
Just read a post where a member was being humble and putting down his own fitness achievements and it got me thinking about the element of competition on MFP....

I'm glad to say that the community is wonderful and there are some amazingly supportive and insightful people. We help each other along in our journeys and celebrate success rather than compete. Equally, the sharing of problems or frustrations helps as there is always someone at hand who has been through the very thing before and can help.


I reckon it's all of us against our 'old selves' - it's really 'You against you'. So if you are walking around 10lb lighter, are eating healthier, hit your 1st 5k run or have adopted a more positive outlook on life - then you are hitting a home run and beating the 'old you' hands down. Give yourself a virtual glass of champagne/beer (it's a bit early for drinking just now, even for Scotland :D.......)


  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    Well said and so True.!!!!:drinker:
  • Deweypc20
    Deweypc20 Posts: 68 Member
    Contests would be great, I am currently setting up a competition between friends.

    Being a guy, I am as competitive as they come, even if its for bragging rights!

    I think that would be a great motivator for people on this site, very much agreed.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I don't 'compete with anyone here (aside from myself) but I found a great thread for a lose 5lbs a month challenge which is nice to keep up with :)
  • jeffball
    jeffball Posts: 10
    A saying a co-worker always reminds our department of: "Everything in life is a competition."
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member

    Being a guy, I am as competitive as they come, even if its for bragging rights!

    I think I could give you a run for your money on the whole competitive thing...even if I am just a girl :bigsmile:

    Bring on the competition!!!! If you ain't first -- you're last :)
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Very true but I think that its human nature to compete. You always want to be on top :wink:
  • Deweypc20
    Deweypc20 Posts: 68 Member

    Being a guy, I am as competitive as they come, even if its for bragging rights!

    I think I could give you a run for your money on the whole competitive thing...even if I am just a girl :bigsmile:

    Bring on the competition!!!! If you ain't first -- you're last :)

    hehe I hope you didn't take that the wrong way...I meant sometimes guys are a little too competitive about stupid things (myself included)...fantasy sports come to mind (again something I do)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I use tickers as my competition. It is only against myself but I like to set goals that are not impossible but require a greater commitment than I had been before. I have done pounds lost, minutes excercised, and currently days excercised; specifically, 60 minutes for 6 days per week. If I do that then my ticker will be complete by my birthday! It is motivating to me to know that if I perform I can update my ticker and it is very gratifying to reach those goals.

  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    I find myself agreeing with you guys, we all hanker a little for competition - i'm glad the site is not really orientated that way or I would have given up in the first week. (Can you imagine there was a league table of BMI or weight loss haha!?!)

    Don't think things like the biggest loser ideas are great tho as they tend to encourage excessive behaviour as opposed to lifestyle changes that can be maintained. (In themsleves, they are good 'thinspiration' but i've learned so much more about maintenance, calories vs macro-nutrients and plateaus from the site than anywhere else. I also think that MFP would be good if there were more healthly comps like the 'Soda quitters'. '100 pushups' etc, as long as it fits with the ethos and doesnt turn it into the high school athletics championships :D Great for the guy that's arm curling 35 kg or the girl who can do a 17 min 5k but demoralising for the rest of us..

    I like the way we are definitely buddies far more than competitors, I just wanna go back in time and tell the old me "What took ya so long?". If you guys have any ideas for healthy challenges, count me in....
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Wow Kenny what a motivation you are. You're absolutely right on in saying that we are at war with ourselves. We can blame everything but when it comes down to it, it is our choice. We either choose to be unhealthy and overweight or we choose to stop overeating, get off the couch and move, move, move!!!!. Since I made the choice to become lighter and healthier, I definitely have a better disposition...about everything!
    Thanks for the're the best. :flowerforyou:
    I didn't know you were I want to hear you talk. LOL
    Think I'll go have a champagne/ is past noon afterall....:drinker:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I agree, I will raise my pretend glass also as I have come a long way from where I started. I am proud of myself
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member
    I like the way we are definitely buddies far more than competitors, I just wanna go back in time and tell the old me "What took ya so long?". If you guys have any ideas for healthy challenges, count me in....

    Hi Kenny,

    megamom has just started a Post Card Challenge ( where the person who loses the most weight in 2 weeks gets a post card from the sponsor of the challenge for that fortnight. The winner then becomes the next sponsor.

    There are 23 in this challenge so far and it's all to build up camaraderie with a friendly spirit - I just use it to keep me focused on the next 2kg! I've still got a long ways to go and so the shorter range gives me the focus I need to keep going - I figure I can't help "but" achieve my weight goal doing it this way - especially if I keep chipping off at it 2kg at a time in 2 week lots!

    Have an awesome day.

    Kind Regards,

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member

    Just read a post where a member was being humble and putting down his own fitness achievements and it got me thinking about the element of competition on MFP....

    I'm glad to say that the community is wonderful and there are some amazingly supportive and insightful people. We help each other along in our journeys and celebrate success rather than compete. Equally, the sharing of problems or frustrations helps as there is always someone at hand who has been through the very thing before and can help.


    I reckon it's all of us against our 'old selves' - it's really 'You against you'. So if you are walking around 10lb lighter, are eating healthier, hit your 1st 5k run or have adopted a more positive outlook on life - then you are hitting a home run and beating the 'old you' hands down. Give yourself a virtual glass of champagne/beer (it's a bit early for drinking just now, even for Scotland :D.......)

    Thanks for this post. :flowerforyou: I needed it today to keep my motivation going.
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