Why cant I lose weight?!



  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Thank you. I have had thyroid checked several times. I do have a Dr.`s appt next week so Im gona push for blood work. I changed my goal & calorie intake went up to 1480. I will try this. Thanks for your help!

    So your MFP goal is now 1480... you're supposed to add your exercise calories and eat them too. Try it.

    No, please do not eat exercise calories back. your exercise level is included in the TDEE calculation of "moderately active" which assumes you work out 4 to 5 days a week...

    When I recommended she eat her exercise calories back it was because she said she reset her goal (I assumed MFP goal) and it gave her 1480. If she is, indeed, using the TDEE method and the info posted above is correct...
    based on your height, weight,age, and an activity level of "moderately active" = 3-5 days activity level which puts your TDEE at 2351 cals a day so 30% deficit = 705 calorie deficit = 1645 calls a day. You could try this for four to six weeks and see how it goes..or bump up to 1450 and try that and then go to 1645 if you are still plateauing...

    ... then her TDEE is 2351. She should not be eating 1480 calories and not eating exercise calories back. A 30% cut from TDEE isn't reasonable to begin with and 1480 is well below a 30% cut.

    She should cut 20% from TDEE and eat that without adding exercise calories = 1881 calories daily... or,
    If she eats 1480 plus exercise calories (let's assume 400-500/day) she's still in the 1880-1980 calories daily range.

    This should allow for healthy weight loss with a caloric deficit of 400-500 calories/day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thank you. I have had thyroid checked several times. I do have a Dr.`s appt next week so Im gona push for blood work. I changed my goal & calorie intake went up to 1480. I will try this. Thanks for your help!

    So your MFP goal is now 1480... you're supposed to add your exercise calories and eat them too. Try it.

    No, please do not eat exercise calories back. your exercise level is included in the TDEE calculation of "moderately active" which assumes you work out 4 to 5 days a week...

    When I recommended she eat her exercise calories back it was because she said she reset her goal (I assumed MFP goal) and it gave her 1480. If she is, indeed, using the TDEE method and the info posted above is correct...
    based on your height, weight,age, and an activity level of "moderately active" = 3-5 days activity level which puts your TDEE at 2351 cals a day so 30% deficit = 705 calorie deficit = 1645 calls a day. You could try this for four to six weeks and see how it goes..or bump up to 1450 and try that and then go to 1645 if you are still plateauing...

    ... then her TDEE is 2351. She should not be eating 1480 calories and not eating exercise calories back. A 30% cut from TDEE isn't reasonable to begin with and 1480 is well below a 30% cut.

    She should cut 20% from TDEE and eat that without adding exercise calories = 1881 calories daily... or,
    If she eats 1480 plus exercise calories (let's assume 400-500/day) she's still in the 1880-1980 calories daily range.

    This should allow for healthy weight loss with a caloric deficit of 400-500 calories/day.

    I suggested that she start at 1480 and see how it goes. I never said that 1480 was a 30% cut.

    Also, on lyle mcdonalds site (www.bodyrecompisition.com) he says that a initial 30% cut for people who want to lose weight a little bit faster is reasonable and then as they meet goals they should re assess. That is where I came up with 30%. Even if you go by the roadmap that everyone likes to past, Dan says 20-25% is reasonable..so I am only going down another 5%.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I suggested that she start at 1480 and see how it goes. I never said that 1480 was a 30% cut.

    Also, on lyle mcdonalds site (www.bodyrecompisition.com) he says that a initial 30% cut for people who want to lose weight a little bit faster is reasonable and then as they meet goals they should re assess. That is where I came up with 30%. Even if you go by the roadmap that everyone likes to past, Dan says 20-25% is reasonable..so I am only going down another 5%.

    Yeah but based on the calculations quoted, a 30% cut is 1645... so 1480 is a 37% cut.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I suggested that she start at 1480 and see how it goes. I never said that 1480 was a 30% cut.

