep up with the people in the video. I'm in excellent shape and even I couldn't keep up with them and had to take breaks throughout.

    Right now I'm going to go back to the gym for a month and then do Insanity again however this time around I'm going to continue my weight lifting. I was unsure as to what the program was going to be like so I stopped the gym but now that I know I feel I will be able to use the program as my cardio for the day and still lift.