    Also, on lyle mcdonalds site (www.bodyrecompisition.com) he says that a initial 30% cut for people who want to lose weight a little bit faster is reasonable and then as they meet goals they should re assess. That is where I came up with 30%. Even if you go by the roadmap that everyone likes to past, Dan says 20-25% is reasonable..so I am only going down another 5%.

    Yeah but based on the calculations quoted, a 30% cut is 1645... so 1480 is a 37% cut.

    please tell me where I said that 1480 = 30% cut. I never said that, and you are totally misunderstanding what I said. I said that 1645 was a thirty percent cut. However, the OP was concerned with upping calories by 445 per day so my suggestion was to see if 1480 (approx half the 445) would help break her plateau, if it did not then she could move up to 1645 which is a 30% cut.
  • starvation mode is a load of **** (for most people)! i have asked my doctor about this and she told me i DON'T need to eat back my calories. read up on it. i was eating back my calories and not losing any weight. STOP eating back your calories! starvation mode occurs when you eat far too little calories (lets say 500) a day for an EXTENDED period of time. if you eat 1200-1500 calories a day and burn 400, you DON'T need to eat them back. that is NOT starving.


  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    So I should eat 1450 calories and then try 1645 if the 1450 does not work? right? Just making sure I understand.
    yes bump up to 1450 and try that and see how goes..if no success go to 1645....

    good luck...

    you also might want to incorporate weight training three days a week..just a suggestion.
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks for your help! I will try this!
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    starvation mode is a load of **** (for most people)! i have asked my doctor about this and she told me i DON'T need to eat back my calories. read up on it. i was eating back my calories and not losing any weight. STOP eating back your calories! starvation mode occurs when you eat far too little calories (lets say 500) a day for an EXTENDED period of time. if you eat 1200-1500 calories a day and burn 400, you DON'T need to eat them back. that is NOT starving.


  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    1200 sounds too low. I upped my intake to be able to eat more, feeling hungry is a sucky feeling lol. Food can help you lose weight. If you don't eat enough you aren't giving your body the proper nutrients it needs and I'm sure you need it being that you aren't so inactive.
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    My doctor always says if you are not hungry then dont eat. I will do whatever works but I have never been able to lose weight and eat over 1500 calories. For 3 days I have gone over the 1200 calories that was suggested by MFP...more like 1500 & over..well I weighed 4lbs more today!! Just not sure who & what is right at this point. All I know is this extra weight is miserable and my clothes dont fit!!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    My doctor always says if you are not hungry then dont eat. I will do whatever works but I have never been able to lose weight and eat over 1500 calories. For 3 days I have gone over the 1200 calories that was suggested by MFP...more like 1500 & over..well I weighed 4lbs more today!! Just not sure who & what is right at this point. All I know is this extra weight is miserable and my clothes dont fit!!

    I do the TDEE -20% and I am losing, which is 1822!!!! :smile:

    Are you drinking enough water?? Are measuring/weighing your food accurately??
  • My doctor always says if you are not hungry then dont eat. I will do whatever works but I have never been able to lose weight and eat over 1500 calories. For 3 days I have gone over the 1200 calories that was suggested by MFP...more like 1500 & over..well I weighed 4lbs more today!! Just not sure who & what is right at this point. All I know is this extra weight is miserable and my clothes dont fit!!

    It's not going to happen over night or over 2 nights. Give the new calories intake per day a try for couple of weeks and see where it takes you. I'm doing the same thing right now. If what I did doesn't help then I will play around with it after 2-3weeks until i find something that works for me. Not everyone can do the same thing and lose the weight. We all have to find whats going to work best for our bodies.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    You are not eating enough calories and your body goes into starvation and becomes more efficient with a smaller number of calories.



    No matter what you think about starvation mode, the roadmap link has great advice. It works, and puts you in control. Please check it out!
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    Yes I am drinking all water. About 88oz. today. Im adding up calories for everything I put in my mouth although homemade cooking is harder to know for sure the calories at times. I could be off some but not too much.
  • HomegirlDee
    HomegirlDee Posts: 18 Member
    well i asked my doctor about the HCG shots. I did try it before but I loss then gained it right back. You think 1200 calories is hard try, 500 calories a day with HCG, horrible. My doctor said that HCG dont work, the science behind it is stupid. You will lose weight because you are eating 500 calories not the shot. I say find you a vitamin that works for you and then take half of a caffeine pill. So far I have been up with a slight energy boost and hitting the blowflex. I have been able to move around, not to be so stationary. Right now I am taking green tea extract and 100 caffeine pill in the morning...so far so good
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    My doctor always says if you are not hungry then dont eat. I will do whatever works but I have never been able to lose weight and eat over 1500 calories. For 3 days I have gone over the 1200 calories that was suggested by MFP...more like 1500 & over..well I weighed 4lbs more today!! Just not sure who & what is right at this point. All I know is this extra weight is miserable and my clothes dont fit!!

    You're never going to get everyone to agree on this site - it never seems to happen, lol.

    My suggestion, for what its worth, is to just experiment with your calorie intake vs. burn - see what works for you. Then, when you hit a plateau, you'll have to adjust it again, most likely,

    I went 6 weeks without losing a pound - eating pretty sensibly, logging my calories and working out 4-5 times a week. Met with a personal trainer and he told me to try upping my calories to 1800-2000 per day, on average (assuming I don't change my gym routine.) I thought he was crazy. Two weeks later, I'm down 5 pounds.

    When/if that stops working, I'll try something else, lol.

    Good luck!
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Hey how are you, Im new to the site and I seen your question. Im not really looking to lose weight due to my wife being anorexic. She just wont eat so I decided to eat for her.
    Anyway, you really really need to try the HCG diet. Its the bomb, thats how my wife became a toothpick.
    HCG is the way to be take it from me you will see, you will become skinny minnie like my wifey

    Hope I helped answer your question or at least gave some good advice. Ask anyone on this site they will tell you the same...right my people?

    Dear Posters,

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that our users follow the calorie guidelines automatically assigned by our site, unless they are under the direct supervision of a doctor. We are currently reviewing the medical literature on the HCG/500 calorie diet and reserve the right to moderate against discussions of this diet at any time in the future.

    Thank you all for your concern. We're definitely looking closely at this issue

    MyFitnessPal Staff

    As much as I absolutely disagree with quick "fix" diets like the hCG diet, isn't this a doctor supervised weight loss program?
  • Mtleiker
    Mtleiker Posts: 160
    I had the same problem. My friends are losing so much so fast and I was losing nothing . I bought a 90 day workout program " tapout xt" it's pretty intense and I do it 6 days a week.a treadmill worked for my friends but I lose weight so slowly and difficultly that I needed something more intense. My metabolism is ridiculously slow and my bowel movements are about 4 days apart . So I started taking fiber pills and Metamucil . I increased my protein in shakes and homemade protein bars so my
    muscles wouldn't go through starvation mode with my substantially decreased calories.Other than counting calories I only eat nutritious food with the occasionally decent cheat. Eating out I always get the waitor to change things on my meals to make them healthy . Sometimes I wanna give up but I trust god will get me through and I watch motivational YouTube videos about women doing the same journey. I am in nursing school so it's tough to balance a lifestyle change . I lost 4 pounds this week and it's my first week. I never could do tht before. But I want this so badly. I hope this helped u.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm 5'7" and weigh 170 and I eat about 1800 calories a day and I'm losing about a pound a week.

    My only exercise is walking for an hour or so four or five days a week.

    You need to eat more and eat your exercise calories- try it, you'll be surprised!
  • jacdeltur
    jacdeltur Posts: 3 Member
    I struggled with the same thing for years. Watching every calorie I took in, not eating "junk" food, working out daily, etc. it wasn't until I saw a naturopath last summer that I have ever been able to lose any weight. She found that I had a low producing thyroid gland and that my adrenal glands were supressed. Taking natual supports and not really chaning anything else, have lost almost 15 punds easily.